Friday 31 July 2015

Gelombang JOHOR untuk UMNO

Gambar di-atas dari Umno Cawangan Kampung Pok - Bahagian Gelang Patah di Johor. Maksud tersurat luahan orang Umno Kampung Pok amat jelas. (terima kasih kepada pembaca untuk gambar berserta penjelasan ringkas)

Penduduk Kampung Pok dari Johor ini bukan berhimpun untuk menggulingkan kerajaan menerusi cara yang tidak demokratik. 

Mereka juga bukan memegang sepanduk serta kain rentang berkempen untuk merebut jawatan parti atau kerajaan. Penduduk kampung ini hanya berhimpun meluahkan perasaan rakyat akar umbi serta menyatakan sokongan untuk kebenaran. Tolong jangan ugut untuk sumbat mereka ke dalam lokap.

Orang kampung serta rakyat biasa bukan tidak tahu akan musibah yang sedang melanda parti yang menunjangi kerajaan pada masa ini. 

Rakyat era ledakan teknologi maklumat kini dapat memperolehi bermacam jenis maklumat. Apa pun percubaan untuk mengelirukan rakyat terbanyak menerusi akhbar serta televisyen hanya usaha sia-sia.

Kenyataan Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap Umno Tan Sri Mohamad Aziz yang juga orang kuat Umno Johor menzahirkan dengan jelas perasaan tersirat kebanyakkan ahli Umno serta segelintir pemimpin yang tahu tapi takut. Ada yang takut bini tetapi ramai lagi yang takut akan kehilangan jawatan serta habuan.

Seperti kata Tan Sri Mohamad Aziz yang juga bekas Ahli Parlimen Sri Gading yang kini Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri Johor;- 

Najib patut tahu apa lebih penting – 1MDB atau kelangsungan Umno

Kenapa Timbalan Pengerusi Tetap Umno itu mengeluarkan amaran sedemikian kepada Presiden parti. Apakah tujuan beliau ini untuk mengelirukan ahli Umno seperti yang sering dituduh bila ada kritikan terhadap pemimpin? Saya percaya akar umbi Umno lebih arif tentang kenyataan Mohamad Aziz. 

Kita maklum pelbagai aksi sarkas dan pertunjukkan silap mata cuba digunakan untuk mengaburi rakyat tetapi hanya yang buta hati mungkin terpedaya. 

Gambar dibawah dari Umno Bandar Pulai Jaya 2 pula tersebar dua hari selepas kehadiran Syawal. Ketika itu ada pihak yang tidak berapa faham atau buat-buat tidak faham akan maklumat akar umbi ini tetapi kini dua minggu setelah kita menyambut Aidil Fitri situasi sebenar semakin jelas.
Kenapa penyokong akar umbi Umno dari negeri kelahiran parti itu mula menyuarakan hasrat agar Najib 'wajib letak jawatan kalau ada maruah' jauh sebelum rombakan kabinet beberapa hari yang lalu? 

Ada kemungkinan mereka telah menghidu sesuatu lebih awal tetapi kita tidak harus menolak kemungkinan bahawa desakan supaya Najib berundur sebenarnya berpunca dari isu-isu besar yang lain serta kegagalan sebagai pemimpin. 

Ungkapan 'Poket didahulukan Rakyat dikorbankan' mungkin berkisar sekitar skandal 1MDB yang nyata akan terus menelan berbillion ringgit duit rakyat. Ungkapan itu juga mungkin mencerminkan luahan rakyat terhadap cukai GST

Yang pasti semakin hari semakin ramai penduduk negara kita yang hilang keyakinan terhadap Umno yang masih menjadi akar tunjang Kerajaan yang memerintah. 

Tepuk dada, tanya selera. Kenapa orang ramai, termasuk ahli/orang/penyokong Umno , hilang keyakinan yang suatu ketika dahulu tinggi melangit? 

Apakah Umno masih lagi layak memerintah jika keadaan ini berterusan? 

1- Saya harap penulisan ini tidak di-takrif sebagai cubaan untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan menerusi cara yang bertentangan dengan demokrasi. 

2 - Syabas kepada ahli serta pemimpin peringkat Bahagian yang masih berpegang kepada perjuangan sebenar dan tidak hanyut dengan apa-apa bentuk habuan atau ugutan. 

Wednesday 29 July 2015


Walaupun baru sahaja digugurkan dari Kabinet, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin jelas seoarang pemimpin yang benar-benar meletakkan kepentingan agama, bangsa dan negara sebelum apa-apa kepentingan lain, termasuk nasib dirinya sendiri. 

Teruskan perjuangan Tan Sri! Rakyat dapat lihat serta fahami isi hati anda dengan lebih jelas sekarang. Ahli Umno bagaimana?


KEMASKINI:- Majlis Taklimat Tertutup pun BATAL! 

Laporan awal:- 

Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi Umno pada Jumaat yang dijangka akan membincangan beberapa isu hangat, termasuk skandal 1MDB serta kedudukan Timbalan Presiden Umno Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin telah diBATALkan. 

Kenyataan dibawah, jika bukan palsu, telah dikeluarkan ibu pejabat Umno. 

Khabar angin akan pembatalan mesyuarat MT ini bertiup kencang sejak lewat malam tadi ekoran suara akar umbi ahli Umno yang semakin lantang menentang pengguguran Orang No 2 Umno dari kerajaan. 

