Strategy No:1 - Ridicule the Monarchy and Promote Malaysian Malaysia.
Note the Malaysian Insider's strategy below. (I wonder which republic they got it from)
"Famous last words — The Malaysian Insider
MAY 9 — What a week it was. A fracas in the Perak state assembly for the first time in history. A show of force by police personnel inside the legislature for the first time in history. And complete disbelief across Malaysia of how badly the Perak crisis has been handled. The Malaysian Insider sieves through the rhetoric and picks out a few gems.
• “Changing party is a normal thing in a parliamentary democracy. Winston Churchill changed parties twice. In the United States, a Republican Senator recently crossed over to become a Democrat Senator. It is not unconstitutional to do so and it is also not illegal.” — Datuk Seri Najib Razak
Err, sorry Mr Prime Minister, you are comparing apples and oranges here. It is an insult to speak of Winston Churchill and Arlen Specter in the same breath as Hee Yit Foong, Osman Jailu and Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi.
• "I don't want to get involved in this. I just want to give my speech, so respect my speech, when I am giving it. You understand that? If you want to work with me in future, you have to respect my speech. Understand?” — Raja Nazrin Shah
Too late. It was way too late for the Regent of Perak to say that he did not want any part in the fracas in the state assembly. What happened on May 7 did not materialise out of nowhere. It did not happen in a vacuum.
The tug-of-war for power in Perak was a natural consequence of a refusal by the Sultan of Perak to dissolve the assembly and allow Perakians to decide who should represent them.
Respect has to be earned, even if you are next in line to the throne.
Admonishing the very lawmakers who many Malaysians feel are the victims in this saga is not a good start. "
(Wah, is this an unsolicited advice or WARNING from Malaysian Insider?)
Read more of the masked-strategy to ridicule Raja Nazrin Shah (read the monarchy) and the Prime Minister (Government) HERE.
This is what my kampong people call ‘ KURANG AJAR’, but I really do not know how the present day Malaysians, MALAYS in particular, interpret such RUDENESS.
Daulat Tuanku! Semoga negara tercinta ini tidak di-REPUBLIK-kan oleh dalang-dalang yang sedang berleluasa di-negara kita.
May God Bless Our Malaysia.
Hungarian firm tied to pager blasts in Lebanon unmasked
*This is the CEO/founder Cristina Arcidiacono-Barsony*
- *Hungarian firm tied to pager blasts in Lebanon unmasked*
- *devices reportedly mad...
11 hours ago
I am a Perakian and I totally feel sick about these people who have the kurang ajar attitude towards the Royal Household.
This is Malaysia with a Constitutional Monarch in a democratic system.
DYMM Sultan Azlan and Raja Muda Perak including Raja Puan Besar are all nice people and very respectable.
These alternative media and the group of demo-crazy bloggers have tarnished the image of such a noble Household in the history of Perak and Malaysia.
I stand by my Sultan and my Raja Muda.
it's not what we called it 'kurang ajar' but it is 'takde otak!!!'.
all of us as a Malaysian must respect our rulers and especially Malays they must respect their Sultan!
I must admit that RPK & the likes have instill hatred feelings towards "Melayu" . It is the case of Melayu makan Melayu.
For being "kurang ajar" these moron fr MI must be taught with some serious lesson & that including those intigator & their agents.
Men at Work
Why was there no one coming out to talk during MM's time when they change the Fed Constitution pertaining to Ruler's power?
I think there is a lot of hypocrisy and inconsistencies in us all. Respecting and upholding one's right is two different thing.
IPOH: Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, who was declared the rightful Perak Mentri Besar by the High Court on Monday is stumped by the Court of Appeal’s decision to grant a stay on the declaration.
Nizar said “many more questions” have been raised.
“The decision has left Perak in a state of limbo and uncertainty,” he told reporters at the state DAP headquarters. Nizar said that it should be the people, and not the courts that should decide on who should be the government of the day.
*** apa NIZAR buat kat IBU PEJABAT DAP?? PAS dah takde IBU pejabat ke??**
Opps... U r rated 5 Star Blogger. Pls visit SpotTheBloggers.
Salam Hormat.
Sedih melihat situasi di Perak, saya percaya orang bukan melayu pun ada yang terkejut dengan konflik tersebut...seakan nampak BN termasuk jerat DAP/pembangkang dalam situasi di Perak.
Salam.. nak minta pendapat tuan tenteng keratan akhbar dibawah,adakah TH dah tersasar daripada landasan nya kerana mengejar keuntungan??
Desak TH turunkan tambang haji
KUALA LUMPUR 17 Mei – Tabung Haji (TH) digesa menimbangkan semula keputusan menaikkan kadar tambang 11 peratus untuk musim haji tahun ini.
Kebanyakan pihak termasuk orang ramai menyifatkan kenaikan itu agak membebankan dalam suasana ekonomi yang tidak menentu ketika ini.
Timbalan Yang Dipertua Persatuan Ulama Malaysia, Datuk Md. Saleh Md. Ahmad berkata, berikutan suasana ekonomi sekarang agak membebankan rakyat, TH perlu mempertimbangkan kenaikan tersebut.
‘‘Kenaikan ini agak membebankan bagi mereka yang berpendapatan rendah, sekarang ini semua kos telah meningkat,’’ katanya ketika dihubungi di sini.
TH dalam kenyataannya kelmarin mengumumkan, kadar bayaran tambang tahun ini akan dinaikkan sebanyak 11 peratus berikutan peningkatan kos yang tidak dapat dielakkan.
Ini bermakna bakal jemaah akan dikenakan bayaran sebanyak RM9,980 seorang berbanding RM8,973 ketika ini.
Sementara itu, Setiausaha Agung Persatuan Pengguna (FOMCA), Muhammad Sha’ani Abdullah berkata, kenaikan perlu berpatutan sekiranya ia tidak dapat dielakkan.
‘‘TH perlu menimbang semula kadar ini dan kalau boleh beri subsidi kepada mereka yang berpendapatan rendah,’’ katanya.
Sementara itu, tinjauan Utusan Malaysia di sekitar Lembah Klang mendapati kenaikan itu mendapat reaksi negatif daripada orang ramai.
Seorang pembantu tadbir Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), Norani Salleh, 52, menyifatkan kenaikan tersebut terlalu tinggi.
‘‘Sepatutnya jika jika tidak boleh dielakkan, naikkan sedikit demi sedikit,’’ katanya.
Seorang kakitangan awam, Mek Rogayah Hamzah, 53, juga tidak bersetuju bayaran tambang itu dinaikkan berikutan kegawatan ekonomi sekarang.
‘‘Tabung Haji sepatutnya memahami kesusahan rakyat yang terpaksa menanggung beban kos sara hidup yang semakin tinggi,’’ katanya.
Pemilik kedai pakaian, Kamal Bahari Abd. Rashid, 41, pula berkata, kadar tambang tersebut tidak sepatutnya dinaikkan berikutan keadaan ekonomi yang masih tidak stabil.
‘‘Perkhidmatan menunaikan haji sepatutnya tidak dijadikan sebagai perniagaan. TH sepatutnya membantu mereka yang ingin menunaikan haji,’’ katanya.
Pemilik sebuah restoran, Zarina Abdul Hamid, 37, juga berpendapat, kadar baru itu tidak munasabah.
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