ONLY in Selangor, under Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.
Since when are State Governments permitted to use public funds to ORGANISE street demonstrations, particularly demonstrations in violations of the existing laws pertaining Public Order?
It is out in the open now that the recent 'Water Demo" orchestrated by the Pakatan Rakyat leadership in Selangor ( but the domonstration was started at the National Mosque in Kuala Lumpur and subsequently a memorandum was sent to DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agong) was an OFFICIAL Selangor state government effort.
The Selangor State Government has funded an illegal activity using tax-payers money. To top it up the cost of the illegal demonstration was hiked up by more than RM100,000 from an initial illegally approved sum of RM154,000. (See the doc below for details)
And the best part is that none of these illegal activities were approved by the State Treasury.
Mister Menteri Besar, could you please come clean or ...
Below is another documented proof of the illegal activities in the Khalid Ibrahim's kingdom. Guess its self explanatory.
No wonder Khalid Ibrahim and his puppet masters are so vehemently against the Sultan of Selangor endorsed appointment of the new State Secretary.
Get going SPRM, we trust your independence and integrity.
That's a lot of water down the drain. The wasted money could have been better spent by distributing it to the poor..... (taking a line from the riot leaders).
Patut lah DAP cekik leher Khalid suruh reject SS baru. Rupanya kontrak Bumiputera semuanya lepas ker syarikat kroni DAP. jelas la dalam surat surat rasmi ini. ni la namanya melayu haramjadah bunuh bangsa sendiri. kami kontraktor melayu tersiksa tak ada job si lakhnat MB ni bagi kontrak yang kecil pun kat suku sakat komunis. haramjadah kau khalid
Khalid Ibrahim menentang perlantikan dato khusrin dan menuduhnya sebagai pro BN. Sebenarnya tak langsung tapi hanya civil servant yang strict.
Dia baik dgn sultan kerana jalankan arahan sultan di jais.
Khalid mahukan dato aris, state financial officer.
Sebab dia adalah saudara mara khalid. Dia juga ada penglibatan dlm kumpulan semesta, menguasai ybk, dan lain2 salahlaku khalid.
Dia akan menutup salahlaku khalid.
Taubatlah Khalid sebelum nasi menjadi bubur dan anda di-ludah dikhalayak ramai.
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