Dear Marcus Lim,
I'm writing this letter as a father of a teenage son of about your age.
I'm writing this open letter to you so that you could have some broader perspective of the issues surrounding you and your family.
I'm in no position to be certain if you are guilty or innocent of the accusations leveled against you i.e. the molest of a fellow student at the Heng Ee Chinese Secondary School in Penang.
I would however give you the benefit of the doubt, based purely on the denial of your former school headmaster Goh Boon Poh that no such incident had taken place.
I take it that you must be an innocent boy who is caught in a political web.
I'm sure you are old enough to understand simple logic, and differentiate facts from fiction.
My observation of this damning issue from day one clearly points that you have been purposely dragged into this by none other than your father Lim Guan Eng, followed by his father and your grandfather Lim Kit Siang.
Basically DAP and Pakatan Rakyat are using or rather abusing you for their political survival.
Why am I saying so?
If I had been in your father's position on the first day when members of the Press asked Lim Guan Eng to respond to those 'wild allegations' against you, I would have set the record straight. I wouldn't have kept mum.
I would have defended my son (knowing well that he is innocent and was merely a target of my political enemies - as your father said). I would have called for an immediate investigation by lodging reports to the police and the State Education Department.
At the Press conference, I would have categorically denied that Marcus Lim is not a person of such character and I would have initiated immediate legal action against all those who were tarnishing your image and character in cyberspace.
As a father, I wouldn't have kept mum!
But your dad, Lim Guan Eng, chose not to defend you. Don't you wonder WHY?
Read below how your father deliberately dragged you into the mess.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has declined to answer allegations in pro-Umno blogs that a VVIP’s son was involved in a case of outraging the modesty of his female schoolmate.

“Let Umno publish the news first, then you will see what I will do,” said Lim during a press conference in Penang today.
“What happens now is they make allegations, then I reply (baling batu, sembunyi tangan). Why should I reply to them every time?” he asked.
Lim said he has better things to do then to reply to each and every allegation or speculation against him.
Earlier, when contacted, Lim’s wife, Betty Chew, also declined to comment, saying, “Please ask CM about it”.
It is none other than your dad Lim Guan Eng who seems to have exploited the situation and your innocence, for his and the DAP's political survival.
At least your mother Betty Chew could have come to your defense and explained the situation like any mother would have done, but being a politician herself your mother merely said "Please ask the CM about it".
This is your father's political statement made in Kuala Lumpur more than 24-hours later :-
UMNO Should Act Against Those Trying To Wreck The Life Of My Young Son With Cruel And Barbaric Lies Just To Finish Me Off Politically To Prove That UMNO Is Not A 3D Party That Employs Desperate Dangerous And Dirty Tactics
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had declared during the Gerakan National Delegates Conference two days ago that BN had not given up on Penang and will go all out to recapture the state from Pakatan Rakyat. Following those Najib’s declaration of intent, we see pro-UMNO blogs and some UMNO leaders carrying out a serial campaign in the internet to systematically not only character assasinate me but also cruelly dragging in my young 16 year old son with their lies.
My wife and I are furious that pro-UMNO blogs and some UMNO leaders have made or perpetuated false allegations against my young son of criminal wrongdoing. My family and I deplore these lies and fabrications against my young son as morally despicable and barbaric. UMNO should act against those trying to wreck the life of my young son with cruel and barbaric lies just to finish me off politically to prove that UMNO is not a 3D party that employs desperate, dangerous and dirty tactics just to cling on and retain power at any cost.
My son had transferred to St Xavier Institution in Penang from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Cina Heng Yee because I had promised him that he could transfer to the school of his choice if he scored at least 6As in his PMR. When he achieved that, he was transferred at the beginning of the school term this year in January 2011. My son wanted to go to St Xavier because he did not want to have his hair crew-cut as is required for Heng Yee students but wanted to keep his hair longer.
In this modern world, it is difficult for a young kid growing up, especially so when his father is a Chief Minister targeted daily by the pro-BN
My son is very shaken up by these lies. He has also not gone back to school for two days. I feel sad and that I am not able to protect my young son from these pro-UMNO ferocious beasts.