Surah Yasin

Oh Allah, have mercy on us. 

Tuesday 28 July 2015



Alhamdulillah, saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada YAB Perdana Menteri kerana telah memberikan peluang kepada saya untuk berkhidmat dalam pentadbiran kerajaan persekutuan sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri bermula 10 April 2009.

Saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua ketua-ketua jabatan, pegawai-pegawai kerajaan, pemimpin pertubuhan bukan kerajaan dan semua pihak yang telah menyokong saya sepanjang saya menjalankan tugas sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri.

Saya menerima keputusan YAB Perdana Menteri untuk menggugurkan saya daripada kabinet dengan hati yang terbuka. Saya menghormati kuasa prerogatif YAB Perdana Menteri untuk melantik dan menggugurkan mana-mana anggota kabinet.

Sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri, saya telah terlibat secara langsung dalam pembuatan dasar-dasar kerajaan dan melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang dipertanggungjawabkan kepada saya dengan penuh amanah.

Selama saya berkhidmat, saya sentiasa mendokong semua dasar kerajaan dan menyokong kepimpinan YAB Perdana Menteri.
Kecuali dalam isu 1MDB, saya mempunyai prinsip dan pendirian saya sendiri dalam mempertahankan hak rakyat, nama baik parti dan kepentingan negara. Jika kerana pendirian saya dalam isu ini menyebabkan saya digugurkan daripada kabinet maka saya redha.

Saya akan sentiasa setia kepada perjuangan UMNO. Sebagai Timbalan Presiden UMNO, saya akan terus melaksanakan amanah yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan kepada saya dan mencurahkan khidmat bakti saya demi memperkukuhkan parti serta mengembalikan keyakinan orang Melayu dan rakyat kepada UMNO.

Kepada Allah saya berserah.

28 Julai 2015

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin digugurkan dari Kabinet

Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal juga turut serta menerima nasib yang sama.

Senarai penuh lantikan baru serta pertukaran portfolio dibawah:- 

Selepas ini siapa pula yang akan dirombak atau ditukar ganti ?

Malaysian Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail removed. WHO NEXT?

Perkhidmatan Gani Patail sebagai Peguam Negara ditamatkan mulai semalam atas sebab kesihatan - Ketua Setiausaha Negara

Bekas Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali dilantik sebagai Peguam Negara berkuat kuasa semalam - Ketua Setiausaha Negara

PETALING JAYA: Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail’s (pic) tenure as the Attorney-General was terminated with effect Monday due to health reasons.  
Announcing this Tuesday, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Ali Hamsa said Gani Patail would be replaced by former Federal Court judge Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali with immediate effect. - TheStar
Gani says in the dark over sudden termination 
Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail (pic) says he was not aware of the decision that was conveyed by Chief Secretary Tan Sri Ali Hamsa this morning. ― File pic

KUALA LUMPUR, July 28 — Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail today expressed ignorance over the announcement that his service as Attorney-General has been discontinued due to health reasons.
When contacted by Malay Mail Online, Gani only said that he was not aware of the decision that was conveyed by Chief Secretary Tan Sri Ali Hamsa this morning.
“I don’t know, OK? I don’t want to say a word right now,” he told Malay Mail Online when asked when the decision was made.
Ali Hamsa announced this morning that Abdul Gani’s tenure as A-G was discontinued yesterday owing to the latter’s “health”. - MalayMailOnline 

p/s Sources says a 'small' cabinet reshuffle may follow suit before a minor reshuffle at the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission. 

Long Live Malaysia! 

ABIM - Kenyataan Media JPM Cabuli Etika Perkhidmatan Awam

Merujuk kepada kenyataan akhbar Pejabat Perdana Menteri bertarikh 27 Julai 2015, Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) ingin menyatakan kekesalan yang mendalam.

Kekesalan ini adalah berdasarkan kenyataan dari perenggan ke 3 hingga ke 6 yang jelas menyamakan Pejabat Perdana Menteri dan Pejabat Presiden UMNO. Perkara ini sewajarnya tidak berlaku kerana ia jelas mencabuli etika dan profesionalisme kakitangan awam.

Hak bagi jawatan Perdana Menteri bukanlah hak mutlak Presiden UMNO. Presiden UMNO tidak semestinya Perdana Menteri selama-lamanya. Ia bergantung kepada pilihan rakyat menerusi sistem demokrasi pilihanraya yang diamalkan dalam pemerintahan negara.

Kenyataan akhbar tersebut jelas bertentangan dengan tataetika perkhidmatan awam sepertimana yang dipertegaskan dalam perenggan 3 dan 4 pekeliling yang diedarkan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) bertarikh 30 Jun 2011. Perkeliling tersebut dengan jelas bertujuan untuk mempertahankan prinsip 'neutrality' dan'impartiality perkhidmatan awam terhadap mana-mana pihak, kumpulan termasuk gerakan, fahaman dan parti.

Kegagalan membezakan antara parti dan kerajaan mendorong kepada pelbagai kesalahan dan penyelewengan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan. Tidak mustahil jika satu kenyataan akhbar yang sepatutnya mewakili Perdana Menteri pun tidak boleh dibezakan apatah lagi dengan kemudahan lain termasuklah kewangan.

