PAS said today that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had bungled when explaining the scope of the special task force set up to investigate claims that funds had been channelled into his personal accounts.
Party deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said that by doing so, Najib as the person accused in the probe had invited the perception that the special task force was not an independent entity.
"He made a mistake when he himself explained the scope of the investigations of the special task force.
"His statement invites the perception that the special task force is not independent, under orders or reporting the investigations to him... This is not right and not good for Najib's efforts in clearing his name.
"This action is even worse than the fact that the four individuals heading the probe – Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chairman Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed and Bank Negara governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz – are working under him," the PAS leader said in a statement.
He said that PAS once again urged Najib to go on leave pending investigations, to ensure that the probe currently underway would be seen as "clean". - Source
Najib: Task Force Investigating Whether I Used 1MDB Funds For My Own Interests
Azreen HaniThursday, July 9, 2015

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak said yesterday that the task force investigating the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report against him was investigating whether he used funds from 1Malaysia Development Bhd for his own interests.
Writing in his blog, Najib repeated his statement that he had never taken money for his own interest.
“The investigations that is being undertaken by the special task force is to determine whether accusations made by the WSJ that I have taken 1MDB funds for my own interest has basis or not,” he said.
“The investigations must take into account the veracity of the documents that have been published to support the newspaper’s allegations.” The combined task force was formed by members of the Attorney General’s office, Bank Negara Malaysia, the Royal Malaysian Police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency.
Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail announced the task force investigations had never revealed the scope and intent of its investigations.
The WSJ published reports alleging that some US$700 million (RM2.67 billion) found its way into the personal bank accounts of Najib. It did not say what the money was being used for. - TMR
Writing in his blog, Najib repeated his statement that he had never taken money
for his own interest. (Pic by Hafzi Mohamed/TMR)
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak said yesterday that the task force investigating the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report against him was investigating whether he used funds from 1Malaysia Development Bhd for his own interests.
Writing in his blog, Najib repeated his statement that he had never taken money for his own interest.
“The investigations that is being undertaken by the special task force is to determine whether accusations made by the WSJ that I have taken 1MDB funds for my own interest has basis or not,” he said.
“The investigations must take into account the veracity of the documents that have been published to support the newspaper’s allegations.” The combined task force was formed by members of the Attorney General’s office, Bank Negara Malaysia, the Royal Malaysian Police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency.
Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail announced the task force investigations had never revealed the scope and intent of its investigations.
The WSJ published reports alleging that some US$700 million (RM2.67 billion) found its way into the personal bank accounts of Najib. It did not say what the money was being used for. - TMR
My advice to Najib Razak - If you think Malaysians are stupid, please continue issuing such statements. I reproduce below a reader's comment in my previous posting.
I hope this could open your eyes and give you an inkling as to what the public think about this whole 1MDB scandal and you as the main suspect.
"How effective is the special task force when they report to the PM?
"Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today said the scope of the special task force investigating The Wall Street Journal's claims against him, were whether he used 1MDB funds for his personal interest."
How can the suspect dictates terms to the task force investigating him (PM).
I hope this could open your eyes and give you an inkling as to what the public think about this whole 1MDB scandal and you as the main suspect.
"How effective is the special task force when they report to the PM?
"Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today said the scope of the special task force investigating The Wall Street Journal's claims against him, were whether he used 1MDB funds for his personal interest."
How can the suspect dictates terms to the task force investigating him (PM).
That is why Najib must take leave of absence or resign from his PM post immediately in order not to invalidate the integrity of the task force.
Hello, you 4 Tan Sris on the task force why are you not "advising" Najib to leave?
The task force must investigate why the funds were deposited in Najib's personal accounts in the first place.
The task force must investigate why the funds were deposited in Najib's personal accounts in the first place.
There is already no question about this, that the funds were deposited in his personal accounts.
If they were deposited mistakenly by the bank, why didn’t he inform the bank immediately to rectify the mistake?
Otherwise, he is fully aware of the deposits and he must explain specifically where the funds came from. Till now he has not provided any information on these funds.
Isn’t this not an offence under the Anti-Money Laundering Act?
If they were deposited mistakenly by the bank, why didn’t he inform the bank immediately to rectify the mistake?
Otherwise, he is fully aware of the deposits and he must explain specifically where the funds came from. Till now he has not provided any information on these funds.
