Thursday 26 February 2015

What do you think?

"In short, the Umno president cum BN chairman who is our clueless prime minister is an incipient train wreck waiting to be derailed. I do not see any signs that this man is capable of doing a course correction". - HELEN ANG in How many handbags does she need?

I can't disagree with Helen Ang. I know many of you out there, including those close enough for occasional golf rounds with the Prime Minister, would agree with me that Najib Razak's leadership is not what we expected from the man. Disappointment would be too mild a word to describe his incompetence.

How many Birkin handbags Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor needs is none of our concern. Really, its none of our business. She is not an elected representative of the people. She is just a simple housewife who enjoys everything luxurious provided for by her husband who happens to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The husband is also our Finance Minister.

Inheritance or not, Najib Razak and Rosmah Mansor are certainly rich. How rich they actually are is another matter. Rosmah's son Riza Aziz is certainly super rich. I'm not so sure about the wealth of Najib's own children. 

Ok, back to the issue at hand. Let go straight to the point.

What do you think of Najib Razak's leadership as the Prime Minister of Malaysia?

Nothing vicious. 

p/s We are not really keen to know about his role as a doting husband. That is his personal achievement. TQ 

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Tuesday 24 February 2015

Where did the 'inheritance' come from Mister Prime Minister?

Razak family concerned about inheritance talk, say siblings

The family of the late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein today dismissed talks of the extent of inheritance left by Malaysia's second prime minister, saying he was frugal and had integrity.
Their statement comes days after The New York Times quoted a statement from the Prime Minister's Office that Datuk Seri Najib Razak's wealth came from a family inheritance after reports that his stepson had bought opulent properties in New York city.
"We are extremely concerned that some recent news articles and postings have given rise to speculation as to the nature and extent of the inheritance that our late father, Tun Abdul Razak, had left behind, " the family said in a statement signed by four of Razak's five sons – Datuk Johari, Datuk Nizam, Datuk Nazim, and Datuk Seri Nazir.
"We wish to put on record that Tun Abdul Razak was a highly principled man, well-known to all who knew him for his frugality and utmost integrity and any statement or inference to the contrary would be totally false and misleading to his memory and to his service and sacrifices for the nation.

"We take issue with anyone who taints his memory, whatever the motive.

"We would also like to add that our whole family is united on this issue," they added in the three-paragraph statement sent to The Malaysian Insider tonight. – February 24, 2015.

What would Najib Razak, the eldest of the late Tun Razak's five sons, say now? 
Where did the so-called inheritance come from Mister Prime Minister?
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Pemilihan Umno 2016

Umno cukup matang untuk mengharungi pemilihan parti?
If change does not happen, we have to engineer the change. Justeru pada hemat saya, wajar untuk kita pertimbangkan pemilihan parti dilaksanakan mengikut kehendak Perlembagaan UMNO dan tidak ditangguhkan selepas pilihanraya umum seperti yang pernah dibuat sebelum ini. Saya juga mencadangkan pindaan Perlembagaan UMNO diadakan tahun hadapan dengan memperuntukkan pindaan yang sesuai untuk membolehkan barisan pelapis muda menyumbang peranan dan khidmat bakti yang lebih besar kepada UMNO. Saya percaya UMNO tidak akan berpecah sekiranya pemilihan diadakan. - Timbalan Presiden Umno Tan Sri Haji Muhyiddin Yassin 

Mengikut perlembagaan Umno, dan jika perlembagaan itu tidak 'di-usik', proses pemilihan dalam parti harus dilaksanakan pada tahun hadapan - 2016. 

Harapan semakin tinggi agar suara hati Timbalan Presiden yang dizahirkan dalam ucapan perasmian sayap Umno- ketika perhimpunan agong 2014 - masih kekal jitu melambangkan pendirian. 

Jangan pula ada usaha untuk memburukan Timbalan Presiden atau pemimpin tertinggi Umno yang lain hanya kerana mereka bersependapat berkenaan perubahan dalam Umno.

Jangan pula gunakan media soSial serta media arus perdana dibawah telunjuk para punahsihat untuk mencaci cerca dan menghamburkan fitnah atau merekacipta video lucah. 

Jangan pula gunakan pemimpin PKR yang disogok atau NGO murahan yang diupah untuk mencatur kelangsungan politik peribadi. Itu permainan jijik yang akan memakan diri. 

Ramai yang berharap agar Muhyiddin sendiri berdiri teguh walau didesak, mahupun diugut. Tidak goyah, gusar, gundah gulana atau terfikir untuk membuat pusingan U. 

