And she brought along another dubious character in the person of Suhaimy Kamaruddin ( a person who writes insightful notes in MalaysianInsider) into our national oil company?

Where are we heading my dear Datuk Shamsul Azhar, the honorable President/Ceo of Petronas?
p/s Still praying that the SHERYLL in Petronas is a different person.
UPDATE - 29 Apr, 2010 @0200hours
'Sheryll Stothard was the Managing Director of Hikayat Press (founded in 2000) and guess the outfit and the other individuals associated with her had nothing good to say about that the Government of Malaysia. Her associates, I was told, includes prominent names like Anwar Ibrahim and notorious writers like Hishamuddin Rais, and pro-Chin Peng film-makers.'
- guess what the next Petronas Hari Raya Aidil Fitri TV commercial/add storyline would be. The return of Chin Peng on 1st of Syawal ?
UPDATE - 29 Apr, 2010 @ 1830hours.
Read another BIG blunder HERE!!!!.
Eh, Suhaimy Kamaruddin has been with Petronas since he graduated lah. Former Petronas scholar. Fella probably bleeds Petronas. So I don't think she brought him in, as much as he has been promoted within..
dear sir,
I am not this shelly's keeper neither do i know her. But considering more damage has been done to the country, by the likes of tajuddin ramli, halim saad, eric chia, nor mohammad yakkop and those who are anti pakatan rakyat/pkr or ai so, if your praying, pray that petronas doesn't get any one of them.
If they had any one of those characters, I think the scandal that they can do will make perwaja look like a piece of cake
suhaimy kamaruddin is a staff of he must be promoted to public affairs dept as he is from hr or we are talking of a different person...maybe of the same name or spelling....
Your plea for an answer from your honorable CEO would probably fall on deaf ears since you can't even get the facts right in the first place.
You wrote:
"And she brought along another dubious character in the person of Suhaimy Kamaruddin ( a person who writes insightful notes in MalaysianInsider) into our national oil company?"
Suhaimy was a PETRONAS scholar and he joined PETRONAS 15 years ago. Check your facts before you write something.
wow. more fitnah spreading around! i'm impressed!
Datuk Dr. Sri Suhaimy Kamaruddin yang teramat bijaksana lagi tidak pernah buat benda2 idiotic, hang jangan nak perasanlah. Your name is being mentioned only a bit in this, and in a totally insignificant manner as well, and yet you act as if the WHOLE article is about you. Pi tulih nota dalam facebook macamlah orang tulih pasal hang besar-besaran. Always full of yourself, aintcha? A Major Drama Queen as usual. Pleaselah, nobody really cares if you keep 'writing' or not (if you consider a menial, wank-a-fest column in TMI an 'achievement' in your 'writing career', that is). You may be with Petronas longer than what this article insinuates, but you are indeed a dubious character nevertheless.
Like some comments done earlier, you got some facts wrong but that does not mean your views are worthless.
(Hey...why are all hiding behind ANONYMOUS when telling about the Suhaimy bloke is a P staff? Supporter of Suhaimy ka?)
Yeah Suhaimy has been long in P, high-flyer, so so say. Dubious - perhaps....but as a writer, he sees himself as a good writer (used to ask me to get the 80s magazines of my school since he likes way we wrote back then...ahaha!) as a P staff, he's a good dog to the leaders...good dog indeed...eats breathes and shits only for P...and eats the shit again if needs be for P's sake.
Loser though...cannot even bring up a child.
Like some comments done earlier, you got some facts wrong but that does not mean your views are worthless.
(Hey...why are all hiding behind ANONYMOUS when telling about the Suhaimy bloke is a P staff? Supporter of Suhaimy ka?)
Yeah Suhaimy has been long in P, high-flyer, so so say. Dubious - perhaps....but as a writer, he sees himself as a good writer (used to ask me to get the 80s magazines of my school since he likes way we wrote back then...ahaha!) as a P staff, he's a good dog to the leaders...good dog indeed...eats breathes and shits only for P...and eats the shit again if needs be for P's sake.
Loser though...cannot even bring up a child.
she left petronas on 4 June 2010
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