Monday 28 May 2012

Dear leader ... its democracy stupid!

One candidate, one seat: It’s democracy, stupid!

By Kua Kia Soong

DAP chairperson Karpal Singh must be commended for his recent call to Pakatan Rakyat to practise a “one candidate, one seat” policy.
At last, one leader in Pakatan has finally spoken up against this undemocratic practice of the party elite monopolising federal and state seats… a lion among the lambs?
When I criticised this practice a few years ago, the “seat grabbers” tried to justify it by saying they could handle both federal and state constituencies: “All you need to do is employ more secretaries to look after the seats for you what,” was one pathetic reply.
They failed to see the contradiction and fallacy in this undemocratic practice while criticising the Barisan Nasional for not carrying out democratic reforms. - 
Don't worry, Kua Kia Soong has not jumped ship and Pakatan Rakyat leaders won't be accusing him of having been paid millions of ringgit to criticise the Opposition. For whatever he is worth, Kia Soong appears to be telling his former party THE Dap to stop their nonsense. 

"There are other reforms that have not been implemented within Pakatan, including limiting the terms of office of the party leader, a democratic reform that has been achieved by even the retrogressive MCA.
Has the never-ending feudal “dear leader” syndrome any place in a democracy? - Kua Kia Soong
I was told by former DAP stalwart Wee Choo Keong (now Independent Wangsa Maju MP) that failure to address the supreme commanders of DAP as "Dear leader" would land one in a very hot soup, including being sacked from the party for 'not showing enough affection to the leadership" - as in Wee's case many moons ago.

"If Pakatan fails to carry out such intra-party reform, democracy will continue to be cynically interpreted – as my former comrades in the DAP used to joke about it – “Dia mahu kerusi“. - Kua Kia Soong

Read the rest of Kua Kia Soong's comments HERE. (also published on Page 165 of Kia Soong's latest book -The end of Barisan Nasional?)  

Well 'One candidate, one seat: Its democracy stupid! has certainly hit some raw nerves in DAP. 

DAP grassroots leaders, particularly those who have had enough of being ruled by the Lim dynasty have begun voicing their support for the 'one candidate, one seat' policy.

DAP chairman Karpal Singh rekindled the fire by suggesting that DAP 'dear leader' secretary general Lim Guan Eng could be the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Karpal is not a rookie politician born out of the 2008 political tsunami. As Kia Soong puts it on the 2nd paragraph of his comment piece, Karpal appears to be the lion among the Penang at least.

The DAP grassroots in Penang are just sending 'dear leader' Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng a clear message. 

The shocking departure of DAP vice-chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz following arrogant remarks by the 'dear leader' has indeed prompted some soul searching in the DAP.

It's an open secret in Penang DAP now that influential local leaders have begun promoting Penang DAP chief Chow Kon Yeow to replace 'dear leader' Guan Eng. 

DAP members and supporters in Penang are being informed that 'dear leader' Guan Eng should be the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister and that Penang SHOULD be led by a Penangite.

Basically, Guan Eng is being showed the way out of Penang, in a rather polite manner (unlike the case in Malacca a few years ago where Guan Eng was thrown out during state DAP elections together with his wife Betty). 

Karpal's recent statement about him waiting to address 'dear leader' Guan Eng as 'dear Prime Minister' is by no means a gaffe. 

Along the way Karpal has (rightly or wrongly) riled up the Malays with his Prime Minister Guan Eng suggestion, but the seasoned politician's missile has definitely hit its intended target. 

Guan Eng has no choice now but to give up his state seat, by extension his chief minister post, and only contest a parliamentary seat as DAP chairman Karpal thinks Guan Eng should become THE prime minister. 

With the DAP embracing the 'one candidate, one seat' policy, no one (even if you're a dear leader) should be allowed to contest in both state and parliamentary seats.

Certainly the Chairman knows what is good for the DAP than the 'dear leader' secretary general who merely inherited the position from his father.

DAP insiders are confident that the BRAVE VOICES of genuine members and their leaders could be heard soon... louder as the 13th General Election looms on the horizon. 

They say - 'Its democracy, STUPID!

p/s DAP representative on the Kuala Kubu Baru district council in Selangor quits post? Check it out! 

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