Disertakan sebahagian lagi potongan kata-kata Timbalan Presiden Umno yang mendapat sokongan padu ketika perhimpunan agong beberapa bulan yang lalu dipenghujung tahun 2014.
Saya percaya UMNO tidak akan berpecah sekiranya pemilihan diadakan - Muhyiddin Yassin PAU 2014

"36.Dalam rangka menyediakan ucapan saya pada malam ini, saya mendapatkan pandangan pemuda dan pemudi Melayu mengenai UMNO. Mereka terdiri daripada graduan muda, golongan profesional, aktivis masyarakat, usahawan dan ahli akademik. Bagi saya, pandangan orang muda terhadap UMNO adalah penting dalam menentukan survival UMNO. Orang muda merupakan pewaris perjuangan parti kita, dan pandangan mereka tentang UMNO akan menentukan jatuh bangunnya UMNO pada masa hadapan. 

37. Saya bertanya kepada mereka apa persepsi mereka terhadap UMNO? Apa aspirasi mereka? Apa harapan mereka? Apa kebimbangan mereka? Apa perkara penting yang hendak disampaikan kepada UMNO? Saya minta supaya mereka bercakap secara jujur, ikhlas dan terbuka. Saya ingin tahu apa yang perlu UMNO lakukan supaya anak-anak muda di luar sana ghairah untuk berada bersama-sama kita dalam saf perjuangan UMNO. 

38. Izinkan saya berkongsi pandangan mereka dengan saudara dan saudari pada malam ini. Pertama, mereka kata UMNO sedang mengalami trust deficit atau defisit kepercayaan; kedua, UMNO ini parti feudal; ketiga, dalam UMNO ada budaya play safe dan budaya pak turut; keempat, UMNO dikuasai oleh warlord; dan kelima, UMNO diancam oleh budaya ugut dan budaya tabur. Ini kata mereka.

39. Mereka menjelaskan satu persatu kepada saya apa yang mereka maksudkan dengan kelima-lima perkara ini. Mengenai defisit kepercayaan, mereka beritahu saya mereka sebenarnya sokong perjuangan UMNO. Mereka sayang kepada UMNO. Bagi mereka tidak ada parti lain yang boleh diharapkan untuk mempertahankan agama, bangsa dan tanah air melainkan UMNO. Cumanya, mereka ingin melihat pemimpin UMNO di setiap peringkat lebih berintegriti, lebih amanah, lebih jujur, lebih telus, tidak terpalit dengan gejala rasuah, tidak menonjolkan kemewahan yang berlebihan, tidak bergaduh sesama sendiri dan sebagainya. Jika ini boleh dilakukan, maka orang muda akan percaya semula kepada UMNO. 

40. Mereka juga tidak mahu UMNO terlalu terikat dengan hirerki hingga mewujudkan gambaran parti kita menjadi parti feudal sehingga orang bawah tidak boleh bersuara selagi orang atas tidak bersuara. Sehinggakan hendak beri pandangan pun kena tengok apa orang atas kata. Kalau orang atas kata A, maka yang di bawah mesti kata A. Kalau orang atas kata B, yang di bawah pun mesti kata B. 

41. Menurut mereka lagi, orang muda dalam UMNO mempunyai idea-idea yang bernas tetapi merasakan lebih baik diam daripada bercanggah pandangan dengan orang atas. Ada yang kata kalau bercakap lebih sedikit nanti dianggap hendak memandai. Ada pula yang beri nasihat orang muda mesti berhati-hati dalam politik. Jangan terlalu menonjol. Jangan terlalu laju. Nanti kena sekat, nanti kena cantas, kena kerat, kena sabo, kena cah keting, kena terajang dan lain-lain lagi. Jadi, lama-kelamaan mereka fikir lebih baik diam daripada bercakap, atau lebih selamat jadi pak turut saja. Seolahnya ada satu budaya play safe, atau budaya pilih jalan selamat dalam UMNO.

42. Akibatnya, dalam UMNO, lebih ramai orang memilih untuk berdiam diri daripada bercakap. Ini mewujudkan persepsi bahawa parti kita sedang dilanda budaya kelesuan. Akhirnya, orang Melayu dan rakyat tertanya-tanya di mana suara keramat UMNO? Di mana taring Pemuda? Di mana ketegasan Wanita? Di mana kelantangan Puteri? Kesannya, kita seolahnya ketandusan pemimpin untuk menjuarai kepentingan orang Melayu. Sehinggakan timbul cakap-cakap di luar sana yang mengatakan NGO Melayu lebih lantang daripada UMNO dalam memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan Melayu. 

