Monday 10 January 2011

Unbecoming ADUN of DAP

The YouTube recording below shows the unruly behaviour of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng's POLITICAL SECRETARY cum Komtar state assemblyman Ng Wei Aik. 

Ng Wei Aik exposed his true self during the Municipal Council's raid at a popular Nasi Kandar outlet last week. 

His thuggery is evident from the recording below. Since when did we assign a state assemblyman to confiscate and carry cooking gas cylinders from premises raided by the enforcement authorities? 

The 'thuggery promoting' POLITICAL SECRETARY of the DAP Secretary General has also been accused of uttering racal slurs against the owner/employee of the Nasi Kandar outlet.
He reportedly told Mohamad Aliyar and Syed Kassali Mohamed Aliyar to 'Tutup Kedai, Balik India". 

Is this the brand of administration/politics that the DAP in particular dan PR in general are clamouring for ?

Nobody could possibly do anything to stop such tyranny in Pulau Pinang now as the DAP kingdom has been given a free hand to RULE.

Lim Guan Eng appears like an unassailable King (heard his younger sister has also slipped into Penang Dap recently).  

The rest are all powerless, thus the need to show their power to the masses.

p/s Guan Eng, any investigations into your Political Secretary's unbecoming behaviour, or was that also part of your slippery politics?

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Anonymous said...

hoii anak haram . naik darah tengok muka dia beb. mana pemimpin bn pulau pinang? tukar jer la Koh Susu Kone tu.


Anonymous said...

Cibai anak melayu yang sokong DAP

Anonymous said...

U geng mamak ke?

Anonymous said...

saman je... that's the only language they understand... if it is out of their jurisdiction then they will have to compensate...


Anonymous said...

Saya harap2 orang Penang sedar lah. Dulu2 mana kita ada dengar cerita setiausaha gila macam ni! Yang saya heran dekat kawasan Tan Eu Ghee tu berlambak warung China dengan kerusi meja atas jalan. Tak ambil tindakan pun!


Salam.. Minta jasa baik tuan unutk link kan blog saya di dalam blog tuan..

Anonymous said...

are you mamak too?

Anonymous said...

ini baru permulaan, kat selatan tu ada "berita" katakan yg mereka wujudkan satu undang undang memberi hak pada sesiapa yg duduk dan jaga tanah "terbiar" utk 12 tahun sahaja

pendatang yg masuk pulau selatan tu boleh jadi tuan milik tanah hanya setelah 12 tahun duduk dan jaga kawasan "terbiar"