Kesimpulannya, jika maksud kenyataan akhbar tersebut adalah untuk memelihara keyakinan orang awam jelas ia tidak mencapai maksudnya. Ia semakin memualkan dan semakin menghakis keyakinan orang ramai terhadap tatakelola dan profesionalisme kerajaan dalam menguruskan hal ehwal rakyat. Kejengkelan rakyat terus membuak-buak melihat kelemahan tata urus terutamanya tatkala membicarakan skandal 1MDB

Amidi Abd Manan, Presiden ABIM

Kenyataan Pejabat Perdana Menteri yang dirujuk

Monday 27 July 2015


Ikuti ucapan penuh Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin semasa menutup Mesyuarat UMNO Bahagian Cheras di Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur pada Ahad, 26 Julai 2015.

p/s Sila dengar dan cuba fahami apa yang diucapkan sebelum bertindak melabel Muhyiddin sebagai pengkhianat atau Najib sebagai pahlawan bacul. Terima Kasih

1MDB - Timbalan Perdana Menteri desak penjelasan Najib Razak

Dengar dengan teliti apa yang diperkatakan oleh Timbalan Perdana Menteri berkenaan krisis politik, ketirisan kepercayaan umum terhadap kerajaan serta pemimpin dan yang paling penting tentang skandal 1MDB. 

Ini sebahagian daripada ucapan Timbalan Presiden Umno ketika menutup persidangan perwakilan Umno Bahagian Cheras di-ibu negara malam tadi.

Sebenarnya kenyataan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ini sudah lama dinanti-nanti. Lebih kurang dua bulan lalu Muhyiddin telah pun membangkitkan kerisauan beliau akan 'bencana 1MDB' tetapi malangnya nasihat beliau hilang begitu sahaja seperti daun keladi disiram air. - Luahan hati Timbalan Presiden Umno - 1MDB 

Antara inipati desakan kali ini demi kesinambungan Umno serta Barisan Nasional adalah agar Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak tampil merungkai sendiri skandal 1MDB yang kini semakin hanyir. 

Muhyiddin secara terus terang berkata Najib harus tampil menjelaskan laporan akhbar The Wall Street Journal yang menyatakan bahawa wang tunai berjumlah lebih kurang RM2.6 billion ringgit telah dimasukkan kedalam akaun peribadi Perdana Menteri. 

Selain penjelasan penuh berhubung hutang mencecah RM42 billion yang ditanggung 1MDB, umum sudah tidak sabar untuk mendengar penjelasan Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak berkenaan duit berbillion dalam akaun peribadi beliau. 

Jika fitnah katakan fitnah, berdiam diri bukan lagi pilihan. 

Sebaliknya jika laporan WSJ itu benar maka mungkin sudah tiba masanya untuk Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak untuk dihadapkan kemuka pengadilan. Tidak mungkin ada apa-apa bentuk penjelasan bagaimana duit berbillion ringgit boleh disalurkan kedalam akaun peribadi seorang penjawat awam berstatus Perdana Menteri. 

Mungkin juga sudah tiba masanya untuk pihak berwajib memulakan siasatan serta tindakan yang sewajarnya terhadap sesiapa sahaja, terutamanya penjawat awam serta anggota kabinet, yang disyaki cuba melindungi jenayah terhadap negara. 

Individu-individu yang berkomplot untuk melindungi jenayah dengan kenyataan dan laporan palsu bertujuan untuk mengelirukan pihak berkuasa tidak harus terlepas. Media yang berhempas pulas mengelirukan rakyat dengan pembohongan juga tidak harus terlepas dari tindakan sewajarnya. 

Hanya ini langkah penyelesaian bagi skandal yang telah merosakkan nama negara diperingkat antarabangsa. Dunia sedang perhatikan kita.

P.S. Kita harus ambil maklum akan laporan bahawa beberapa badan penyiasatan jenayah merentasi sempadan, termasuk dari Singapura, Britain, Hong Kong, Amerika Syarikat dan Switzerland juga sedang menyiasat skandal 1MDB serta beberapa syarikat dan individu berkaitan untuk kesalahan pengubahan wang haram, pemalsuan dokumen serta penipuan cukai. Pihak berkuasa Singapura juga telah membekukan dua akaun bank berkaitan 1MDB di republik itu.

Saturday 25 July 2015

Let me be very clear...


Skandal Watergate yang akhirnya telah menyebabkan Presiden Amerika Syarikat Richard Nixon meletak jawatan mula terbongkar apabila penceroboh yang memecah masuk ke Ibu Pejabat Parti Demokratik di Kompleks Hotel/Pejabat Watergate di Washington DC telah di tangkap. 

Beberapa penceroboh kemudiannya dihubungkait secara langsung dan tidak langsung dengan mereka disekeliling Presiden Nixon yang datang dari Parti Republikan. Beliau (Presiden) cuba menghalang siasatan. Akhirnya Nixon "under threat of impeachment" oleh Kongres menjadi Presiden pertama Amerika Syarikat yang meletak jawatan semasa masih menjawat jawatan.