43. Bagi saya, kita perlu membuktikan bahawa UMNO bukannya sebuah parti yang lesu. UMNO bukannya parti yang mempunyai budaya pak turut, budaya nyanyi, budaya puji, budaya lambung, budaya ampu sana ampu sini. UMNO adalah parti yang berwibawa, parti yang ada idealisme, parti yang ada masa depan, parti pilihan anak-anak muda. Ingatlah, orang muda hari ini tidak suka jadi pak turut. Mereka naik geli dengan budaya ampu. Mereka benci budaya sabo. Mereka tolak budaya cah keting. Jika kita boleh buang semua budaya negatif ini jauh-jauh, saya yakin UMNO akan menjadi parti pilihan orang muda. 

44. Satu lagi ialah budaya warlord. Ramai yang beritahu saya dalam UMNO ada banyak warlord. Mereka ini amat berkuasa kerana mempunyai ramai pengikut setia yang sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk mereka. Dengan sokongan pengikut, warlord akan mengugut pemimpin atasan parti untuk berikan apa sahaja yang mereka minta. Jika tak diberi, mereka akan sabo parti dalam pilihan raya. 

45. Kita perlu buktikan bahawa warlord bukan sebahagian daripada budaya UMNO. Kita menolak sikap sekalangan yang cuba untuk kekal berkuasa dengan menabur kemewahan kepada pengikut. Sehinggakan ada yang kata tak payah buat kerja dalam UMNO. Yang perlu dibuat ialah kumpul kekayaan untuk tabur kemewahan kepada pengikut supaya mereka sentiasa setia. Keadaan ini menyebabkan kos politik menjadi semakin mahal. Yang tiada wang tidak boleh masuk politik. Walaupun ada bakat, ada kelulusan, ada kebolehan, mereka tak mampu untuk bergerak aktif dalam parti jika tiada wang. Saya bimbang, akhirnya nanti yang naik dalam hirerki parti adalah orang yang ada wang, bukan orang yang ada kebolehan. Orang kata money is everything in politics. No money, no talk. Seolahnya, wang adalah kuasa, wang adalah segala-galanya.

46. Saya kadang kala terfikir adakah sudah tidak ada keikhlasan dan kejujuran dalam perjuangan? Adakah sudah tidak ada nilai pengorbanan dalam politik? Adakah pengikut menilai pemimpin semata-mata berdasarkan kemampuan mereka untuk tabur kemewahan? Adakah pemimpin mengukur kesetiaan pengikut berdasarkan harga yang mereka bayar? Bagi saya, budaya ugut dan tabur ini amat bahaya kepada parti kita. Budaya ini akan menyebabkan politik wang berleluasa di dalam parti. Pengikut yang terima wang akan suka. Mereka puji pemimpin yang boleh beri sesuatu kepada mereka. Tetapi jangan kita lupa. Rakyat di luar sana tak suka politik wang. Mereka curiga bila lihat orang politik hidup mewah. Tak setimpal dengan pendapatan. Apatah lagi jika ada yang suka menunjuk-nunjuk kemewahan. Rakyat akan mula menuduh bermacam perkara yang tidak baik terhadap parti kita. Inilah punca masalah trust deficit atau defisit kepercayaan terhadap UMNO. Jadi, ingatlah. Apa guna kita naik dalam hirerki parti, tetapi rakyat menolak parti kita kerana mereka tidak suka dengan imej dan sikap kita. 

47. Apa yang saya sebutkan ini adalah persepsi dan kritikan orang muda terhadap UMNO. Barangkali ada yang betul, ada juga yang kurang tepat. Tetapi mengambil yang baik daripada kritikan ini adalah lebih afdal. Ini membuktikan bahawa UMNO adalah parti yang terbuka dan kita sentiasa bermuhasabah. Sepertimana firman Allah s.w.t. dalam Surah Al-Zumar Ayat 18:

ٱلَّذِينَ يَسۡتَمِعُونَ ٱلۡقَوۡلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحۡسَنَهُ ۥۤ‌ۚ أُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ ٱلَّذِينَ هَدَٮٰهُمُ ٱللَّهُ‌ۖ وَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمۡ أُوْلُواْ ٱلۡأَلۡبَـٰبِ

Yang bermaksud:

Yang berusaha mendengar perkataan-perkataan yang sampai kepadanya lalu mereka memilih dan menurut akan yang sebaik-baiknya (pada segi hukum agama); mereka itulah orang-orang yang diberi hidayat petunjuk oleh Allah dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang berakal sempurna.

Apakah Umno akan 'dihijack' dan diperalat untuk kelangsungan kuasa individu tertentu serta keluarga mereka atau mungkinkah usaha transformasi Najib yang turut disokong dan didokong oleh Muhyiddin akan berhasil. 

