Tuesday 29 March 2016

1MDB - Australian Broadcasting Corporation's lies about Prime Minister Najib Razak ?

Well, hear ABC out and draw your own conclusions afterwards. 

In the meantime, if the report is nothing but another 'Jewish conspiracy' to topple him, Najib Razak the Prime Minister of Malaysia must initiate necessary legal actions to protect the badly beaten up image of Malaysia. 

I'm quite sure a big majority of Malaysians don't care what the world thinks about Najib the son of Tun Abdul Razak but every Malaysian care and would want to protect the good name of Malaysia. 

Stop dragging this nation into your never ending scandals, and into the dungeon of failed states.


Next Tuesday is exactly a week away.

Monday 28 March 2016

Kongres Rakyat - Rakyat semakin matang

Kongres Rakyat telah berlangsung dengan baik pada petang Ahad 27hb Mac 2016 di Shah Alam Convention Centre. 

Kongres Rakyat, yang berteraskan Deklarasi Rakyat, sebenarnya berjaya kerana sokongan padu pelbagai lapisan rakyat serta pemimpin. 

Rakan wartawan media luar negara yang membuat laporan perjalanan Kongres Rakyat bertanyakan kepada saya 'Apa sebenarnya kejayaan Kongres Rakyat'? 

Saya terdiam seketika. Apa sebenarnya kejayaan perkumpulan pelbagai lapisan masyarakat, kaum serta pemimpin pelbagai rupa dan fahaman ini? 

Seorang lagi wartawan tempatan yang agak lama menulis disana sini, menyampuk. "Kongres macam biasa sahaja. No spark," kata beliau. 
Selepas Deklarasi Rakyat ditandatangani tempohari wujud pelbagai tohmahan, fitnah serta propaganda untuk memperkecilkan semua pemimpin utama yang mendukung deklarasi tersebut. Suara-suara sumbang yang mengulangi tohmahan tanpa usul periksa pun ada juga tetapi hanya segelintir.

Antara propaganda murahan awalan adalah arahan khusus kepada kepala-kepala media pemakan dedak agar segala berita berkenaan Deklarasi Rakyat diputarbelit untuk mengelirukan rakyat. 

Deklarasi Rakyat dicanang sebagai Deklarasi Mahathir-Kit Siang oleh TV3 dan pemakan dedak yang seangkatan dengan mereka.

Se-akan merobek topeng mempamer wajah sendiri yang hodoh, mainan jahat mereka yang gusar dengan Deklarasi Rakyat nyata gagal.  

Yang jelas rakyat Malaysia sudah mampu berfikir sendiri. Rakyat tahu pemakan dedak adalah golongan minoriti yang amat kecil dan amat mudah untuk ditumpaskan bila rakyat bersatu dan bangkit menentang. Kerana itu kesatuan rakyat sebegini digeruni.  

Rakyat yang waras tidak tertipu dengan propaganda murahan bahawa pemimpin Melayu yang gila kuasa telah bersekongkol dengan Lim Kit Siang dan DAP untuk menumbangkan 'kerajaan Melayu'. 

Sebahagian besar orang Melayu, walau di bandar atau di desa, tidak terpedaya dengan cubaan menakutkan mereka dengan fitnah serta tohmahan berunsur perkauman. Zaman itu sudah berlalu. Malaysia kita semakin matang. Yang masih belum matang hanya penyamun dan juak-juaknya. 

Inilah kejayaan mutlak Kongres Rakyat. Walau cuba ditikam dan ditolak dari pelbagai sudut, dari luar dan dalam, hampir kesemua mereka yang menandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat telah tampil bersama sekali lagi. Kesatuan pemimpin-pemimpin dari pelbagai aliran ini semakin utuh. 

Tidak ada sedetik pun nada 'apologetic' atau rasa bersalah yang kedengaran dari mana-mana pemimpin politik, badan bukan kerajaan atau aktivis yang menandatangani Deklarasi Rakyat, sepanjang lima jam mereka bersama dalam perjalanan Kongres Rakyat. 

Perbezaan telah berjaya diketepikan sepenuhnya. Kepentingan rakyat dan negara telah mengatasi segala yang lain. Alhamdulillah!

Kongres Rakyat adalah kejayaan rakyat dalam mencorak politik tanahair yang lebih matang. Ianya pasti satu kejayaan kerana hanya suara desakan supaya Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak meletak jawatan yang kedengaran apabila perkumpulan bersejarah ini berakhir pada lebih kurang pukul 7 malam. 

