Yeah!!! He wants back the ICs Tun gave the Banglas, Indons and Filipinas !! He wants back the money Sharizat's family misused He wants back the money Ling made from PKFZ. He wants back the millions Tun takes from Petronas. He wants Utusan, TV3 and the rest to stop being racist. He want to bring down toll and taxes.... If you think what I said above is true, admit it.
hey mitchell: 1) the chinese from taiwan and prc are the largest portions that got the ic's 2) its a LOAN. have to paid every month 3) the case is running 3) wut??? ridiculous. ooo, because of that u cannot use klia, lrt, f1 sepang -it builts by petronas money by mahathir not anwar or lim kit sial 4)wut??? hahah sin chew, FMT and the worst... Malaysiakini the most racist aginst malays and islam 5)he want to abolish toll u dumb. manifestos is not binding!!
Anon2:55:00 How will we know what he wants to do if as PM if we dont give him a chance!! Micheal(nama mat salleh) 1) Prove it!! Sabah RCI and by Tun's own admission, ICs were given! 2)Prove they are repaying the loan, including salary given to them, condos in singapore and bangsar and the benz. 3) read the cronology of the sale of land! 4) give Anwar and Kit Siang. and Hadi the chance, damn sure they would build all this with with millions to spare....btw what is Petronas' annual profits!!!! 5)Racists??? must be from new village! 6) If we had given them a chance, we would know whether just a manifesto or not!!
For 56 yrs we have given BN the mandate, simply give the power back to the people, if PR do not perform or is as screwed up as BN we have the alternative of reverting back to BN and tis time they will not mess around becoz the people have the power to vote them out again. If anyone has the answer on how much Petronas as a GLC makes in a year, plse share!!
My dear Anon 12:35, Like I said go wank yourself under your tempurong!!! Cybertrooper!!! I am just a normal Malaysian, I call it as I see it, check my entries, when I see fit, I comment and my comments sometimes agree with the blogger! You know where I live (not leave)...great, drop by when you have a little bit of knowledge so that we can have a mature and civilised argument.. that goes for the person thats following me too...
I actually pity u mitchell. Remove the smokescreen in front of u and see the sick anwar for what he really is - liar, trouble-maker, enemy of the state, satan in disguise, serial unnatural sex practitioner, most corrupt, good-for-nothing, mad, insidious, and all that us bad in this world, and more.
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Assalammualaikum, teman-teman, pembaca dan followers saya dalam blog ini
yang sangat saya hormati. Saya ingim memaklumkan bahawa blog
Dr. Mahathir dan kebodohan media umno
Mengapa serangan media umno terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir ibarat menikam umno
sendiri? Dengarkan rumusan oleh Bekas Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan
(For English, Read Below)
*Assalamualaikum Warrahmatallahi Wabarakatu*
1. Dengan penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan azam yang kuat...
Yeah!!! He wants back the ICs Tun gave the Banglas, Indons and Filipinas !!
He wants back the money Sharizat's family misused
He wants back the money Ling made from PKFZ.
He wants back the millions Tun takes from Petronas.
He wants Utusan, TV3 and the rest to stop being racist.
He want to bring down toll and taxes....
If you think what I said above is true, admit it.
mitchell mitchell
no lah buttman wants his millions in singapore banks back - those big notes
he also wants the freedom to sodom and f**k young men, other men's wives, prostitutes of different colours etc etc
yup that's what he wants
You sure he wants to do all that?
hey mitchell:
1) the chinese from taiwan and prc are the largest portions that got the ic's
2) its a LOAN. have to paid every month
3) the case is running
3) wut??? ridiculous. ooo, because of that u cannot use klia, lrt, f1 sepang -it builts by petronas money by mahathir not anwar or lim kit sial
4)wut??? hahah sin chew, FMT and the worst... Malaysiakini the most racist aginst malays and islam
5)he want to abolish toll u dumb. manifestos is not binding!!
confirmed ! that you are stupid
What Anwar wants.
Idiotic Malaysians like Mitchell getting him to power as PM.
What I want to know.
Why is Anwar so persistent on becoming PM and what he really plans to do once he's PM.
Mitchell, he wants u too, front and back..
How will we know what he wants to do if as PM if we dont give him a chance!!
Micheal(nama mat salleh)
1) Prove it!! Sabah RCI and by Tun's own admission, ICs were given!
2)Prove they are repaying the loan, including salary given to them, condos in singapore and bangsar and the benz.
3) read the cronology of the sale of land!
4) give Anwar and Kit Siang. and Hadi the chance, damn sure they would build all this with with millions to spare....btw what is Petronas' annual profits!!!!
5)Racists??? must be from new village!
6) If we had given them a chance, we would know whether just a manifesto or not!!
and to the rest....: I dont need sex becoz the gomen screws me everyday!!!
For 56 yrs we have given BN the mandate, simply give the power back to the people, if PR do not perform or is as screwed up as BN we have the alternative of reverting back to BN and tis time they will not mess around becoz the people have the power to vote them out again.
If anyone has the answer on how much Petronas as a GLC makes in a year, plse share!!
Mitchell u r 2 tired after all the sex, so you better R.I.P
Anon 11:43
thats your answer to the Petronas question?
Go on watching your porno flicks under your tempurong...
He also wants back the ic that tungku a rahman gave to the chinese.
You are DAP cyber trooper. I know you just do your job. In fact I know where you leave. Just watch out, someone is following you.
Good luck.......peace
My dear Anon 12:35,
Like I said go wank yourself under your tempurong!!! Cybertrooper!!! I am just a normal Malaysian, I call it as I see it, check my entries, when I see fit, I comment and my comments sometimes agree with the blogger!
You know where I live (not leave)...great, drop by when you have a little bit of knowledge so that we can have a mature and civilised argument..
that goes for the person thats following me too...
I actually pity u mitchell. Remove the smokescreen in front of u and see the sick anwar for what he really is - liar, trouble-maker, enemy of the state, satan in disguise, serial unnatural sex practitioner, most corrupt, good-for-nothing, mad, insidious, and all that us bad in this world, and more.
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