Katanya sebahagian besar Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno bersetuju agar perlembagaan Umno dipatuhi tanpa apa-apa usaha luar kerangka untuk menangguh proses pemilihan pada tahun hadapan - 2016.  

Apakah ada pemimpin Umno yang cuba menggagalkan usaha Transformasi yang dipikul Najib Razak ini?

Kita tunggu dan lihat... jika ada cahaya dihujung terowong untuk Umno.

*Ucapan penuh disini

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Sunday 22 February 2015

Malaysia prays for a leader

Singapore's founding leader Lee Kuan Yew, credited with transforming the city-state to one of Asia's wealthiest economies, is in hospital breathing with the help of a machine but in stable condition, the government said Saturday.
A statement from the Prime Minister's Office said the 91-year-old was admitted to Singapore General Hospital on February 5 to be treated for severe pneumonia.
"His condition has stabilised and he remains on mechanical ventilation in the ICU (intensive care unit)," the statement said, using a term to refer to machine-assisted breathing.
"He is conscious and lightly sedated," it added.
"His doctors are continuing to monitor his condition."
Lee, the father of current prime minister Lee Hsien Loong, is widely credited with transforming Singapore from an economic backwater to a rich economy in just over three decades.
He served as prime minister from 1959, when Singapore gained self-rule from colonial ruler Britain, until he stepped down in 1990 in favour of his deputy Goh Chok Tong, who in turn handed power to Lee Hsien Loong in 2004.

We shall hope and pray for Singapore's statesman Lee Kuan Yew. God willing, the 91 year-old enjoys a quick recovery and continues to be blessed with good health. 

Despite some political differences, we must admit that LKY is a no nonsense leader, a fighter, who basically dragged his people forward to what they are today. 

Flaws aplenty but Singapore treats him like a King till this day. 

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Monday 16 February 2015

Absolutely powerful Umno-Pas talks

An Umno – Pas unity talk could dominate national political debate soon. All arrows are pointing towards embattled Pas President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and his Umno counterpart Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Something seems to be brewing.

The recent passing of Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz is widely speculated to have expedited ongoing talks between leaders from both sides. It’s unclear how this marriage of convenience is being proposed.

A bigger mess looms in Barisan Nasional for none of the other component members seems to be in the know of this latest ‘unity’ stunt. Pakatan Rakyat on the other hand have no choice but to admit the leftovers who are against any such cooperation with Umno or BN.

Pakatan Rakyat’s internal spat has worsened since the infamous Kajang Move and the subsequent Selangor Mentri Besar saga. With Anwar Ibrahim lurking in Sungai Buloh and an Azmin-Wan Azizah power struggle looming in the horizon, PKR could better concentrate on their survival. Pas leaving the Pakatan pact would no longer raise too many eyebrows. DAP has been standing on its own. 

In Umno the president is so strong that we may not see even a single Umno branch or division, let alone state, leadership standing up to voice the views of the grassroots. It’s a one-way street.

Whether we like it or not, Najib is one of the strongest president Umno has had in terms of total subservience of the Umno leadership structure. It would not be far fetched to say that Najib’s position as Umno president is unassailable.

The deputy president and three vice-presidents appear ‘not ready’ for greater responsibility, or at least that is how they have been portrayed either intentionally or otherwise.

With absolute power Najib and by extension those close to him are allowed to do whatever they want. A unity talk without prior consultation or deliberations within BN could be the least of Najib’s worries at this moment. In fact such a merger with Pas could be used to help boost Najib’s waning popularity, atlas among the divided Malays.

Unity is good but trust is paramount. Would an open pact between Umno and Pas lead towards betterment of the community and society at large or would it wedge a greater divide between the races? 

What could be the reaction of the dozen other members of BN who represent almost all the other races and ethnic groups in the country? Najib may not care because even his position as the BN chairman appears unassailable. (Najib is even personally micro-managing the power struggle in MIC at the moment)

Hypothetically could a Umno-Pas pact, if it materialises, not trigger similar political pacts between MCA, Gerakan, DAP, SUPP, UPP, SAPP and other Chinese dominated political parties? Who would call whom a traitor then?

It's a precarious situation. If not handled carefully, a move in the wrong direction could possibility mark the beginning of BN's end. 

With absolute power, political expediency could override norms and convention. Whether such an expediency is sustainable is another matter altogether.  

Mystery and mysterious wheelings and dealings have become daily diet in our political scene nowadays. Let’s just wait till the clouds clear. A new political equation could very well be in the making.    

p/s Don't worry. Whatever happens, Najib Razak will remain as Umno president, BN chairman and Prime Minister as nobody has been allowed to appear good enough to replace him at the moment. Thats the picture. 