I urge these ferocious pro-UMNO beasts not to prey on the innocence of my young children. If you want to finish me off, do your worst to me but leave my innocent children alone. UMNO politicians have children too and DAP have never gone for their children and do not intend to so.
Amongst some UMNO leaders who highligted this shameful episode in the blogs is Bukit Gelugor(Penang) UMNO Division vice-chairman Dr Novandri Hasan Basri. He was then followed by many UMNO leaders rehashing the lies. Sadly even UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaludin joined in these shameful lies by poking fun at my son with this tweet:-
@Khairykj Khairy Jamaluddin
@PapaGomo Mungkin dia roboh Kampung Buah Pala sebab nak ganti dengan Kampung Buah Dada.!/Khairykj/status/125841671102529536My son had transferred to St Xavier Institution in Penang from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Cina Heng Yee because I had promised him that he could transfer to the school of his choice if he scored at least 6As in his PMR. When he achieved that, he was transferred at the beginning of the school term this year in January 2011. My son wanted to go to St Xavier because he did not want to have his hair crew-cut as is required for Heng Yee students but wanted to keep his hair longer.
In this modern world, it is difficult for a young kid growing up, especially so when his father is a Chief Minister targeted daily by the pro-BN
My son is very shaken up by these lies. He has also not gone back to school for two days. I feel sad and that I am not able to protect my young son from these pro-UMNO ferocious beasts.
I urge these ferocious pro-UMNO beasts not to prey on the innocence of my young children. If you want to finish me off, do your worst to me but leave my innocent children alone. UMNO politicians have children too and DAP have never gone for their children and do not intend to so.
Amongst some UMNO leaders who highligted this shameful episode in the blogs is Bukit Gelugor(Penang) UMNO Division vice-chairman Dr Novandri Hasan Basri. He was then followed by many UMNO leaders rehashing the lies. Sadly even UMNO Youth chief Khairy Jamaludin joined in these shameful lies by poking fun at my son with this tweet:-
@Khairykj Khairy Jamaluddin
@PapaGomo Mungkin dia roboh Kampung Buah Pala sebab nak ganti dengan Kampung Buah Dada.
I hope those poking fun and spreading lies at my young son can look at themselves in the mirror as a father and ask whether they want their own child to suffer the trauma of such lies. My family and I reserve the right to take any further action to protect my family. In the meantime, my wife and I will try to heal my young son and pray that he will recover from having his innocence so cruelly destroyed by these pro-UMNO beasts.-LIM GUAN ENG
Dear Marcus,
I'm sure you are intelligent enough to see the actual picture now. It is your father Lim Guan Eng and grandfather Lim Kit Siang who politicized this issue and dragged you into the dungeon and wrecked your innocence.
Why drag-in Umno, Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and every passing pro-government blogger when the actual issue was one where a school boy was purportedly a victim of malicious lies on cyberspace?
If you notice carefully, the group of politicians led by the DAP secretary general are barking out aloud condemning and criticising UMNO and BN. They are not defending you!
Instead of lodging a police report against those "malicious lies" on cyberspace, your father's party leaders have lodged police reports against the Umno Youth chief.
Can you now see the game your father is playing, with you as the pawn?
Your father Lim Guan Eng the DAP secretary general doesn't appear to be relenting in his pursuit of wanting to derive the most from your misery.
He has now launched a scathing attack against the Deputy Prime Minister for suggesting that a police report should be lodged to clear your name.
Dear Marcus,
I really pity you and the fact that you innocence has been wrecked by a bunch of politicians but be rest assured that your father is not a politician. A desperate politician happens to be your father.
I believe you are living among a pack of political animals that won't spare anything to satisfy their lust for power.
God bless you, Marcus.
p/s I would like to believe that you are an innocent boy and I'm sorry if this letter offends you in any way. TQ
don't drag the kid thru all this political bullshit. is this the way forward for our country's political landscape? is this what you want to happen to your children? it is naive to think that sitting on the sideline and commenting on the political happenings thru blogs will stop the shit from splattering on you. it is sad to see that this the way forward.
kiddo or no kiddo, don't you think PR will ever noticed? but when it hit their nose and its bloody then they played differently... PAS witl all the children as the human shields? PKR with all the malicious attack to Rosmah? DAP with attack to Rahim Thamby Chik with teenage girl?
