Wednesday 26 August 2009

Of dummy projects, commissions and a duel in the toilet.

At the Teoh Beng Hock Inquest today.


11.36am – MACC officer Anuar Ismail said documents seized show existence of false claims and dummy projects that paid commissions to DAP.

11.41am – Coroner Azmil Mustapha Abas has ordered the evidence pertaining to documents seized on the 7 companies to be expunged.

12.30pm – MACC officer testifies that witness TAN BOON WAH was heard quarelling with Teoh at 2am in the MACC toilet on July 16. - NST

Is the truth finally making its way out from the web that was spun by the guilty ones? Guess we'll just have to wait and watch the truth unfold.

Lawyer Gobind Singh Deo and dad should be happy as the truth would only hurt the 'gangsters'.

p/s Wonder why the coroner ordered pertinent evidence to be expunged. maybe in another court for a different charge, Sir?

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1 comment:

SSS Admin said...


Maafkan kami kerana membuat jemputan kepada Tuan secara am seperti dibawah:-

Yang berbahagia Dato/Datin/Tuan/Puan/Saudara/Saudari,

Dengan segala hormatnya kami memaklumkan bahawa kami akan melancarkan portal “Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua (SSS)” di

Kami menjemput anda untuk melayari laman web tersebut selepas Sambutan Merdeka 12tengahmalam pada 31 Ogos 2009. Anda dipersilakan untuk melayari tab “e-patriot”


di mana kami telahpun menyenaraikan laman citra anda di bawah senarai “e-patriot” (“Patriots displaying SSS Logo”). Kami ingin merakamkan rasa penghargaan kami yang tidak terhingga di atas sokongan anda terhadap Kempen SSS ini apabila anda telah mempamirkan logo SSS di laman citra anda. Terima kasih di atas sokongan berterusan anda terhadap Kempen SSS ini.


It is our honor to inform you that we will be launching "Satu Sekolah Untuk Semua (SSS)" portal at

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Terima kasih.

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