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Monday 9 February 2015

Malaysia needs a new leader

1. I was born some 58 years ago.

2. I have seen PM comes, PM goes.

3. All PMs were inperfect albeit certain degree of difference

4. However, the 1st to 4th PM admittedly lived up to their standing as Presidents of Umno and Perikatan/BN, leaders of the muslim malays and harmonious malaysians

5. When 5th PM took office, whilst maintaining the momentum be it policy or approach, he saw no rush in executing the established agenda. Instead, he expounded his hadharical approach, put his administration in auto mode, and fell into deep slumber without much problem. This has resulted in him given rude awakening only to find himself being shown the exit door.

6. All hopes were pinned onto 6th PM. With much regret, instead of making corrections on the wrong tracks left behind by 5th PM, he compounded the mistakes by abolishing ISA and since then irresponsible rakyat came out with insults to the malays and the muslims, unprecedented before this.

7. Not only ISA was abolished, he even promised to repeal the Sedition Act only to be met with strong resistence and polemic ensued by umno veterans, ex chief judge, ex kpn and the likes. Feeling the heat, he decided to withdraw but the critics are still cynical as whether he might took it up again when the best opportunity arises in the near future.

8. Still being critically examined and spoken are the 1MDB and BRIM payout issues. Whilst najib and his men's response on 1MDB is still hazy with unanswered questions, the BRIM payouts are carried without any feeling of guilt and responsibility albeit use of tax payers money and in the light of
decline in revenue due to lower crude price.

In short, i would still agree that najib is no better if not worse than paklah. - Anonymous
The above is the latest (unedited) comment on my Jan 8, 2014 posting - Najib worse than Pak Lah?

Do read the more-than-a-year-old posting for a better understanding of the issue at hand. I read it again following an email alert of the above comment. 

Lately a few concerned friends have been warning and advising me against presenting unvarnished comments against the leadership of Prime Minister Najib Razak. 

A close acquaintance of the man, a businessman, said 'you're just lucky that the ISA has been abolished' while another retired media personality told me with his eyes wide open at a tea-stall that 'the boss said you're vicious and he is very angry at you'.

Don't know whether to feel honoured or to go into hiding due to such messages and other hidden threats that comes in many forms and phrases. I believe the truth must be told, especially when its in the best interest of my country.

Just look at the unfolding 1MDB scandal. It has now been proven beyond any doubt that 1MDB is in trouble. Our nation could slide into serious financial trouble due to this scandal.

Well, let the unfolding saga of the debt ridden fund tell the hidden tales and expose those criminals whom, I strongly believe, have siphoned billions of ringgit out for them.  

More than a year ago I still harboured hopes that the Prime Minister would take note of the criticisms and mend his ways. That hope has now faded away, completely. It has been six years or so since Najib took office as the 6th PM of Malaysia.

Najib appears worse than any other Prime Minister this blessed nation has had. If Najib is allowed to remain in the PM's seat and nothing is done about the deteriorating state of race relations, religious extremism and abuse of power, this nation will go down the drain in less than a decade. 

This may sound vicious to some or bitter to others but Najib Razak is simply no longer fit to be Prime Minister of Malaysia. Najib Razak has lost the plot and he appears increasingly oblivious to the happenings in our society. 

With the 1MDB scandal hanging like the proverbial sword of Damocles over his head plus the sudden resurrection of the ghost of Altantuya. 

With an exUTK policeman's son threatening to 'reveal all that would bring down the Malaysian Government' from Australia while his father continues to give statements to Australian intelligence agencies in detention. 

With the PM increasingly appearing like a Western apologist who is more concerned about scandalous rating agencies than hard truths on the ground.

When certain personal extravagances appear worse than the Wolf of Wall Street storyline, something is certainly wrong. It cannot be accepted when the abuse is carried out with absolute impunity. 

This country and the ruling government led by Barisan Nasional have never circled around one individual and his/her family. As an individual Najib Razak cannot be more important than this country and her people. 

Those in Umno who are still able to use their grey matter must repent and realign their loyalty to this blessed nation and not blindly support someone who appears lost in his own web. Bertaubat dan kembalilah ke pangkal jalan sebelum kita kehilangan segalanya.

Menyerang mereka yang mengkritik dan percubaan memperbodohkan rakyat dengan menyalahgunakan media arus perdana tidak mungkin dapat bertahan lama. Rakyat lebih bijak sekarang. Jika tak percaya sila teruskan strategi serangan berasaskan pembohongan dan kita akan sama-sama lihat kesudahannya.