Isn’t this not an offence under the Anti-Money Laundering Act?
Simple direct question requires a simple direct answer:
Did the money go into your account? Yes or no? Why do you keep saying "no money was used for your personal gain?" YOu have never denied that the money was deposited into your private accounts.
Why was the funds transferred into Najib's personal accounts if it was not for his use? Personal use, not personal use is totally irrelevant.Why did Bank Negara remain silent about such huge transfers since 2013? The murdered founder of AmBank made reports to Bank Negara, what happened to the reports? - Anon
Why was the funds transferred into Najib's personal accounts if it was not for his use? Personal use, not personal use is totally irrelevant.Why did Bank Negara remain silent about such huge transfers since 2013? The murdered founder of AmBank made reports to Bank Negara, what happened to the reports? - Anon
Meanwhile in Indonesia...
Masalah sebenar umno dan mungkin semua parti politik malaysia!!!
1) Bermimpi - Tak sedar dilantik utk berkhidmat kpd rakyat dan bukan berkhianat kpd rakyat!
2) Persepsi buruk dan bodoh - Yg tua ingat yg muda lembik yg muda ingat yg tua nyanyuk. (Ruang bicara bernama news baru ni menunjukkan tahap pemikiran ketua pemuda wp sangat cetek!!! Apa jaminan yg tua lebih baik atau yg muda lebih baik? Bukan pasal tua/muda tapi lebih kepada fikiran dan hati utk berbakti kpd rakyat
3) Tipu diri sendiri - Kenapa mereka2 ni masuk politik? Nak bantu rakyat atau nak bantu diri sendiri?
Ketua pemuda wp blh kata 'kalau ada masalah/soalan boleh datang dan tanya terus kpd kami di bhg/caw'...yg lantik kamu tu siapa? Hang boss ke atau rakyat?
4) Berlagak - Bila da berjawatan jadi berlagak taknak turun kebawah tanya dan bincang dgn rakyat...suruh rakyat g turun cari dia...sama macam suruh boss dtg cari kuli kalau ada masalah...
5) Sesat - Asas politik ni da jauh menyimpang!!! Rakyat bertukar jadi kuli dan org politik tukar jadi raja dan hulubalang..
Sistem politik negara mesti diubah!!! Rakyat dgn sokongan Raja/Sultan mesti ada kuasa veto utk membuang pemimpin2 yg tak tau buat keje, menipu, menyeleweng, merompak, menindas dan menzalimi rakyat!!! Takkan bila ada pemimpin sebegini kita biarkan dia perintah lagi sampai 5 tahun atau lebih!!! Kalau begitu maknanya kita adalah BANGSA YG PALING BODOH dalam dunia!!! Da tau di zalimi tapi dibiarkan!!! Saya mohon semua rakyat, ahli politik, ahli perniagaan, professional, sultan dan raja2 berusaha keatas perubahan ini agar negara kita tidak dijadikan tunggangan bagi mana2 pihak yg x bertanggungjawab utk meraih keuntungan peribadi!!!
Banyak lagi yg kita sebagai rakyat negara ini boleh buat utk kebaikan diri sendiri, rakyat, negara dan agama...
Kenapa kita perlu buang masa dgn mereka yg menghancurkan negara??? Kalau salah atau tidak salah putuskan segera dan ambil tindakan cepat...kemudian fokus kembali kpd memajukan ummah dan negara...
please don't just stop your advice at najib bro, banyak lagi lanun-lanun kat depan mata, jangan lupa plak pahlwan TS Muhyiddin as-siddiq! calon PM kegemaran ramai melayu/UMNO untuk mengantikan najib. :)
Najib always repeated his statement that he had never taken money for his own interest. Please understand the statement, 'FOR HIS OWN INTEREST'. Does this means he still took the money but for other purposes beside for his own interest?
Najib playing safe. Bersedia utk jwb tudujan seterusnya. Kenapa masukkan duit sebyk tu ke dlm akaun peribadi? Mgkin jwbannya yg menyebabkan semua musuhnya tunduk malu....."saya guna akaun peribadi kerana akaun akaun lain dah penuh, mesin atm yak boleh tetima duit kertas lagi, dah jam. Jadi solution terbaik utk elak disamun, masuk kedlm akaun lain. Akaun yg saya ingat nombornya adalah akaun ambank saya" . Hah amik kau!
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