Sunday 26 May 2013

UPDATED! Who is the real 'CELAKA' ?

UPDATED with video.

Ex-Hindraf leader S.Jayatas who is currently PKR's political bureau member tried his old tricks at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters this morning. 

As usual the PKR lackey and a bunch of familiar crusaders of 'police brutality' appeared at the police station to lodge reports over the death of a suspected criminal while in detention. 

'Police brutality' and 'death in custody' have been the staple diet of the likes of PKR's N.Surendran (who was also there), Lateefa Koye and a few other Suaram activists but Jayatas certainly went a step further today to outshine the other PKR attention seekers.

Being new in PKR, maybe the disgruntled ex-Hindraf Jayathas was thinking out of the box by attempting to be a full blown actor, rather than pretending to be an activist.

The three 'scenes' below certainly qualifies Jayatas to be an actor, better than his PKR supremo Sivaji the Boss.

Scene 1 - Jayatas pushes himself against (runs into) a group of policemen on duty inside the Dang Wangi district police headquarters compound.
Scene 2 - The actor, as scripted in his head, drops himself on the tarmac while policemen watch his antics in disbelief.
Scene 3 - PKR vice president Surendren (in white) suddenly appears at the scene and Jayatas shouts 'celaka in Polis tolak'. 
p/s My simple advice to Jayatas - This 'dropping dead on the road' drama won't get you anywhere... try fasting till being hospitalized, you may end up as a Deputy Minister.

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  1. He's not even a good actor. Need to get more lessons from Anwar and Kit Siang

  2. I soccer you can get yellow card for diving. What about in politics?

  3. ni kalau main bola kat epl dah kena yellow card ni. diving. kelakar.......

  4. Ya betul belum sampai tahap watyamoorthy tapi boleh cuba lagi selagi najib berkuasa.

  5. A drama of bullshit, ha,ha,ha.

  6. Calon-calon pelakon terbaik adalah

    1. Tian Chua dalam drama Aksi Ditahan Polis

    2. Jayanthas dalam drama Melanggar Polis

    3. Anwar Ibrahim dalam drama Demo Black 505 Kalah pilihanraya


  7. Bukan yellow card....ini terus RED dan buang padang....

  8. Calm down you guys:
    Did you DID NOT see the l/kopral with the hand behind his back? Must have at least a meter long baseball bat or a thigh size policeman's night stick - called chota - behind his buttock. He..he..
    The policeman must've knocked the whole contaminated brain out of the poor actor's head! he..he. See no blood one on his head...wakaka, he..he..

    I Like to Lie.

  9. the force is strong in this one....

    our police force now are being handle by the jedi... be very afraid.. hahaha

  10. Anwar berlakon 'paku' China Doll. Dia salahkan polis sebab fitnah dia 'paku' betul-betul.

  11. A simple scenario.....Which should we "katok" first? This fellow or a snake? The old myth was clearly proven which of the two to be "katok" first eh?

  12. hahaha...anwar should start teaching acting class...the guy is cat can act better then

  13. aawwww..i miss my school days..selalu gaduh camni..tak kena pukul pun menangis report dkt pengawas

  14. On an unrelated note, how about starting a movement to rebrand the 'Red Bean Army' into 'Red Bean TROLLS'. Much more appropriate. Army has a sense of power and honor to it. Trolls describe them to the T.

  15. hahahaha. budget tak cukup nak buat drama. macam sial.

    heard that "ambik gambar ambik gambar" comment? celaka punya bohsia Cina.

  16. PKR budak zionist ini mahu tindas Polis di Raja Malaysia, ya kah?!

    paku kaki dia dan masuk belacan dalam hidungnya, baru tahu huh ....

  17. Wats d different compared to the newly minted deputy minister waytha? Self fasting also playacting what? This time pm najib took the bait...

  18. AUTA K**ING BETUL! Dia nak jadi Anwar ni?
