Sunday 12 April 2015

If you don't believe Najib... - UPDATED

LATEST -13/04/2015 @1520hrs
Daily Express regrets their error of interpretation. We could once again enjoy the freedom of placing our trust in Allah without having to trust a tainted politician. 

Hope this 'error of interpretation' is not used to harass and intimidate journalists and editors in Sabah. Not seditious bah! 

Earlier posting
UPDATED - So, the earlier picture of Ismail Sabri's 'godly' statement appears to be genuine, as it appeared in Sabah's Daily Express newspaper today.

The rest I leave it to you to conclude. God save this nation of our.

This 'godly' statement has been making its rounds via Whatsapp groups since early today. Did Ismail Sabri actually make such a 'godly' statement in Kota Kinabalu? 

If you can screen capture this Front Page report in the Daily Express newspaper of Sabah, please email it to  .

The Daily Express newspaper's website is suspiciously blank today. 

p/s As usual, in the next few hours you could expect reporters and newspapers be blamed for this Godly statement. Misquoted is the most common defence. 

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Anonymous said...

If this is genuine, then we really are doomed.

That TV3 interview was a complete waste of time, yet Ku Nan is saying "all questions have been answered".

No questions have been answered.

Even on Altantuya alone, look up Americk Sidhu's list of questions:

No sane person would believe that this poor woman was killed randomly, or by the two commandos acting alone without orders.

Tak masuk akal.

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes, Holy mackerel, Hallelujah to Pastor Ismail Sabri Yaakob! Saint Najib has sworn an oath of innocence! Hallelujah! What's that got to do with my belief in God Most High, agriculture minister?

Anonymous said...

It seems that he is equating Najib with Allah. Something is wrong with the Minister. You don't believe Najib that means you don't believe Allah.

This Minister needs to be changed.

Anonymous said...

Looks like The PM's men has not learnt anything from the 2015 Disasters!!

Hopefully God will not have to show them what the mother of all Disasters will be for Malaysians!!

RD. said...

Kalau betul Ismail Sabri pernah berkata demikian, ia adalah kenyataan paling banggang pernah saya dengar. Buat malu dan menjatuhkan maruah Islam. Kalau setakat Sumpah biasa, peliwat pun boleh bersumpah. Sumpah-Laknat pun orang tak percaya, kalau lain yang ditanya, lain pula yang dijawab.

Patutlah dia buat kerja banggang. DS Ismail Sabri KPDNKK berusaha giat untuk menghapuskan 'orang-tengah' atau broker demi menurunkan harga barangan. Saya sangat yakin, usaha beliau tidak akan berjaya kerana boss dia sendiri amat gemar guna broker atau 'orang-tengah' dalam urusan kerajaan.

1. Beli kapalselam guna sedara broker. Wanita pengoda menyelit masuk tuntut bayaran service lendir. Kena bunuh dan sudah hampir 10 tahun, kes masih menjadi topic hangat. Selagi Najib tak letak jawatan, Altantuya akan menghantui BN sampai bila-bila, lebih-lebih lagi bila dekat PRU.

2. Dalam urusan 1MDB, juga guna 'orang-tengah' dan broker. Hutang 42+3 billion, untuk bayar komisyen dan bunga. Kemelut tak akan selesai sampai bila-bila. Selagi Najib tak letak jawatan, 1MDB akan sentiasa menghantui BN, lebih-lebih lagi bila dekat PRU.

Rumusannya: Najib mesti berhenti jadi PM, serta-merta untuk beri peluang penganti memulihkan keadaan dan menghentikan amalan rasuah.

Jangan nanti bila UMNO Kalah, nak jadi Ketua Pembangkang pun tak layak. Sampai digelar 'Bapak Rasuah 1Malaysia'

Anonymous said...

Stupidity has gone a notch up. This time beyond mat maslan level.....

Anonymous said...

Naughty and/or lazy journalist/editor .

eri said...

dulu saya tak brapa percaya sangat bila orang kata nak jadik menteri bn syarat utama ialah kena jadi bodoh...skarang percaya la sudah saya....kalau boleh bodoh bangang lagi ok kot...

lufang said...

Hai yaa ,ini UMNO punya olang sutak bunyi macam PAS maa aa .

akaz said...

Apple polishing of the highest order. Shame on you!!!! What happen to our BN minister. Always come out stupidity remark.

Anonymous said...

If Najib still insist on surrounding himself with such Clowns for ministers it is only fair that he himself should face the consequences.

The Rakyat will be Treated to a Clown Show everyday!!

Come next elections these Clowns and the Clown Keeper will be weeping!

Anonymous said...

Now we know the Chief Clown appointed minor clowns in his govmen so that he can party around the world big-time with his mama consort using tons of 1MDB money. Ask his consetans and jholow if you find it too incredible ... hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Free advise for Ismail Sabri:

If you keep your gob shut know will know your are a bloody fool!