Wednesday 8 September 2010


Teng vs DAP vs Pakatan State Government.

SELANGOR Speaker Teng Chang Khim’s name is found written all over the place at public parks in the Sungai Pinang constituency.

The Sungai Pinang assemblyman seems to have adopted a bold strategy by displaying his name on benches, gazebos and playground equipment provided by him to the constituents.

However, Teng’s action has not gone well with some of the residents in the constituency which covers a large part of North Klang town, Taman Eng Ann and a section of Jalan Meru. - TheStar

SUNGAI PINANG assemblyman Teng Chang Khim sees nothing wrong in putting his name on the benches, gazebos and playground equipment that had been provided to his constituents from state allocation.
Teng said he had spent 30% from his RM500,000 annual allocation for providing park facilities in his constituency. - TheSTAR

p/s HIS RM500,00 ?????????

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Anonymous said...

gila gelemer juga tok pek ni

Anonymous said...

Its not even his money. This is an abuse of power.

Anonymous said...

Salam Aidil Fitri dari saya

Anonymous said...

ramai melayu menangis terharu atas kebaikan beliau..mungkin satu hari beliau ditabalkan sebagai khalifah Umar Abd Aziz yg ke 2!!

Anonymous said...

Third world governance style. Citizens don't need animals pissing their names to mark territory. This 'name tag' on public amenities thing unethical, especially for public monies paid by the tax payer to be used for public purposes.

Don't you think they charge for the extra printed words? Why should we pay for painters to put his name on facilities we paid for? To send a strong message, how about someone offering to donate public toilets and paying to put his name on them?

tebing tinggi said...

I think is healty development so that people know tahat are his area just like dogs marking thier area.
