UPDATED: 2245 hrs -
If I'm a loyal Petronas employee who have been nurtured all these years to love my organisation as a national institution with an immense responsibility to my country, pherrrr.. I will STAND UP and STAND AGAINST attempts to erode Petronas' dignity and turn into just another oil&gas company.
Don't just take it sitting down, at least THINK! and later THANK the BigDog.

How I wish ...the Prime Minister says he has "nothing to do with the internal appointments or micro-management of Petronas".
While we wait for Petronas to cleanse itself and the President's office, the folks at Tower 1 and thousands of other former and serving Petronas citizens are watching with awe.
Is this the Petronas we all know, or rather used to know? Doesn't matter if the head doesn't roll, but mistakes ought to be set right.
Petronas has a culture, a good one indeed. Don't compromise and lose your territory, as it is ours to keep and not yours to cede.
Wonder what happened to the Queen though, whom last we heard were thumping her feet while Mr.President was shivering under his elegant suit? The Kitchen Cabinet is silent too, after the last ChatterSBox <>
p/s talk to me maverick!
As one commentator said in your previous post, the silence (on Sheryll Stothard) is deafening! And silence in this case arouses suspicion.
What the PM said is disappointing. The GM post in question is a senior management position. The holder of that post has access to the company's confidential information. Even if the access is restricted, the consequences remain as harmful as a full access. Surely the PM knows this and should be gravely concerned.
Has anyone checked whether Stothard has really relinquished her Vice-President PRM post? Even if she has, has she really abandoned her previous beliefs and way of life? I know or have heard of a few PRM people and those of the same ilk who remain die-hard to their cause despite renouncing otherwise. Smokescreening their true beliefs and intentions is not hard for this type of people.
But it's another matter altogether if the CEO himself is smokescreening the actual going-ons in Petronas. If this does not trouble the PM, then something must be seriously wrong.
Hey Dude....
News from Tower 1 is that she's still around...But heard also that her days are decidedly numbered... Doesn't stop her strutting about though; will put any self-respecting peacock to shame...
Less than two months there already her true colours are obvious. Like on the new appointments at PETRONAS only Star newspaper with its obvious biases get exclusives...
Member lama beb... Common cause...
mereka dah announce acting gm corp comm. Tapi maksudnya she is still holding the post. Staff petronas not against the presiden tapi sakit hati tengok dia diperkudakan oleh 2 orang perempuan di pejabat dia. Sampaikan management pun tak berani kata apa, kalau lawan kena cold storage. Dgr cerita perempuan2 balaci omar ong...wallahualam
anon 944 - acting GM is not the Queen, I guess.
nope...he was a petronas writer way back in dayabumi and did his law i think in uk.
he's on contract basis after retiring petronas.
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