Come on, don't tell me PR like an angel now?
son is MARCUS, wife is BETTY how come father got no Christian name?
well obviously this is a game by dynasty Lim of DAP , befored this their families always telling lie about others and created a racial tension among Malaysian ...
now their families caught in red handed with this issue , the strategy that used by them constantly over the years.
the DPM also give an advise that Lim have to make a police report about the 'lies' against the bloggers , but Lim 'takde telor' to report the police against bloggers .
But this bastards family of Lim only know to 'pusing-pusing' DPM statements .
Soo Dynasty Lim of DAP .. eat your own medicine !!! and till now your family only know to pusing-pusing and telling lie !!
eteruknya bapa siMarcus.
Sdra Apanama,
Izin kan saya ....
Terima kasih atas surat sokongan moral kapada Marcus Lim.
Sdra, juga mesti mempertahan kan maruah andaikata mangsa yaani budak perempuan itu juga yang konon nya ,buahdada nya yang di ramas dlll.
Marcus konon nya melakukan nya,kita beri sokongan andaikata dia tidak melakukannya.
Tahnia kapada Helen Ang juga FLO-JUST.
arjuna waspada
changkat lobak.
actually i dont give a shit who groped who's breasts. it's a modern world with modern technologies and access to ALL kinds of stuffs with the click of a mouse.
i do pity the kiddo...i do!
what i really do concern is the RM200'00.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Dua Ratus Ribu sahaja) involved
BETUL ker?
Guan Eng a closet Christian? No wonder all those discrimination against the non-Christian Chinese in Dap.
It rings a bell now. It was Selangor's Teng Chang Kim who raised this among our inner circle during a dinner in Seremban.
You are right Teng, non-Christians are second class members in Dap now.
I'm sorry for having doubted your worries then. We have been hijacked by these religious bigots. Our only hope now is Chairman Karpal. Cwc must deliberate on this cancer within us.
ah tee PJ
Sudah sudah lah tu. Kalau ya pun dapat bayaran, jangan lah melampaui batas. Walaupun budak tu kafir laknat, apa yang dilakukan ke atasnya lebih kafir. Sesiapa yang dapat duit melakukan sesuatu kekafiran, duit itu juga duit kafir, masuk dalam darah daging anak anak. Ingat ingatlah sikit. Bagi lah contoh yang baik. kalau nak sangat beri surat pada budak tu, kirim saja pada dia, tak payah papar dalam blog. Umat Islam sepatutnya menjadi contoh pada dalam kehidupan, bukan menujukkan tabiat yang penuh dengan hasad dengki.
He or she must be a pak@mak lawak..ha..ha..! Nak tunjuk islam konon...silap2 sendiri pun tak betul.
Let the truth be out.
1. Can the police initiate action without anyone lodging a report?
2. Can someone or any third party lodge a police report of alleged corruption by the virtue that the school institution ie public interest is at stake.
Very strange our dagu-tinggi guy lodged a police report on another issue subject. This is similar to someone not lodging report on an accident on the vehicle banging him down, but instead lodging a report on somebody else whom stole his HP when he was lying down after the accident.
So what happen to the story of the underage girl who was raped and defended by LGE which caused him to go to jail because of taking up the issue?
I don't see you rise to defend her? Why? Because her grandmother is not a politician?
Pure hypocrite.
you are a pest
to LIM family.. GOD PAY YOU BACK what you have done before!!
playing with dirty politics to others..and then it comes back to you LIM!
your family is a dirty sluts too!! playing with racism, anti-religous, GOD 'TEACH' YOU MR LIM!!
LIM family..dont put bullshit to UMNO.. peoples no how that rumors was fastly spread out to cover up your shit making!
Emzette Kay stupid damm u!
kalau bnda ni kena pada org any kind of fitnah can be spread out there?
sapa ckp ini jd kafir? idiot u..kalau anak LIM tu sudah buat jenayah.. kita dedahkan itu satu kebaikan utk menyelamatkan mangsa2 kejahatan anak LGE
ko ni bodoh dan bebal dgn setia menajdi penjilat DAP!! to be fair..Altantunya case was spread out rigorously by Pakatan..itu baru kafir..bukti nk jatuhkan org Islam!