Suara yang semakin lantang dan kedengaran diseluruh pelusuk tanahair ini akan dipersembah kepada Duli Yang Maha Mulia Raja-Raja Melayu menerusi jutaan tandatandan rakyat yang mendukung Deklarasi Rakyat

Ayuh! Marilah kita Selamatkan Malaysia. Tiada siapa yang akan bangkit untuk menyelamatkan negara ini kecuali kita.  



It is impossible to feel any spark if your heart and mind is often misplaced.

Friday 25 March 2016


Jika mereka yang menyanyikan lagu patriotik Malaya Tetap Merdeka ini masih hidup, apa mungkin perasaan mereka bila menyaksikan keadaan masyarakat Malaysia pada ketika ini? 

Adakah masyarakat pelbagai kaum, agama dan keturunan kita lebih matang daripada keadaan kita pada tahun 1959? 

Kita masih merdeka dalam ertikata yang dijiwai sebelum dan selepas 31 Ogos 1957? 

Kemana halatuju kita? 

Tepuk dada, tanya selera dan renungilah dilema kita. 

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Wind Of Change

"Wind Of Change"

I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change
An August summer night
Soldiers passing by
Listening to the wind of change

The world is closing in
Did you ever think
That we could be so close, like brothers
The future's in the air
I can feel it everywhere
Blowing with the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change

Walking down the street
Distant memories
Are buried in the past forever
I follow the Moskva
Down to Gorky Park
Listening to the wind of change

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change

The wind of change
Blows straight into the face of time
Like a stormwind that will ring the freedom bell
For peace of mind
Let your balalaika sing
What my guitar wants to say

Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams
With you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
in the wind of change

Friday 18 March 2016


Saudara-saudari sekalian,

Izinkan saya menerangkan sedikit berkenaan keputusan saya untuk keluar dari UMNO. Berbanding dengan pemimpin-pemimpin “UMNO” yang ada sekarang, saya lebih lama berada dalam UMNO. Walaupun saya disingkir sekali dan tinggal UMNO dua kali, saya tidak pernah menyertai parti lain. Saya tetap setia kepada UMNO. Saya sayang UMNO bukan kerana nama-nya UMNO tetapi kerana perjuangannya untuk bangsa, agama dan negara.

​Hari ini “UMNO” tidak lagi berjuang kerana bangsa, agama dan negara. Hari ini perjuangan “UMNO” terhad kepada pengekalan Dato’ Sri Najib sebagai Perdana Menteri. Tidak ada Perdana Menteri terdahulu yang menjadikan UMNO sebagai benteng untuk pertahankan diri, tidak Dato Onn, tidak Tunku Abdul Rahman, tidak Tun Razak, tidak Tun Hussein. Saya juga tidak menggunakan UMNO untuk mempertahankan diri. Bahkan saya, seperti Tunku, rela meletak jawatan.

​Oleh kerana perjuangan UMNO sudah bertukar, maka pertubuhan ini bukan lagi UMNO. Ia sudah jadi pertubuhan lain. Pemimpin-pemimpin yang masih ada dalam UMNO kebanyakannya berada kerana kepentingan diri, kerana takut kepada Najib, kerana dapat nikmat dari Najib. Mereka tidak peduli akan skandal kewangan yang melibat Najib, akan wang berbillion yang ada dalam akaun bank Najib. Sesungguhnya Perdana Menteri Malaysia tidak boleh miliki wang berbillion atau terima wang sebegitu banyak.

​Dalam perjuangan kita perlu menentukan sasaran utama kita. Sasaran kita ialah Najib kerana dia merosakkan imej negara, menjadikan negara yang terkenal didunia sebagai mempunyai amalan rasuah tertinggi.

​Kita lihat di Timur Tengah orang Islam yang anggap orang Yahudi adalah musuh mereka yang sebenar tetapi mereka lebih utamakan permusuhan sesama mereka sehingga mereka berperang sesama sendiri. Akhirnya Israel tepuk tangan melihat orang Islam membuat kerja mereka. Di Malaysia hari ini bukan parti lawan yang menjadi musuh utama tetapi Najib, kerana Najib merosakkan parti sehingga hampir kalah PRU 13. Parti lawan tidak boleh kalahkan kita. Tetapi Najib boleh.

​Najib sudah menjadikan UMNO sebagai parti miliknya sendiri. Malangnya kepimpinan Najib melemahkan parti. UMNO tetap kalah PRU 14 jika dipimpin oleh Najib. Adanya parti lawan sejak merdeka tidak pernah menghapuskan sokongan rakyat kepada UMNO sehinggalah Najib memimpin UMNO. Prestasinya lebih buruk dari Abdullah.