Watergate tidak akan terurai atau diambil peduli umum tanpa; PERTAMA semangat waja kewartawanan penyiasatan oleh wartawan-wartawan Washington Post Bob Woodword dan Carl Bernstein,

KEDUA kesanggupan pemberi maklumat dalaman yang digelar "deep throat" yang akhirnya dikenalpasti dari pengakuannya sendiri puluhan tahun kemudian sebagai Pengarah Bersekutu Biro Penyiasatan Persekutuan (FBI) Mark Felt (FBI ialah agensi yang dipertanggungjawabkan menyiasat),

KETIGA keberanian Pendakwaraya Khas Archibald Cox yang mensapina pita-pita rakaman perbualan Rumah Putih,

KEEMPAT integriti Peguam Negara Elliot Richardson dan Timbalannya William D. Ruckelshaus kerana sanggup meletak jawatan disebabkan enggan menurut perintah Presiden Nixon bagi memecat Cox sebagai Pendakwaraya Bebas untuk menyiasat kes tersebut kerana Nixon enggan mematuhi/tidak gembira dengan Sapina yang dikeluarkan Cox untuk pita-pita perbualannya,

KELIMA kesepakatan Mahkamah Agong (walau secara hakikatnya dilantik berdasar ideologi) yang mengarahkan Presiden Nixon menyerahkan 64 pita-pita rakaman perbualan White House dan menafikan tuntut lindung beliau di bawah payung "executive privilege".

Akhirnya kejatuhan Nixon bukan sangat kerana kaitan beliau dengan penceroboh Kompleks Watergate tetapi kerana usaha-usahanya kemudian untuk menghalang siasatan kadangkala dengan menggunakan jentera kerajaan. Kejadian pencerobohan Ibu Pejabat Parti Demokratik berlaku pada 17 Jun 1972. Dalam pilihanraya presiden November 1972 Nixon telah menang besar untuk penggal ke-2 kepresidenan namun telah meletak jawatan pada 8 Ogos 1974. Pengganti beliau Presiden Ford telah mengampunkan beliau dari berhadapan dengan sebarang pendakwaan.

P.S. Pada pilihanraya presiden November 1976 Presiden Ford yang mewakili Parti Republikan telah tewas kepada Gabenor Jimmy Carter yang mewakili Parti Demokrat. Banyak penganalisa yang mempersalahkan kekalahan Ford kerana mengampuni Nixon.

Nota: Coretan sejarah skandal Watergate di-atas adalah kiriman pembaca yang juga merupakan bekas pegawai tinggi pentadbiran negara tidak lama dahulu.

Friday 24 July 2015

Is Malaysia ruled by criminals now?

I don't think so. I don't think we are ruled by criminals although there has been increasing worry about corruption, abuse of power and outright treason at the corridors of power. There could just be one or two, if not a few, rascals whose cover is being blown away. They will face the music sooner... or later.

As a nation which broke free from the shackles of colonialism in 1957, we have been generally ruled and administered by men and women of great wisdom, good character, love for the nation and above all unquestionable loyalty to this land. 

Surely along the way we have had scums and rascals who tried to abuse little influence and power they had for monetary gains and personal elevation. We can proudly say that almost all of them failed in one way or another, sooner or later. Some so miserable in later life while the no so lucky ones suffering public shame not long after their sin against this nation and her people.

Malaysia has stood all such tests and tribulations and grew stronger. One of the underlying reasons why Malaysia could stand tall is due to the strength and wisdom of the unassuming Malaysians. Yes, us the ordinary Malaysians. 

Malaysians may appear quiet and easy-going with loads of 'tidak apa' attitude but we can easily differentiate between right and wrong. We don't need a Harvard tutorial for that skill. The awareness level is relatively good. Quality of parenting is also not so bad. I'm sure every parent would remind their children that cheating, stealing and trying to cover up theft and cheating by telling lies is forbidden. Parents pass on what has been drilled into them by their parents and such acts are forbidden in every religion, race, ethnicity. As a society, we are yet to go astray in that sense.  

So, coming back to the question of exposing crime. I'm sure we Malaysians could see the difference between a crime and the many acts to cover up the crime. 

Exposing a crime is not yet a crime in Malaysia and I'm sure it will stay that way as long as we the ordinary Malaysians keep our eyes and ears open.

I think this is NOT A CRIME... Yes, we misled Justo on payment to get proof of US$1.83 billion scam
What do you think?

While the Task Force - (Attorney General, Bank Negara, Police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) are busy at work investigating a massive crime against this nation, there seems to be increased attempts to divert our attention away from that investigations of the crime of 'treason against our King and country'. Theft, money laundering and such are ancillary to treason.

We trust the Task Force investigating the channelling of Billion of Ringgit into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak's personal bank account won't be arresting innocent people from the streets of Kuala Lumpur based on tampered documents and hearsay evidence from mentally retarded bankrupts. 

We are confident that the task force would leave no stones unturned, including those sinister attempts to cover up by some highly placed officials... if any.

Remember that covering up a crime is a serious crime. Exposing a crime is not and never will be, especially when the crime is against this nation.

Stand up. Don't let rascals and scums with little power and influence to bully you. 

Thursday 23 July 2015

The ugly truth about 1MDB, its tentacles and the stones along the way

UPDATED at 0036hrs 24/07/2015 - Malaysian access to Justo denied again 

"Pol Gen Somyot advised his Malaysian counterpart Khalid Abu Bakar in talks at the Royal Thai Police Office that Malaysia must use the proper channels, including the Office of the Attorney-General and the Foreign Ministry, for information about Xavier Andre Justo because he is not a Malaysian national. 

