Thursday 2 April 2009


Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak will be (God Willing) sworn in as our 6th Prime Minister in less than 24 hours.

A huge majority of Malaysians, I strongly believe, are waiting for the historic moment while the disgruntled are still busy with their last ditch attempt to further tarnish the incoming Prime Minister’s image.

These irresponsible beings know for a fact that their ludicrous antics would come to an end once Najib takes control of the Government and the day to day running of the country.

They know, more specifically their main instigator Anwar Ibrahim and his band of goons in the like of Lim Kit Siang and Hadi Awang know pretty well that the Abdullah-era ‘circus’ would end by mid-day tomorrow.

The fear of having to face a hands-on leader who could not be fooled with their antics has driven Anwar and his goons up the wall, and their running dogs have been busy with some unscrupulous last minute conspiracies.

One of which is via the Short Messaging Service.

One too many SMSs have been making their rounds and this time these idiots have even dragged in the Yang DiPertuan Agong Sultan Mirzan into their cheap antics.

One SMS claimed that the YDP AGONG has rejected Najib as the next PM while another says the KING wants to appoint Abdullah as a Senior Minister.

BOTH ARE LIES and we all know that it is Anwar Ibrahim’s God-given gift, to HOODWINK THE RAKYAT without even an iota of guilt.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Najib will bring Barisan Back to its past glory....