Depa ni jangan diberi muka lagi. Jangan bersikap " tak apa" terhadap petualang-petualang ini. Semua nak babitkan UMNO. Gila ka apa!! Saman 30 juta tu sepatutnya ditambah lagi. Biar muflis para-para 'kaduk naik junjung tu'. Tak sedar diri 'ptuihhh!
anak marcus, bini betty, suami teekus, datuk babiey.
The games played by dynasty Lim of DAPig.
Kalau boleh tolong kurangkan maki hamun dalam komen. Kalau boleh lah yea. TQ
Yo Bumiputera!
I'd rather be a pest and tell the truth than be a sucker. TQ
I hope you understand what the posting is all about. Kalau tak faham suruh siapa2 translate dulu yea. Jangan melatah. TQ
Dear Mr. Firdaus,
Do not try to divert the issue.
Dr. Novandri & Papagomo fabricated the whole allegation using a 21-year old UK chess player named Anya Corke, and her photo as the alleged victim. Khairy and Muhiyiddin thought they could exploit the issue, and the whole thing blew up in their faces when the whole thing was exposed as a hoax.
Everybody know the pro-BN bloggers like you are now frantically working to salvage what remains of BN credibility from this farce.
Mr. Marcus Lim is (by your words), old enough to understand simple logic, and differentiate facts from fiction. I cannot say the same for you and your comrades Mr. Firdaus...
For example, you claim that LGE did not defend his kid, but his statement you posted in this article totally contradicts your point:
"My wife and I are furious that pro-UMNO blogs and some UMNO leaders have made or perpetuated false allegations against my young son of criminal wrongdoing. My family and I deplore these lies and fabrications against my young son as morally despicable and barbaric"
And now with this letter, you're trying to drag the kid back into a discredited allegation.
I bid you good luck in your effort, for you sure need lots of it.
Hi Ben,
Unsurprisingly, your comment is just a typical comment by a PR supporter.
Everything is false allegation when it comes to PR, but when it comes to BN, the response will be the otherwise.
Like what the PR blogger did to Rosmah via the edited utusan, I was surprise that many PR supporter believe the headnews , despite the fact that they don't read utusan!!
That is how our mind works, we believe in what we want to believe. We search for ways to justify what is not in line with our ideology.
Back to the topic.
Everyone know the picture is belong to Anya Corke. I know that too.
But have you read the small note stated that " gambar hiasan sahaja"?
Do you think gomo or novandri was so stupid to disclosed the victim, who is also a minor? We don't even disclosed a juvenile due to their under age privilege. Even the girl said raped by Rahim Thamby Chik was not disclosed. It is a victim privilege.
The attack is targeted to Mr Lim, not to the victim's family. And we're not focusing on her.
And what matter most is the RM200,000 spent to put everything under carpet. WHen Lim is all about championing CAT thingy...200K??..
I don't care about Marcus. I don't care about Anya Corke picture. but I care about the 200k. It is a bribe.
Hi Ben,
Unsurprisingly, your comment is just a typical comment by a PR supporter.
Everything is false allegation when it comes to PR, but when it comes to BN, the response will be the otherwise.
Like what the PR blogger did to Rosmah via the edited utusan, I was surprise that many PR supporter believe the headnews , despite the fact that they don't read utusan!!
That is how our mind works, we believe in what we want to believe. We search for ways to justify what is not in line with our ideology.
Back to the topic.
Everyone know the picture is belong to Anya Corke. I know that too.
But have you read the small note stated that " gambar hiasan sahaja"?
Do you think gomo or novandri was so stupid to disclosed the victim, who is also a minor? We don't even disclosed a juvenile due to their under age privilege. Even the girl said raped by Rahim Thamby Chik was not disclosed. It is a victim privilege.
The attack is targeted to Mr Lim, not to the victim's family. And we're not focusing on her.
And what matter most is the RM200,000 spent to put everything under carpet. WHen Lim is all about championing CAT thingy...200K??..
I don't care about Marcus. I don't care about Anya Corke picture. but I care about the 200k. It is a bribe.