The police chief repeated Thailand's position on no green light for Malaysian authorities to probe the Swiss man and reminded Mr Khalid that the police investigation into the case remained unfinished". - Bangkok Post

This is the 1MDB's way of promoting Malaysia the world over. Above is the latest report in Singapore's Business Times of our 'goose that was purportedly laying golden eggs'. It looks like a rare Front Page fame but the naughty Business Times people have described 1MDB as nothing but an ugly sucker of an Octopus.

While at it read this too for some light entertainment - No proof yet Sarawak Report exposes are false, says MCMC 

Trio linked to 1MDB probe ‘ missing’ ; Task force unable to locate Jho Low and two other businessmen

PAC chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan is ready to lose the next election.  

Maybe the relevant authorities, particularly the Royal Malaysian Police, should spend more time locating those missing suspects by seeking greater Interpol cooperation rather than wasting time on other wild goose chases, knowingly. 

I don't think the Inspector General of Police would want to fly to Singapore next to 'interview' the Business Times journalists who produced the Octopus report above, but I won't be surprised if he does coz Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar seems intend on leaving no stones unturned. I just hope Khalid is turning the right stones, knowingly, to expose the truth

Malaysians are watching.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Has Najib Razak been barred from leaving the country?

I deliberated upon this issue more than two weeks ago after the earth shattering WSJ report which exposed that approximately USD 700 million was channelled into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak's personal bank accounts. That is about RM2.6 billion ringgit. 

Now, two weeks down the road, there has been many interesting developments, including a few clowns who have been trying to amuse us Malaysians with their tall tales and 'conspiracy to topple the Government' stories. 

So far there has been two arrests by the Task Force which is investigating the 'channelling of billions of ringgit into the Prime Minister's personal bank accounts'. Understandably, critics and able-minded Malaysians who are tired with the 1MDB drama are looking for a quick end. Some say those arrested are just the 'small fry' while the sharks are still scheming to cover up. 

Those concerned, including individuals entrusted to lead vital institutions and agencies must always remind themselves that they are appointed to serve the country and her people and not any particular individual or groups. These trusted men and women must specifically remember that they are not the servant of the Prime Minister or any other politicians and/or their family members. If your mind goes astray, remember your oath of office before DYMM YDP Agong. Public perception and trust in your institution is vital, as such don't continue to plant seeds of doubt via unbecoming conducts. Remember that you are high level civil servants and not any politicians' errand boys. Leave the running of errands to capable Ministers, the likes of Abdul Rahman Dahlan and Ahmad Maslan.

Coming back to the issue at hand, has the Prime Minister and his close family members (including his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor) been barred from leaving the country? I suppose that would be the right thing to do as Najib is the main suspect in the USD 700 million money in the bank investigations. Najib is directly and indirectly implicated in far too many crimes of abuse of power, tax evasion, possible money laundering and slightly smaller ones like telling lies in Dewan Rakyat. 

There has also been some expose of the approximately RM2million deposit into full-time housewife Rosmah's personal account. All these can't be swept under the carpet while screaming at the top of your voice that 'there is a conspiracy to topple the Government'. 

All Malaysians are interested in at this moment is to nab and nail those band of robbers, particularly their big boss... whoever that is.

With the latest arrests, those who still place their full trust and confidence in the Task Force are hoping that the noose is tightening for the culprits who conspired to rob this nation. 

Malaysians view the arrests as initial steps towards a bigger catch. Though the sceptics are still around there is overwhelming hope and renewed confidence in the enforcement agencies i.e. the Task Force following these arrests.

I just hope we don't let the big fish to escape, knowingly, before the net is cast.

Earlier posting on the 6th of July -  

1MDB scandal - Should the Prime Minister be barred from leaving the country ?

Tuesday 21 July 2015

1MDB - Najib dah saman akhbar Wall Street Journal?

Kenyataan ini dibuat diperkarangan Masjid Rincing di Semenyih lebih DUA MINGGU yang lalu. Dua minggu telah berlalu, Ramadan pun dan berlalu, Syawal pun sudah dirayakan. Perdana Menteri sudah mengambil apa-apa tindakan keatas akhbar The Wall Street Journal atau belum? 

Laporan Utusan Malaysia ini yang disiarkan beberapa hari selepas kenyataan Perdana Menteri di-atas memberi gambaran seolah-olah Najib telah SAMAN akhbar the Wall Street Journal tetapi rupa-rupanya laporan akhbar atau paparan 'headline' mereka tidak benar. Difahamkan Perdana Menteri belum SAMAN akhbar WSJ. 

Persoalannya kini, kenapa Perdana Menteri Malaysia masih belum menyaman akhbar WSJ yang kononnya telah memfitnah beliau? Ini bukan hanya soal peribadi Najib malah telah menjadi soal maruah negara kerana Najib adalah Perdana Menteri.

Bukankah kita harus berani kerana benar, atau apakah laporan WSJ yang mendedahkan konon-nya wang tunai berjumlah hampir 700 juta Dolar Amerika dimasukkan kedalam akaun bank peribadi Najib Bin Tun Razak itu memang berasas serta benar?

Yang pasti rakyat Malaysia ternanti-nanti akan sidang akhbar Perdana Menteri untuk mengumumkan hasil nasihat peguam-peguam beliau akan tindakan tegas terhadap akhbar The Wall Street Journal. 