​Yang menimbul masalah dan kepincangan dalam negara ialah Najib. Hutang negara meningkat sebanyak lebih dari 50 billion Ringgit kerana 1MDB. Sebilangan besar dari wang ini sudah hilang. Untuk menampung wang yang hilang ini, Najib menjual tanah Kerajaan yang dibeli dengan harga RM60/- satu kaki persegi kepada Tabung Haji dengan harga RM3500/-.

​Tiba-tiba dilaporkan Najib mempunyai wang sebanyak RM2.6 billion dalam akaun peribadinya di Ambank. Juga wang sebanyak RM42 juta dari SRC ada bersama. Dakwaan kononnya semua wang ini adalah hadiah dari orang Arab tidak masuk akal. Perdana Menteri Malaysia tidak harus terima wang yang sebegitu banyak dari sesiapa pun.

​Pemerintahan Najib kejam. Siapa yang menegurnya disingkir dari parti, dibuang jawatan, ditangkap dan dihadapkan ke mahkamah. Undang-undang baru dibuat untuk memberi kuasa kepada Kerajaan Najib memasuk dalam tahanan siapa sahaja tanpa dibicara.

​Kerana semua ini saya keluar dari parti pimpinan Najib dan sebagai rakyat negara tercinta ini saya akan sambut desakan ramai rakyat untuk membuat sesuatu bagi mengembali pemerintahan yang adil ke negara ini.

Saya menjemput ahli-ahli UMNO yang sayang kepada perjuangan asal UMNO membantu saya untuk menyelamatkan parti dan negara ini. Kemukakanlah usul undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib sebagai Presiden parti dan Perdana Menteri di mesyuarat-mesyuarat cawangan UMNO. Usulkan juga agar pemilihan parti tidak ditangguhkan, dan dilaksanakan pada tahun ini juga

​Kita tidak boleh tunggu PRU 14 kerana UMNO yang dipimpin oleh Najib tetap akan kalah. Sekali UMNO kalah ia tidak dapat dipulih semula.

Terima Kasih

Selamat bersidang

Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad
18 Mac 2016

Monday 14 March 2016

The famous Prime Minister of Malaysia

While UMNO continues to live in denial the party's president Najib Razak continues to bask in the limelight as one of the most famous prime minister in the world. 

UMNO and the 12 others in Barisan Nasional, the ruling coalition, continue to jump in joy due to the international recognition enjoyed by their leader. 

Don't even try asking them why Najib is so popular in the eyes of the world. They may turnaround and accuse you of trying to topple a democratically elected Government. 

Due to his overwhelming popularity and service to this beloved nation Najib is now going around preaching for fellow Malaysians to uphold the good name of Malaysia. 

Malaysians must be dumb and not listen or trust anyone else but Najib because he is one of the most famous politician albeit for the wrong reasons.

Najib continues to think that he is doing Malaysia proud. Never mind that even foreigners liken him to the naked Emperor in Hans Christian Andersen's The Emperor's New Clothes tale.

Such is the level of hypocrisy in this blessed land. Watch the video again as food for some thought. Thinking is still allowed in Malaysia at this point of time. There is no assurance that thinking would still be legal next week.

I pray the moral compass is recovered soon enough before this nation is further ruined by the naked emperor and his goons. 

God save Malaysia. 


The Emperor's New Clothes - A vain Emperor who cares about nothing except wearing and displaying clothes hires two weavers who promise him the finest, best suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "hopelessly stupid". 
The Emperor's ministers cannot see the clothes themselves, but pretend that they can for fear of appearing unfit for their positions and the Emperor does the same. 
Finally the weavers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him and the Emperor marches in procession before his subjects. 
The townsfolk play along with the pretense, not wanting to appear unfit for their positions or stupid. 
Then a child in the crowd, too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the cry is taken up by others. 
The Emperor suspects the assertion is true, but continues the procession.

Sunday 6 March 2016

Barisan Nasional and the cowards in quandary

Barisan Nasional has 13 components. Umno is the biggest and seemingly the most powerful. The other 12 parties just makeup the numbers.

The Umno president is the leader of BN and sits as the Prime Minister by virtue of his party position and the collective support of the twelve others.

As their leader is the believer of the Cash is King maxim, the twelve others just follow him without raising any objection. Over the years the twelve others, including those from Sarawak and Sabah, have almost completely lost their voice of reason.

How could the twelve others keep mum over the now world famous 1MDB scandal in which the Prime Minister and Umno president is directly involved and implicated? I don’t think they are deaf, dumb and blind at the same time.

Many among the twelve others just don’t want to talk about 1MDB and the mind blowing scandals while some just brush it of as Umno’s internal problem. They say its an internal power struggle in Umno.

Some friends from Sarawak think it is a ‘Semenanjung problem’ while one state leader recently said its Najib’s personal problem.