CM dares not summon because it will backfire him in many ways. so he let his followers believe what he wants them to believe...
pity the son but i pity the rakyat more...what do they know? just CM's appeal that seems like a menopaused-old lady's cry... huk! huk!
No need to drag religion, race, politicians from any party about this matter in hand Mr.LGE, just summon all bloggers that you think had smeared or tarnished your family image. That if you really have nothing to hide :).
Tidak perlu mengheret agama, bangsa, ahli-ahli politik drpd mana-mana parti dalam kemelut ini En.LGE, saman sahaja semua blogger yang anda fikir telah merosakkan atau mencacatkan imej keluarga anda. Itu pun kalau anda tiada apa yang hendak disembunyikan :).
a taste of their own sin sei ma.. hard to swallow aye? lu bikin sama orang ok ma, bila time lu kena, suma tara oke.. semua lies.. i don't drag families to politics but your pakatan are always in favour of doing so..
tit for tat!
a taste of their own sin sei ma.. hard to swallow aye? lu bikin sama orang ok ma, bila time lu kena, suma tara oke.. semua lies.. i don't drag families to politics but your pakatan are always in favour of doing so..
tit for tat!
Sdr Apanama,
Pandangan dan nasihat anda kpd Marcus ternyata tidak ikhlas. Sepatutnya, surat terbuka anda adalah kpd bloggers yang membuat fitnah tu. Nasihatkan mereka ini. Mereka inilah yang telah memulakan satu episod menyedihkan kpd Marcus dan keluarganya. Mereka inilah yang perlu dinasihatkan agar memohon maaf kpd Marcus dan keluarganya dan tidak mengulangi fitnah -fitnah ini. Kenapa pula anda menyalahkan ayah Marcus? Kenapa pula anda tidak nampak kesalahan yang ada depan mata anda. Malang sekali bagi saya kerana telah terbaca surat terbuka anda ini. Saya tahu anda tersenyum ketika ini. Hasrat anda telah tercapai...
lagi_biasa_dr_kebiasaan said...
"Back to the topic.
Everyone know the picture is belong to Anya Corke. I know that too.
But have you read the small note stated that " gambar hiasan sahaja"?"
Screenshot from papagomo's blog don't show 'gambar hiasan sahaja' tag. In fact, it tries to pass off the photo as the victim, with words over it.
Nice try dude...
You can claim the 200k payment for a non-existant harassment case happened in the 8th dimension on Alpha Centauri. That sounds more believable. :)
The most effective way of dealing with the issue would be to deny it outright, quickly make a police report and then inform the public of what had happened and what action had been taken. Seems to me he's dragging the issue so it stays longer in people's minds and he can manipulate it to prove a point i.e. UMNO is bad.
Why people? It's because he's Malaysian first and Chinese second. His child is Chinese, but this DAP-good-UMNO-bad-political-bs is of national interest. Politician first father second
Since when is making a statement that you're furious considered 'defending'?
I'm furious at the Israelis who are attacking the Palestinians. Great I think I've made life better for the Palestinians now. Get it?
Action! Make the police report!
Saudara Apanama,
Terima kasih atas nasihat, walaupun berbentuk sindiran yang pedas. Rasa malu pun ada rasa bodoh pun ada, tapi saya terima dengan ikhlas. Saya pohon jutaan ampun dan maaf dari saudara dan pembaca semua sekiranya komen saya melampau batas.Tidak bermaksud begitu.
Kita berjuang dibawah panji yang sama, cuma pendekatan yang berbeza.
Fuck you asshole...this truly reflects your inbred nature...pukimak punya cibai apanama...
Apanama, I understand why so many unethical blogs, including yours, perpetuate this rumour (most probably originated from a bankrupt blogger hoping to get on the payroll).
When the story first appeared in the logsphere, many unethical blogs see this as an opportuuniy to ride on this issue without a single tread of evidence or confirmation of the story. Now that the frenzy has subsided, and with the alleged victim, school disciplinary oard, and even the state education department all saying it never happen.
Don't you think it's time to close the issue by apoligising to Mr Lim and his family, to all blogtizens, and to whole Malaysia, staerting with you, Apanama.
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