Terbaru - Pihak berkuasa telah memulakan tangkapan berhubung siasatan tentang dakwaan penyaluran dana berbillion ringgit ke akaun peribadi Perdana Menteri. 

Siapa seterusnya?

1MDB - LESTER MELANYI DEBUNKED - Sarawak Report (Latest)

I don't agree that Sarawak Report should be blocked while dubious characters are allowed to feed stupid propaganda to Malaysians on national television and via mainstream newspapers. Thus I reproduce (copypaste) Sarawak Report's latest expose on the conspiracy to fool you and me.

I call upon those concerned to take on Sarawak Report by rebutting their expose point by point or by instituting legal action against them. Merely blocking Sarawak Report with dubious unverified reasons only makes the Government of Malaysia and the concerned authority a source for parody and jokes. Grow up! - Apanama

Latest from Sarawak Report below - 

UMNO just needed to check this picture to reveal all Lester's story was fake
UMNO just needed to check this picture to reveal that all Lester’s story was fake
The video ‘confession’ maker Lester Melanyi could easily have been identified as a fraudster from the very start, by employing just the simplest of checks, as Sarawak Report’s own research into his online ‘testimony’ makes clear.
It begs the question why BN’s so-called strategic communications chief, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, has in a single stroke brought ridicule and disgrace on his own government, by championing Lester as an excuse to block the Sarawak Report website?
Over the past few days Lester has admitted to having been paid, while offering a string of convoluted allegations in a series of video interviews made for a pro-UMNO ‘NGO’ named Pertubuhan Minda dan Sosial Prihatin Malaysia.
Rahman leapt at the unsubstantiated material and proceeded to hold press conferences in order to denounce Sarawak Report, which has over several months produced closely researched and documented articles relating to the disappearance of billions of ringgit from the development fund 1MDB.
Rahman - selective against messengers
Rahman – selective against messengers
Even after members of his own party warned that Melanyi was well known to be a deeply unreliable and dishonest character in Kuching, Rahman lashed back that critics should not “shoot the messenger”.
Instead Rahman selectively chose to shoot down Sarawak Report, by banning this site on the judgement that Lester’s allegations had “proved” it to be publishing “blatant lies”.

Second set of videos

Thus protected by the Government Minister himself, who is willing to ban some media messengers while promoting others, Melanyi proceeded today to come out with further video ‘evidence’, much of which contradicted his previous testimony.
In particular, Lester told his interviewer about an alleged master forger and online expert, which he claimed Sarawak Report had used to concoct the multiple sourced documents relating to our exposures of malfeasance at 1MDB.
90% of all our material was forged Melanyi claimed:
“The web designer in London is very good in doing it. If you ask him to create money, he can create money for you and it may look genuine,” he added in the video [Malaysiakini]
In the video Lester gave the name of this fictitious forger. He is called  James Steward Stephen raved Melanyi, which is in fact the real name of the former Hollywood Star James Stewart.
The name of the alleged online expert and forger according to Lester's video
The name of the alleged online expert and forger according to Lester’s video
The video then treated viewers to an alleged picture of the master criminal, who was accused by Lester of assisting Sarawak Report in producing forged documents to discredit 1MDB and the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
These accusations were carried by Malaysian Mail online and numerous other media outlets, including the face of the gentleman below in a number of cases.
Alleged face of the master crook!
Alleged face of the master crook!
Unfortunately, as any online check makes clear this is the face of another Englishman, one James Steward (no Stephen), who works as a senior station manager for the bus company Abellio, based in Norwich.
The picture had been lifted from a website where he had been featured for giving a local talk on his actual professional speciality, which happens to be bus transport routes in the East of England.
At least it can be said he graduated in IT!
Manager for National Express Busses – at least it can be said he graduated in IT!
Mr Steward and his press team at Abellio were unamused when Sarawak Report contacted them earlier this afternoon to enquire about Mr Melanie’s allegations:
“This is a case of mistaken identity and James Steward does not have any connections with Malaysia….To reiterate, the person concerned is not James Steward (an employee of Abellio Greater Anglia). James’ name is James Steward, not James Steward Stephens” [Abellio press officer]
Under the circumstances we suggest that Lester Melanyi and UMNO issue a very hasty apology indeed to Mr Stephens for accusing him of being a master forger.  We suggest they repair their mistake.
And then perhaps Mr Melanyi could explain his lie?
The only fake is Lester!
The only fake is Lester!

Advance copies to alter

Another ridiculous and easily disproved claim by the somewhat tragi-comedic figure of Mr Melanyi was that Sarawak Report has been sending him “advance copies” of our articles for him to re-write before publication.
Jobless Lester had claimed he was a highly paid insider at Sarawak Report who got advance copies of stories..
Jobless Lester had claimed he was a highly paid insider at Sarawak Report who got advance copies of stories..
To illustrate this boast Lester’s video duly flashed up screen shots of our regular newsletter bulletins which are sent to over 7,000 subscribers to our site, who have signed up to be notified whenever we post a new story.
That means that over 7,000 people can testify directly that Lester is talking nonsense:
Lester produced as 'evidence' the normal newsletter he received, because like 7,000 other people he had signed up.
Lester produced as ‘evidence’ the normal newsletter he received, because like 7,000 other people he had signed up.
Sarawak Report asks how those interviewing Lester could have allowed themselves to publish such a stunning and libellous video, courting national and international publicity, without having made some basic checks first?
And how could a minister in the government have proved himself so incompetent not only to unquestioningly put his own and his party’s credibility on the line over such material without checking, but to also refuse to listen to warnings even from his own senior party members that Lester was a man without credibility?