Are the twelve others, including those from Sarawak and Sabah, truly ignorant or are they playing dumb due to the overwhelming influence and pressure from Cash… the King?

1MDB is a financial scandal where Najib and his friends have siphoned out billions of ringgit into their personal bank accounts. It is nothing but an elaborate scheme to scam Malaysia.

The Prime Minister of Malaysia having had unexplained billions of ringgit in his personal account is a criminal offence to begin with.

The whole wide world knows this and many other nations are involved in the ongoing probe but the twelve others are either oblivious to these facts or are taking Malaysians who vote for them as complete idiots.

Citizen's Declaration 

Last Friday's inking of the Citizen's Declaration (CD) reinforces the fact that what we are facing is not merely Umno's internal problem or a seasonal power struggle within the party. Its beyond that. 

Its is not only a fallacy but outright idiocracy to believe that Najib's scandal is Umno's internal problem. It has in actual fact snowballed into a national disaster. 

The CD is beyond partisan politics. Its about the well being of the nation and her people. It is about the need and ability to remove a rogue leader without having to topple the entire elected government.

Barisan Nasional component members have no where to hide now as the blanket they were hiding under has been removed.

Umno is in the hands of a small bunch of hijackers. What happened to the other 12?

Why aren't any of the 'other 12' in BN standing up for the people whom they claim to be representing?

Have BN component members reduced themselves to be errant boys of Najib's Umno?

The issue at hand is not about supporting Tun Dr Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang, Anwar Ibrahim, Ambiga, Maria Chin or even activist Hishammuddin Rais.

It is also not about importing 1.5 million foreign workers or about Malaysia taking part in a proxy-war in the Middle East. These, foreign workers and proxy-war,  are also very serious issues but Najib's financial scandals and abuse of power is much more serious than that and have devastating lost lasting effect on all of us. 

What we have before us now is the issue of a rogue leader who is embroiled in an international financial scandal, criminal breach of trust, treason and abuse of power. 

It is not about partisan politics or whether Lim Kit Siang and Dr Mahathir want to switch parties and ideologies. This is about standing up for what is right, in the best interest of our Malaysia.

The line is crystal clear now. BN components, especially those Peninsula based parties and their barely heard leaders, cannot hide from their responsibility. 

MCA, Gerakan, PPP and MIC can close shop and kiss each other goodbye if they continue to protect a known criminal. 

You can choose to demonise Dr Mahathir but that doesn't alter the fact that you're defending a criminal. 
Malaysians cannot possibly trust or forgive those BN leaders who hide behind the invisible non-interference clause when the nation is being raped and plundered.

You can continue to issue Umno prepared statements to defend Najib and think your duty is done. Your duty and responsibility is to the people and do take note that your window to do the right thing is getting narrower by the hour.

If you don't stand with the people to save Malaysia, you don't deserve any Malaysian's vote. Cash the King will run out in no time.

In the current carrot and stick political culture expectations are mountain high that those no nonsense BN components from Sarawak would prove sceptics wrong that they too have been cowed into submission. 

I don't think the good people of Sarawak would agree for their leaders to be subservient followers of a scandalous politician just because he throws money at them.

The BN leaders in Sarawak, many of whom I know personally, are not a lot of senseless worshippers of Cash the King but I'm truly perplexed with them keeping mum over Najib's world famous scandal.  

The Official Secrets Act - OSA - classification of the final audit report on 1MDB must have sent some sense into even the strongest sceptic. If you still can't differentiate right from wrong, may God help you.

With the Sarawak state election looming in the background leaders of PBB, SUPP, PRS, SPDP and their offshoots must accept the fact that their continued association with Najib could cause them votes and the gradual erosion of public confidence.

Agreeing to disagree is yet another fallacy when its about theft, treason and crime against the state.


CD is not a political pact to fight BN. CD is a citizen's movement, over and above partisan politics, to remove the scandalous Mohd Najib Tun Razak as the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Umno could continue to keep him as their president but Malaysians must rise to kick out the criminal. 

I would like to advice BN politicians, especially those reluctant defenders of Najib Razak, to at least read the CD first before shooting their mouth or putting their signature on the prepared statements bearing their names. 

Its truly amusing, having to witness cowards in a quandary.   

p/s 2 - Video -if you're seeking guidance to do what is       

Friday 4 March 2016

NST's wish is Dr Mahathir's command

The New Straits Times' front page report today.

Full text of the Citizen's Declaration or Deklarasi Rakyat to remove Datuk Seri Najib Razak as the Prime Minister of Malaysia HERE  

p/s Satisfy the NST and other like minded running dogs. Count the number of Pakatan/Pas leaders in the group of men and women who signed the historic declaration earlier today to kick out Najib and save our nation.