I count myself as a loyal citizen of this beloved country and respect the rule of law, the Government (not the Prime Minister and his goons) and the enforcement authorities including the Royal Malaysian Police.
But the latest death-in-custody of a 22 yr old car-theft crime suspect is simply so sickening that I fear such recurring cases of death-in-the-cell would leave a long-lasting scar on the Police force and the Government.
It might be of no purpose to count on the Home Minister (who is fighthing for his political survival) to handle this crisis in the police force but I'm still confident that Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan will leave no stones unturned in this probe and PUNISH THOSE RESPONSIBLE ACCORDINGLY.
Watch the video link here - LIQUID-IN-THE-LUNG-DEATH and THINK for yourself, my fellow Malaysians.
I really wonder why such stupid-acts still take place in our society ?
(The deceased, Kugan Ananthan, 22, from Puchong was arrested on 15 Jan in connection with car theft cases. He collapsed and died on 20 January at the Taipan police station in Subang Jaya.
A Serdang Hospital post-mortem revealed he died due to ‘liquid in his lungs’. The family are now seeking an independent post-mortem.) - Anil Netto.
*I believe the following comment or opinion is going viral on Social Media.
I saw it this morning. I have no idea who wrote it because no name of
writer ...
6 hours ago
so what!!!!
that bloody bastard thief deserve it...just coz u are young dan ur family members from Hindraf, u think u can simply rob people of their valuable property????
if the police did not whacked that bugger thief , i surely will....
this is a way of us to teach all this rascal that the simply don't playing around when they live in malaysia......
if they really want to steal cars, please go to Singapore or Mumbai...OK
i think all thief especially the young one should cut their hands and feet....Agreed..
negara kita kini terumbang ambing dari segi hubungan kaum kerana racist seperti POGADAI.
Bro Apanama,
Sad, indeed. There have been way too many cases like Kugan's. We needed an overhaul of the police force way back then but the recommendations made by the IPCMC were never implemented, were they?
Outside the police station and the cells, we the rakyat biasa have become more vulnerable. Crime rates have shot up and with the economic troubles and hundreds of thousands of people expected to lose jobs, we can expect things to get worse.
The Government should revisit the IPCMC recommendations.
Thank yo8u.
TQ bro Rocky.
I hope our next Prime Minister would do something about this. I just hope.
wow ramai betul supporter ke.ling pencurik keta nih ...
Sdr Apanama
Barangkali inilah perasaan keluarga Ustaz yg kerja part-time di Petronas Ipoh yang ditetak mati secara kejam oleh bajingan haram tu!
Berdoalah untuk perlindungan tuhan kpd Murugiah & Devamany klu post-mortem kedua nanti tidak menyebelahi mereka.....
Semoga Allah membuka hati umat Islam kita yang berfikiran dan memiliki tabiat seperti 'Barbarian' yang tidak bertamadun.
Saudara sekalian. Tioada gunanya sembahyang lima wakyu sehari-semalam jika hati busuk umpama bangkai dan akal fikiran dinodai nafsu binatang.
fikir-fikir kan sebelum membuat komen yang memalukan umat!
aku rasa polis kita telah bertungkus lumus utk menangkap pencuri kereta tu .. polis2 kita bertaruh nyawa demi membawa keadilan kepada rakyat yg mematuhi undang2 negara.
si kugen ni adalah penjenayah. sbb tu lah dia mati dlm lokap. seorang rakyat yg mematuhi undang2 tak kan mati dlm lokap. hanya penjenayah aje mati dlm lokap.
aku berharap agar anggota2 polis kita jangan takut dengan apa yg bakal menimpa mereka dek matinya seekor penjenayah yg berbahaya itu.
kuatkan tekad saudara2. insyaallah tuan2 sbg penjaga keamanan negara akan sentiasa dilindungi Allah sentiasa.
Rakyat Melayu/Islam wajarnya berdoa agar anggota2 polis kita yang bertarung nyawa menentang penjahat2 dan penjenayah2 spt kugen sentiasa dilindungi Allah dan selamat selalu. Anggota2 polis ini mereka mempunyai keluarga untuk ditanggung. Keselamatan diri mereka adalah sangat penting.
Actually what the police should do is serve tea. Maybe earl gray and scones. He will gladly take the police to all the stolen cars.
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