Pemimpin Umno, bermula dari tahap tertinggi hingga ke Ketua Bahagian dan barisan pelapis harus berhenti sejenak berfikir tentang kemelut dan krisis dalaman masakini. Apakah punca segalanya?

Apakah Umno dan BN akan terkubur jika Najib Razak ditamatkan perkhidmatan sebagai presiden dan pengerusi atau apakah situasi sebenar adalah sebaliknya? 

Walaupun tangan mungkin telah menerima dan terus menerima habuan yang dihulur hati jangan dibiarkan buta. Jika hati dibiarkan buta, Umno dan BN tidak akan selamat. 

We can't afford to have a leader who COULD possibly be threatened or held at ransom for any given reason or reasons. (This is not an accusation, merely stating observation partly based on widespread perception)

Malaysia needs a leader who should be more focused in serving us and leading this nation to greater heights. We used to be more united and flew high on the global scene. Now we appear to be often floated for the wrong reasons.

Abolishing the ISA is one big blunder for which we are paying for very dearly now. Lack of leadership is simply compounding the problem while increasing the price we pay.

Extremists who dared not lift their heads since Malaya came into being in1957, and even during the aftermath of those dark days in 1969, are now poisoning the society from every possible angle. Why is it that they only come into being in recent years? 

Lack of a strong, sensible leadership appears like the root cause of this malaise. Engineered NGOs and parrots cannot possibly convince the people or hold you up if there is no substance. 
Remember, those 'below the surface' operatives would only remain relevant as long as you're in one problem or another. When you're constantly in trouble their 'direct-nego' deals would constantly expand in value. Living in denial is an early sign of lunacy.

This failure of not feeling or living in denial of the pulse could kill BN. Some have started believing that only a defeat in the next elections and only by losing the Federal Government to the Opposition would Umno and BN come to their senses. It is the injury the nation and society could suffer before the defeat that is worrying. 

There would be no use of a new Opposition-led government if our daily staple continues to be racial and religious loaded politics of hatred. We cannot possibly head anywhere but down if we are constantly at each others throats. Even an Opposition-led government can't move ahead if, by then, we are a bankrupt nation with debts running into hundreds of billions. 1MDB itself has for now accumulated debts of about 40billion, if not more.

The nation can't afford to be held back by a leader who is busy clearing his own personal mess while we slide towards the dungeon. 

Malaysia needs a new leader and in my opinion Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is more than qualified to shoulder this responsibility. 

I hope Muhyiddin the Deputy Prime Minister loves this nation, her people and the future generation enough to step up to the plate. 

p/s This is my view and there is nothing vicious about telling or writing about what I feel is the current state of affairs in my country. 
Dear Prime Minister, I'm truly sorry if this posting of mine offends you in any way or appears vicious. I'm just stating my opinion based on prolonged observation as a journalist with considerable exposure to current affairs and latest developments. I did the same during the final lap of the previous PM's tenure before you took the seat from him. I criticised Pak Lah and agreed that he should be replaced because of his lack of competence and the infamous Fourth Floor plus the abuses that came with them. We harboured high hopes on the new PM but you should know better of your own performance and failures by now. You should know better that there cannot be two sets of rules, one for Pak Lah and another for you. My advice - Don't overstay your welcome. Nothing personal and certainly not meant to appear vicious. Nothing but in the best interest of our beloved nation Malaysia and her colorful people. 

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The Malaysian Dilemma

9am Thursday Feb 12, 2015 - Join the conversation with Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on "The Malaysian Dilemma"

Go to Dr M for details. 

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Thursday 5 February 2015

1MDB Tong-Taek battle

First came this EXPOSE after a certain Malaysian mainstream media and several writers went on overdrive to turn Tong upside-down and blame him for the falling Ringgit. 

Even Prime Minister Najib Razak took time to comment on unfounded/not verified allegations of anonymous blogs against Tong.- An utterly ill-advised, premature act of a Prime Minister who is also Finance Minister.

Then came the denial (scroll down) from Mr Taek, a man who is closely linked to the powers that be and their baby 1MDB.

EXPOSED! Pro-Jho Low blogger behind attacks on Dr M, Nazir and Edge owner Tong

BY THE EDGE MALAYSIA Published: 3 February 2015 6:30 PM

A Google cache snapshot of '' as appeared on January 16, 2015, vilifying former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and sons Mokhzani, Mukhriz and Mirzan. – February 3, 2015.

The anonymous blogger of behind the baseless attacks on Tong Kooi Ong and The Edge Media Group is also behind similar vicious onslaughts on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Nazir Razak, while running other blogs which published complimentary articles on businessman Jho Low, investigations showed.
One common thread behind the attacks appears to be the fact that The Edge has been publishing exposes about state investment vehicle 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB), while former prime minister Dr Mahathir has been openly critical of it, even saying it was unnecessary and should be shut.

