The heart of a home is a mother
Whose love is warm and true,
And home has always been "sweet home"
With a wonderful mother like you!
Malaysia is OUR home and you, Tun Dr.Siti Hasmah, are OUR mother.
Thank you for being a mother whom we, and many others from as far as Bosnia, are truly proud of.
May God Bless You With Good Health and Happiness.
Read more about Our Mother HERE.
Happy Mother’s Day – May 10, 2009.
Malaysia is OUR home and you, Tun Dr.Siti Hasmah, are OUR mother.
Thank you for being a mother whom we, and many others from as far as Bosnia, are truly proud of.
May God Bless You With Good Health and Happiness.
Read more about Our Mother HERE.
Happy Mother’s Day – May 10, 2009.
Also read our Prime Minister's message HERE.
1 comment:
maklumat ini amat berguna untuk menunjukan bahawa Dtk Najib bukan-lah PM Flip-Flop. timakacih
'Kallymullah and Brandan are openly instigating a rebellion against Ahmad Talib in NSTP. The no.1 GEIC told friends over tea that he 'tak berani nak ikut cakap Kaly' but 'editors dari NST' have had a few meetings with the cospirators in Bangsar Village and Briekfields. Mereka ini juga menggunakan MalaysianInsyderr untuk berbohong konon-nya Perdana Menteri tidak bersutuju debngan perlantikan Ahmad Talip.
MI berani berbohong kerana jika Pm ambil tindakan itu akan ditohmah sebagai sekatan kebebasan.
Sebenarnya MI adalah umpama racun dlm masyarakat kita sekarang.
Kalymullah even cuba prevent Najib from becoming the PM, apatah lagi bersubahat dan berbohong demi mengekalkan kepentingan dia dan kuncu-nya dalam NST/BH.
Harap2 Dtk Johan Jaafar dan yang lain2 tak terpengaruh dgn mainan Kalymullah yang tgh takut akan bayang2 sendiri.
These conspirators won't stop at anything bcoz they have everything to lose if NST/BH is purged of foreign operatives and anti-Malay/pro-Malaysian Malaysia elements.
if ecah and every 'editor' has to endorse any incoming Editorial Advisor/GE/GEIC or Chairman, then Kalymullah wouldnt have made it even to the bus stop along jln maarof.
p/s Datk Najib should take action against anonymous articles in MI that is attributed to him. If you don't stop it now, these guys are not going stop either.
Semambu Striker
10 May 2009 19:49
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