Friday 14 January 2011

Tone it Down - Dr.M tells Rocky and Rais.

Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the foremost blogger in the country, has sent out word to both prominent blogger Datuk Rocky Bru and Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim to tone down their squabble and leave the matter at hand to the authorities.

It was learned that the former Prime Minister thinks both Rocky Bru and Rais had said what they needed to say and if there were any wrongdoings, the respective authorities are already looking into it.

Che Det had made it clear that prolonging the squabble would be of no gain to either party, plus not positive to the image of the government.

Rais was a member of Dr Mahathir’s Cabinet who survived the Badawi cabinet despite his sometimes strong views against the 5th Prime Minister.    

Rocky is often described as a Mahathir ally. Backed by Umno bloggers who are Mahathir loyalists, notably Big Dog, Rocky has launched a series of postings attacking Rais since October, after the Minister had lodged a police report on Rocky for his posting calling for greater transparency at Rais’ ministry.

Several parties, including Umno leaders, have attempted to bring together the warring parties but without success.

Rocky’s last posting related to Rais was published here ... on a police investigation into a maid rape scandal, which Rais has refuted. 

Big Dog is expected to be called in by the police soon.

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Jolobak Jolobu said...

Rocky rakyat biasa tapi Rais sotong dari Jelebu. Nampak murah sangat sotong dari Jelebu.

Anonymous said...

this was an attack that backfired spectacularly on the elite bloggers. a lot of people had been campaigning against this rocky - big dog - parpu - voice (with the minnion marahku in tow) as they called themselves all sorts of names.

btw, why are u silent on the CAUSE of the rift? As a journo, I thought that would be the angle that should be explored.

and what about the story that Dr Maha-thirr has finally decided to call it quits even from bloggng?

HHalem said...

Hmmmm! No reference to what have been said by Tun. As usual or is it slip of the mouse. LOL

Frm HHalem

Anonymous said...

nasib baik Tun masuk selamatkan Datuk Rais. kalau tidak lunyai mamat tu. fail banyak lagi

Anonymous said...

Kalau dicatur betul-betul dua-dua belah ada salah dan silap dan ada baiknya isu ini dibiarkan berlalu. message amat jelas, jangan bongkak sangat kerana ada kuasa.
Menteri jangan lupa yang pilih adalah rakyat. Jangan melatah bila diminta penjelasan tindakan atau cerita tidak baik megenai kementerian, menteri sendiri atau keluarga.
Ketua Pengarah tu pun jaga la sikit. Don't be busy mengapi-apikan menteri sebab nak cover diri sendiri.
Bloggers pun kena lah berhemah. kes ini akibat silap langkah menteri dan pegawai tapi jangan bebankan kerajaan.
Bloggers yang di-rasuah untuk menghentam Rockybru dan kawan-kawan juga harus bertaubat dan beralih kepada benda yang lebig berfaedah. Mungkin ada blogger nyamuk yg tak puashati kerana tak masyuk lagi apabila isu ini selesai. Tolonglah sedardiri sikit. dah kena tendang sebab rasuah takkan nak hidupkan api rasuah dalam dunia bloggers pulak kan.
itu sajalah nasihat pemerhati Mee Jawa.

Anonymous said...

Siapa jadi blogger upahan setelah dibuang kerja kerana rasuah jijik? rasuah haram, perasuah lagi haram macam taik anjing besar.
Siapa blogger yang dibuang kerja sebab RASUAH ni? Fail ada, nak dikeluarkan ker bro?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please translate this posting to Bahasa Malaysia saudara Apanama. Kem Pen funded rabiddog the gomoguy doesn't understand Bahasa Inggeris.
Salahuddin Ayub bagi tahu kawan-kawan the rabiddog held his feet and cried when Salahuddin wanted to sue him for defamation.
Is it true yang gomoguy ini ada fail rasuah yang belum selesai? Bila nak masuk jel?

Anonymous said...

bloger papagomo kene histeria kot

Apanama said...

This appears like a good opportunity for both parties to move on. Our priority now is to ensure Malaysians are governed by a responsible and trustworthy government.
We must consolidate to attack the liars and chauvinists . If we dont prevent them, it could lead to an unstable situation with both a government and a country without any direction.

Anonymous said...

How can you fight the liars and chauvinists if we are ourselves are unsure whether rocky or rais is telling the truth?
actually its a rhetorical question. rais is definitely more believable on this one. rocky just threw the nuclear bomb on rais because he thought he could do so. hopefully these elite bloggrs will be taken down. word is the are PERSONA NON GRATA at Tenang. xtends to that fat excuse called Parpukari.

Anonymous said...

all whistleblowers are patriotic citizens and should be appreciated if not rewarded

Anonymous said...

Rockybru seharusnya meneruskan usaha memerangi rasuah, salahguna kuasa dan pelbagai kerenah gila mereka yang berkuasa dan mereka yang mabuk inginkan kuasa.
Hanya menerusi orang tengah seperti Rockybru dan blogger-blogger lain yang matang dalam usaha pemantauan ini dapat kita sama-sama mempertahankan negara ini.
Harap Rockybru dan kawan-kawan mendengar nasihat YAB Tun DrMahathir dan lupakan Rais Yatim buat seketika.
Tugasan kita demi negara ini adalah lebih besar dan untuk itu perlu di-gembelengkan segala tenaga dan akal fikiran semua pihak, termasuk mereka yang menggelarkan diri sebagai blogger nyamuk.
Walaupun peranan nyamuk ini agak tidak jelas namun serangga itu diperlukan oleh pelbagai unit media baru disetiap pelusuk pada masa ini.
Nyamuk jangan naik junjung sudah ler!

UMB (Tulen)

Anonymous said...

tkasih Tun kerana menasihati rakan-rakan yang beradu kuasa tanpa menyedari akibatnya. datuk seri utama dr rais yatim pun janganlah melatah tak tentu pasal. jangan jadi mcm anuwar inrahim tu, dah tahu berslah asyik main tangguh tak sudah, harrramjaaddah.

Anonymous said...

Ya, le. Tone down la. Rais ngan Rocky sudah cerita basi, le. Time untuk cerita Umi dapat glamor pulak. Besok, siapa pula dapat glamor, ye?

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