Nazir, who is chairman of CIMB Group, has in private conversations expressed concerns that the massive RM48 billion debts of 1MDB is posing a big risk to the economy and banking system should it fail. In an interview with The Star in December, 2013, Nazir also said he was worried about how 1MDB will be able to develop the Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) given the glut in office space.

The blogger did not just attack Dr Mahathir, but also his sons – businessmen Tan Sri Mokhzani and Datuk Mirzan, and Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz. The blogger also attacked former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin, who voiced reservations about 1MDB.

In the case of Nazir, his wife and children were also the subject of slander.

A Google cache snapshot of as appeared on January 16, 2015, targeting former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin. – February 3, 2015.

On the other hand, the Penang born 30-something Low Taek Jho, also known as Jho Low, was involved in the setting up of the Terengganu Investment Authority (the precursor to 1MDB).

He is said to still wield considerable influence at 1MDB because of his close relationship with the Abu Dhabi parties which have multi-billion ringgit dealings with the controversial debt-laden company owned by the Ministry of Finance.

Low, often seen at big spending parties with Hollywood celebrities like Paris Hilton and Leonardo Di Caprio, has business dealings with 1MDB, including a failed £1 billion (RM5.6 billion) bid for the UK hotel group Coroin Ltd in 2011. 1MDB had provided a letter of support for Low’s Wynton Group to buy Coroin, which owns several hotels including Claridge's.

Low made the bid together with his friend Sheikh Mansour Zayed of Abu Dhabi, who is also the owner of English Premier League club Manchester City. But they failed as some of Coroin’s shareholders did not think their proposed high debt leverage deal (which is also typical of 1MDB deals) could work.

A Google cache snapshot of as appeared on January 16, 2015. – February 3, 2015.

But Low and Sheikh Mansour, who bought small stakes in Coroin before attempting to buy everything, are believed to have walked away with a tidy profit after they sold their stakes to the eventual buyer.

1MDB has never explained why it provided the letter of support, which surfaced during a court case in London involving squabbling Coroin shareholders, to help Low.

The Edge Media Group in the past year published several exposes about the affairs of 1MDB, including 1MDB’s support for Low to buy Coroin and a RM1.38 billion land purchase in Penang, a week before the 2013 general election, from businessmen close to Low and his father Tan Sri Larry Low Hock Peng.

The Edge reported that 1MDB had overpaid for the parcels of land which have a number of encumbrances and that it will lose a lot of money to build 9,999 affordable homes, because of the high land cost and cost to evict a few thousand homes that have been there since the 1950s.

The anonymous blogger used the public display and user name "ahrily90" and he wrote at the following blogs since mid-2014:

These two blogs have attacked Mahathir since July last year.

"ahrily90" also wrote on two blogs which targeted Nazir:

A snapshot of on January 30, 2015. – February 3, 2015.

A snapshot of as appeared on January 30, 2015. – February 3, 2015.

The same blogger also wrote on three blogs which praised 1MDB and Jho Low:

Various articles were written which described him as global investor and philanthropist through his Hong Kong firm Jynwel Capital Limited. His philanthropic efforts were said to include US$20 million to save wild cats and US$50 million to a university cancer research centre.

Several articles touched on his many successful deals, including helping Kuwait Finance House to buy the Oval luxury apartment in Kuala Lumpur, which it then sold for a US$20 million profit. He was also reported to have bought the L'Ermitage Beverly Hills hotel and last year made a bid to buy sports brand Reebok for US$2.2 billion.

One article was headlined "Jynwel Capital: Rooted in the Past, Invested in the Future" while another read "Entrepreneur and Philanthropist's Generosity Inspires at Children's Ball". and were taken down last week but what "ahrily90" wrote can be seen in the Google cache of these blogs.

"ahrily90" has changed his WordPress public display name and user names for the various blogs last week to "julijulipeh", "Pen Jingga", "saberarturia18", and "rahmanirwan74".

"ahrily90" has also contributed articles at This blog too has been deleted by its authors.

A snapshot of the results of a Google search of the keywords ‘lowtaekjho’ and ‘WordPress’ today. – February 3, 2015.

The person behind all these blogs has realised he has been discovered and is now trying to cover his tracks by repeatedly changing his public display and user names.

He is also trying to decouple the various blogs.

But anyone who searches for "ahrily90" on Google will be able to find evidence that links them all together and points to him as the person behind the attacks on Dr Mahathir and Nazir since mid-2014, and most recently Tong and The Edge Media Group and The Malaysian Insider.

