I assure you of extreme joy, humour and insights into political reality in Malaysia if you go HERE and read Datuk A.Kadir Jasin's analysis about a SHOOTING STAR who, due to the shifting political terrains, has transformed into a Dog ... an UNDERDOG.
Some say the X-Star from the 4th Heaven might undergo further transformations and become ...
Also go HERE for an interesting 'cerpen' - Wahyu Buat YB K - from A VOICE.
The failed promise of an inclusive society
[1] Malaysia’s minorities have been betrayed time and again by politicians
promising a more inclusive society. Perhaps we have been …
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8 hours ago
Tuan sila gerakkan usaha menyedarkan bangsa melayu kerana DAP sekrang secara terang-terangan ingin menghapuskan hak dan keistemwaan melayu,Yg Di pertuan Agong dan Raja-Raja MElayu.. baca blog LIM KIT SIANG... bukankah hak melantik(memperkenankan) KETUA HAKIM NEGARA adalah HAK YANG DI PERTUAN AGONG DAN MAJLIS RAJA_RAJA MELAYU??? KEnapa perlu dipertikaikan lagi?? Walaupun PM yg mencadang tidak semestinya KEbawah DUli akan merestuinya.. cadangan penubuhan SURUHANJAYA PELANTIKAN KEHAKIMAN oleh ZAID IBRAHIM (UMNO perlu pecat segera pengkhianat bangsa ni)yg sebenarnya menjurus dan dipermainkan DAP.. cadangan itu seolah-olah KESEMUA KEBAWAH DULI RAJA-RAJA MELAYU BODOH dan BANGGANG..
Pertahankanlah bangsa dan hak anda...
Unofficial representative of the Malaysian Immigration Department.
Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar was the representative for the Malaysian Immigration department who personally handed Anwar Ibrahim his passport on the night of his release in 2004.
This incident was initially reported by the Khairy Chronicles, while later it was confirmed by an official statement by Ezam Nor after he joined UMNO. - source Wikipedia.
Bro, hang cuba pi check kat link berikut bagaimana self-promotion atau promosi sendiri harus dilakukan.
Mamat nie betui-betui desperate la Bro!
raso-rasonyor, bau hangit kek' Kilang Gotah Koto' tu ok lagi dari hangit budak hingui nie.
pi lah balik jaaaang oi! maso ekau dah habih dah!
awek chengkau'
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