Legal suits looming

Little wonder then that these video, which have been touted around Malaysia over the past few days are now sparking law suits.
Melanyi had raved, amongst other things, that opposition MPs had been involved in a so-called conspiracy to defame the Prime Minister and had met and communicated with him as part of the plotting.
Names he threw into the pot included Tony Pua, who had never before heard of this sad fantasist from Kuching and has notified he will be instituting libel action.
Melanyi is now also saying in his latest videos that he has met several times with Mr Xavier Justo, currently in jail in Thailand, and the subject of a separate defamation campaign being orchestrated by UMNO loyalists of the Prime Minister.
Nevertheless, Lester goes off script over Justo and describes him as a “nice guy” who could not possibly have tampered with anything.
“.. that he tampered the emails is definitely not true!” said Lester:

Since UMNO are so believing of Lester, then they should lobby for Justo to be set free from Thailand not for him to be held in jail!
Since UMNO are so believing of Lester, then they should lobby for Justo to be set free from Thailand not for him to be held in jail!
The “tampering” was all the job of the non-existent forger James Steward Stephen at Sarawak Report’s behest, Lester elaborated.
In this case, therefore, could the Malaysian Minister, who is so believing of everything Lester says, now exercise his good offices towards getting the innocent Mr Justo out of the Bangkok jail, where he has languished for over a month without charges, mainly because the Malaysian Government has been determined to accuse him of “tampering” documents that are damaging to the Prime Minister?

Changing stories

The promoters of Lester’s videos seem equally unperturbed that his story keeps changing as the lies are pointed out.
Two days ago Melanyi was claiming he had been in London from 2012 right up until 2014 working for $6000 a month of Sarawak Report!
But, after we pointed out that he had been sent back home in early 2011 after a short stint on Radio Free Sarawak.  And since the rest of Kuching has started to testify that Lester has been scrounging around town borrowing money, getting bankrupt and generally making a nuisance of himself for at least the past three years, he has changed his tale.
Today he was claiming he had even met Xavier Justo back in London “two or three years ago” when he was there.
In fact it was four years ago Lester
In fact it was four years ago Lester
There is no reason whatsoever to believe that Lester has met Justo any more than he has met Tony Pua.

Sticking up for Riza Aziz

It seems that part of the favour that Lester was being asked to perform in this attempt to defame everyone who has revealed awkward matters relating to 1MDB was to rescue the reputation of the PM’s son Riza Azia.
Out of huge numbers of articles written by Sarawak Report on 1MDB Melanyi selected one to say that he could specifically inform viewers it was false.
This was the article we wrote revealing Riza Aziz’s home in Beverley Hills, which had been passed on to him by the controversial 1MDB connected businessman, Jho Low.
He didn’t know the house, Lester slurred, but he could say the story was untrue.
"fake article" about the house of Riza Aziz, which Sarawak Report visited in Hollywood
“fake article” about the house of Riza Aziz, which Sarawak Report visited in Hollywood
Unfortunately for Lester and his backers this means that they are also accusing the New York Times of lying about the story.
Because, the New York Times have confirmed that the property belongs to Aziz and that it originally belonged to Jho Low.
In his next video Lester will have to remember to add the NYT to the growing list of conspirators and forgers being alleged as part of this plot to tell lies about the missing billions that are documented as having disappeared from 1MDB.

Sad characters should not be exploited

Sarawak Report has already made plain that UMNO’s PR people have not only blundered but behaved disgracefully in continuing to parade Lester Melanyi.
Anyone who views the videos can see that Lester is ill, not just in body but in mind.  He is known to be unable to continue to earn his living, having disappointed all his would be employers over the years.
Lester is bankrupt, desperate for money, in debt to all who know him and is a very well known liar.
UMNO have disgraced themselves by depending on his testimony and for axing a professionally run news website dedicated to investigative reporting in Malaysia on his words alone.
It is also disgraceful to parade a sick and desperate man for propaganda purposes, when he  is doing it for money and when his evidence is so shabby and so easily disproved.
Can Mr Rahman sink lower than this?  We will soon find out.
However, with supporters like him and Lester Melanyi, Najib need not look for enemies to his cause.

Saturday 18 July 2015

Konspirasi dan kebenaran Skandal 1MDB

Nampaknya pelbagai percubaan telah dan sedang dilakukan untuk mengaburi mata rakyat dari Skandal 1MDB. Secara khususnya cubaan demi cubaan dilakukan untuk mengalih tumpuan orang ramai dari penglibatan langsung Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak dalam skandal yang amat memalukan negara ini. 