And it all has to do with criticism of 1MDB.

So who is paying him to do it? – February 3, 2015.

A snapshot of as appeared on January 29, 2015. – February 3, 2015.- See more at:

Then came this DENIAL from Mr Taek

Jho Low denies links with blogger attacking Dr M, Nazir and Tong

Published: 4 February 2015 8:59 AM
The Malaysian Insider expose yesterday linking businessman Low Taek Jho to an anonymous blogger attacking Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Datuk Seri Nazir Razak and The Edge publisher Datuk Tong Kooi Ong. – February 4, 2015.

Businessman Low Taek Jho has denied being part of attacks by an anonymous blogger against Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Datuk Seri Nazir Razak and The Edge publisher Datuk Tong Kooi Ong, saying he respected the trio for their professional achievements.

A spokesman for the businessman also known as Jho Low said he has asked his lawyers to look into The Malaysian Insider's expose about a blogger registered as ahrily90 who had blogs praising him and 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) projects while criticising the retired prime minister, banker Nazir and Tong, who owns The Edge Media Group.

"This article wrongly suggests that Mr Low was somehow involved in the press attacks by an anonymous blogger on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Datuk Seri Nazir Razak, and Datuk Dr Tong Kooi Ong.

"This is preposterous and completely false," the spokesman said in a statement sent to The Malaysian Insider, referring to the article headlined "EXPOSED! Pro-Jho Low blogger behind attacks on Dr M, Nazir and Edge owner Tong".

"Mr Low respects these individuals for their professional achievements.

"Given the false and improper innuendos made against Mr Low in this report, this matter has been referred to his lawyers," the spokesman added.

The Edge Malaysia reported that the blogger of behind the baseless attacks on Tong and The Edge Media Group was also behind similar vicious onslaughts on Dr Mahathir and Nazir, while running other blogs which published complimentary articles on Jho Low.

One common thread behind the attacks appeared to be the fact that The Edge had been publishing exposes about state investment vehicle 1MDB, while Dr Mahathir had been openly critical of it, even saying it was unnecessary and should be shut.

The anonymous blogger used the public display and user name "ahrily90" and he wrote at the following blogs since mid-2014: and that have attacked Dr Mahathir since last July.

"ahrily90" also wrote on two blogs which targeted Nazir: and

The same blogger also wrote on three blogs which praised 1MDB and Jho Low:, and – February 4, 2015. - ENDS

The time has come for the Finance Minister to open 1MDB's books for scrutiny .There is no other option but to come clean IF you are indeed clean. 

Almost every other conversation in the last one week or so have been centered around this latest development in the unfolding twists and turns brought about by the now scandalous Malaysian WEALTH fund -1MDB. 

Another police report has been lodged against the newly minted 1MDB CEO while the previous CEO who quit abruptly has been completely silent. At the background, an amateurish attack was launched against The Edge's owner Tong Kooi Ong. Tong, an old hand at many things in Malaysia and a veteran of the 'world of Malaysian finance/bank/sharemarket' was being portrayed as a Soros-like rouge. Some accused him for being the cause for the depreciating Ringgit. 
From the start the attacks which came via the Media Prima stable appeared to be insulting the intelligence of Malaysians. Not only that those commenting on TV3 and the newspapers lacked credibility but the issue itself appeared nothing but a cheap attempt to find a scapegoat. The whole issue spun by Media Prima was based on the writings of an anonymous blogger who is believed to be on the run now.  How's that for professionalism. The fact that Najib was asked to comment on such unfounded allegations while Bank Negara was silent all along is testimony to the level of professionalism.
I dont think the Prime Minister is stupid. I don't know what to think. 
While the Media Prima stable continues to run in circles drawn by the boss' operative, Tong has gone straight to the root cause of the stupid charade.
Tong has pointed direct at a pro-Jho Low Taek blogger who seems agitated that 1MDB is being scrutinised. Tong has also unearthed the same bloggers attacks against all others who questioned the scandalous fund. 
Tong, as veterans in the industry tell me, is not a rookie. A banker says 'The aggressive Taek is not as aggressive as Tong of the 80s. He was a brash, smart and well connected young man. So Jho Low Taek better be careful with who he messes with. Tong knows the 1MDB story inside out'.  
Tong, the banker says, has the resources and necessary network to trace the trail left behind by any young punk in the industry. 
The 1MDB Tong-Taek battle has begun. Sit back and cover your nose. 
p/s Tun Dr Mahathir also thinks that Tong is being targeted because of his media group's decision to scrutinise 1MDB. In the meantime, Moody's the much sought after and glorified rating agency is being probed in the US for not telling the truth about the economy. 

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