Sunday 25 December 2011


As always, Christmas like any other celebration in this blessed country brings joy and happiness. It is the same this year, except for a disturbing statement from a so-called Christian leader who thinks Christians are being oppressed or rather bullied in Malaysia. 

I think the Christian leader should dump his robe and contest in the next General Elections should he feel bullied and not tarnish the religion to satisfy his political lust. 

Religious leaders, whether you're an Imam or a Swami, lose my respect when they start issuing political statements, especially on the eve of a festive season when we MALAYSIANS celebrate our diversity and enjoy each others company. 

It is this type of so-called religious leaders who are actually ruining our multiracial society by spreading suspicion and hatred. 

Put your politics on hold Reverent, we are celebrating Christmas. 


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Another political Christian Rev Fr wanting to outdo the other..ahem one of my Rev Father.

Joy and peace to you.

Best regards