Friday 2 November 2012

LPF approved Tanda Putera... FOUR MONTHS AGO


Documents made available to this blog proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the movie Tanda Putera has been approved, more than FOUR MONTHS ago, for screening in our theatre circuit. 

The approval was issued by the Film Censorship Board or Lembaga Penapisan Filem (LPF) which sits under the Home Ministry. 

LPF's June 11, 2012 approval was signed by Wong Chooi Chin - Penolong Setiausaha, Lembaga Penapisan Filem Malaysia, Kementerian Dalam Negeri. 

So, Rais Yatim's earlier statement that it was the LPF that postponed the screening of Tanda Putera cannot possibly be true .... unless the above Home Ministry issued approval is fake. 

I think Rais owes us an explanation. A real explanation and not some fictitious spin of shifting blame from one ministry to another. 

Who is the culprit here? Why there is only 'no comments' from Finas? Come'on WTF is the problem? 

Go2 Thunder of Tanda Putera for a some recent background.

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Anonymous said...

Janganlah hantar penyamun pak . kami tahu kebolehan anda tetapi langit tidak mungkin selalu cerah

Anonymous said...

jaga jaga bradar nanti mantri hantar gangster curi kereta kuikuikui

Anonymous said...

Jika lah PM boleh buat keptusan tak calonkan Menteri sorang ni ?

Boleh ?

Anonymous said...

Kerja membohong semua puak-puak UMNO ni dah jadi lauk harian sampai jadi darah daging.

Dari tukang hantar surat mesyuarat cawangan sampailah ke menteri kabinet.

Sudahlah berak depan pintu rumah sendiri, suka hati dia je lempar salah kat orang lain, kata ini bukan najis dia, ini najis orang tu.

Siapa tak kenal menteri ni, sampai nak beli tisu tandas pun kena dia yang approve, lain orang tak boleh.

Tiba-tiba pulak lain orang sudah buat keputusan lawan tauke dalam isu besar "Tanda Putera".

Biasalah, dah nama politik. Cuma kena ingatlah rakyat tengok, sampai tahap dah meluat!!

Besar potensi meluat ni diterjemahkan waktu PRU nanti. Tunggu je lah..


Anonymous said...

Siapalah nak tengok filem propanganda politik UMNO?

Dah lah guna duit rakyat buat filem propaganda, lepas tu nak paksa panggung wayang tayang ke?

Nak paksa rakyat pi tengok filem juga ke? Ada subsidi ke? UMNO tak taja tiket ke?