Untuk makluman, Najib Tun Razak belum lagi menjawab isu wang tunai berbillion Ringgit yang dilaporkan telah disimpan dalam akaun peribadi beliau di Ambank. Laporan akhbar terkemuka dunia The Wall Street Journal dalam satu pembongkaran eksklusif telah melaporkan butiran agihan dana bernilai lebih kurang 700,000,000 Dolar Amerika (anggaran RM2.6 Billion) dan telah beberapa kali selepas itu membuat kenyataan bahawa laporan mereka adalah berasakan bukti kukuh

Selain percubaan untuk mengalihkan perhatian serta persoalan rakyat akan laporan dana dalam akaun, sehingga kini Najib belum lagi mengambil apa-apa tindakan undang-undang yang jelas terhadap WSJ kecuali meminta jasabaik WSJ untuk menyuluh sesuatu yang sudah terang menerusi satu surat permintaan kepada akhbar tersebut. 

Untuk beberapa ketika isu pergaduhan di Plaza Low Yat diKuala Lumpur cuba dicanang disana sini untuk mengalih perhatian rakyat dan apabila percubaan itu gagal timbul pula seorang bekas editor akhbar dari Sarawak yang telah beberapa kali dipecat dari jawatan beliau sebelum ini. 

Cerita konspirasi editor tersebut 'mati ketika dilahirkan' apabila beliau mengaku telah dibayar oleh seseorang yang mengaku sebagai Pegawai Khas kepada Perdana Menteri. 

Kini cerita warga Swiss yang ditahan Polis Thailand untuk siasatan perasugut terhadap PetroSaudi pula muncul kembali. Pada mulanya Polis Thailand telah menolak beberapa permintaan Polis Malaysia untuk mencampuri isu Justo. 

Namun beberapa laporan terkini dan percubaan tanpa henti akhbar tempatan ternampak seolah satu lagi skrip konspirasi telah disediakan. Konspirasi kali ini berkisar dengan kenyataan jurucakap Polis Thailand yang telah membuat kenyataan berbau politik dimana konon-nya Justo telah mengaku berjumpa dengan beberapa ahli politik (pembangkang dan ahli Umno) dalam urusan menjual beli maklumat sulit tentang 1MDB-Petrosaudi. 

Bersedialah untuk disajikan dengan pelbagai rasa hidangan berencah Thailand berasaskan pengakuan Justo yang datangnya dari pihak ketiga, ke-empat dan para pendukung Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak. 

Dalam suasana dimana kita tidak pasti sama ada watak Justo itu sendiri adalah kisah benar atau sebenarnya sebahagian daripada beberapa cerita rekaan untuk mengalih perhatian dari penyiasatan skandal 1MDB, cerita konspirasi adalah tidak berapa penting. 

Jika konspirasi dijadikan sandaran maka tidak mungkin bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim disabitkan kesalahan, dua kali, oleh badan penghakiman negara. 

Jika cerita konspirasi dijadikan sandaran, Najib pun ada berjumpa dengan Saiful Bukhari sebelum laporan polis kes liwat kedua terhadap Anwar Ibrahim dibuat. Apakah perjumpaan itu menidakkan jenayah liwat yang dilakukan Anwar?  

Jika tidak kenapa perjumpaan Justo dengan ahli politik Malaysia atau Ahli Kongres Timbaktu atau mungkin Sami Budha dari Burma harus menjadi isu utama yang dicanang tanpa henti? Jika Justo meniduri pelacur dari Kota Belit pun, tidak menjadi isu kepada rakyat Malaysia.

Perkara pokok bagi kita adalah - rasuah, salahguna kuasa, melesapkan duit negara, mencuri tanah milik kerajaan, menipu pihak berkuasa termasuk Bank Negara dan berbohong kepada rakyat Malaysia.

Yang penting bagi kita rakyat Malaysia ialah untuk memastikan agar negara kita ini tidak diketuai oleh seorang individu yang tidak bermoral, rasuah, pembohong dan telah menggadaikan diri kepada kuasa asing, termasuk saudagar Unta yang kaya-raya dari Timur Tengah. 

Yang penting bagi kita adalah agar Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak, Perdana Menteri Malaysia, tampil memperjelaskan beberapa jenayah penipuan, pengalihan wang haram serta salahguna kuasa yang melibatkan beliau sebagai penjawat awam yang telah bersumpah untuk setia kepada negara ini. 

Kita risau kalau-kalau negara kita ini sebenarnya sudah tergadai. Kita amat risau jika pemimpin kita tidak lagi bergerak diatas landasan kebenaran demi kepentingan negara Malaysia dan rakyatnya. Kita risau kebatilan semakin subur dengan taburan wang ringgit dan emas permata. Kita risau akan kelangsungan negara kita Malaysia. 

Tidak mengapa jika Najib tidak ingin menceritakan apa beliau bincang dengan mangsa liwat Anwar Ibrahim sebelum laporan Polis dibuat beberapa tahun yang lalu itu, kita ingin tahu kebenaran akan skandal 1MDB yang amat memalukan negara dipersada dunia sekarang. 

Perdana Menteri Malaysia Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak harus tampil menjawab segala persoalan yang ditimbulkan secara terbuka dan bukannya menyorok dibelakang budak hingusan bergelar Menteri kabinet. 

Perdana Menteri boleh bermula dengan menjawab soalan mudah berikut:-
Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak, BENAR atau TIDAK duit berjumlah lebih kurang RM2.6 Billion dimasukkan kedalam akaun peribadi anda di Ambank? 

Nota kaki: Jangan buat bodo' Datuk Seri, rakyat Malaysia celik.