Sunday 18 September 2011

Future PM ?

Bapak Anwar di-Ampang apartment by PAPAGOMO

Note: Take a closer look at the shirt Anwar Ibrahim is wearing, both in the Free Malaysia Today-picture above and the Youtube video exposed by Papagomo. 

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Anonymous said...

This Sept 16 has come to pass so Al-Jub's supporters could hope for next Sept 16. in the meantime they'll continue to be stupid.

ishak99 said...

kenapa polis tak ambik tidakan diatas laporan palsu. menyampah betul lah polis ni

Anonymous said...

Menteri Amaran kerishmudeem mana ada tolur!!harap ketawa besor mengangah nampak gigi jer,hati kochik....asik2 beri amaran,amaran,amaran......

selamat ulangtahun ketiga Aljub jadik PM 16 september....ihihihihi

Anonymous said...

Yang Berhormat Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai Nurul Izzah seharusnya mendesak pihak Polis dan Peguam Negara agar mengambil tindakan tegas dan segera keatas PAPAJAHAT.
Tak sayang MAMA you ker YB? Tolonglah, lagi teruk dari keluarga 69.

Anonymous said...

sah sah sah memang dia

memang dia

memang dia

penipu penipu penipu


mana omega


diagay diagay diagay


ahlineraka aljuburi

Anonymous said...

so he's fucked???

real hard... hahaha

r0 said...

mana ada bro, yg ni tak keluar tak pakai jam...

Anonymous said...

alaaa baju bukan sehelai saja di pasaran. Siap pun bole beli baju tuu..

Anonymous said...

So low class video with impersonator as Anwar to fool others and you believe it?

Whose dumb and stupid ideas are these?

Audio tapes of Mat Sabu impersonator's voice also have?

Tak de cara lain ke?

Heavea said...

Anon 6:06,

Please go ahead and continue to be stupid.

We need morons like you to prove the stupidity of his loyal supporters.

Ignorance is definitely bliss.

nonbal said...

Yes, future PM, but for Sg Buluh people & institution only ha ha ha.

The real face of al-jub become more clearer after u bro shows this evident.

nonbal said...

kalau aku jadi Nurul, aku nak telanjang bulat then lari tengah bandar KL. Buat apa jadi orang, baik jadi beruk pasal bapak dah terang-2 buat benda tu, dan dia (Nurul) pula kena backing, aduhhhh mental dibuat nyer!!!!!!