Saturday 16 February 2013

Xenophone KICKED OUT!

Controversial Australian senator Nicholas Xenophone is persona non grata in Malaysia. THANK YOU!

Nicky Xenophony as he is popularly known among proponents of LGBT culture here and in Australia is being kicked out from the cheap airlines terminal in Sepang for breaching his travelling conditions as a visitor to this sovereign nation. 

Basically the sovereign Government of Malaysia has put a stop to seedy characters from another country to have unbridled rights to enjoy our hospitality, weather and environment while demonising the 'voice of the majority'.

If I'm not mistaken this seedy character took part in an unlawful street demonstration during 'his/her' visit here in May 2012. That is good enough a reason for the Malaysian Immigration Department to kick Nicky out at the entry point. 

Well done Home Minister. Enough of our Malaysian hospitality for such undesirable characters. Even the Australian senate doesn't give two hoots to Nicky boy...or girl. 

Australian Senate says NO to Ambiga and Nick X

P/s Guess the 100 odd guys from the Sulu Sultanate who is in Lahad Datu (Sabah) enjoying Malaysian hospitality there will also be deported today. That is the ultimatum. We got to kick em' OUT before they become a pain.

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Anonymous said...

100 armed men enjoying a holiday in msia while one mat saleh has been kicked out...msia boleh...

Anonymous said...

How embarrassing that Malaysia did such a thing, notwithstanding his personal views on LGBT etc. On the other hand we are letting in all kinds of foreigners like Iranians, Pakistanis, Nigerians, etc who in my opinion may be a greater security risk.

Anonymous said...

yes well done Hishamudin! We the rakyat support you unequivocally on this. we should not allow foreign politicinas to interfere in our domestic issues.

Anonymous said...

yang ini nak jawab komen anon 2.03

this one mat salleh lagi bahaya dari 100 orang dari Sulu sebab orang Sulu pun tak sokong lelaki kahwin lelaki. ada faham?


Anonymous said...

take time to read about this Dangerous Australian with Israeli backing if you think its xenophobia


LAYMAN said...

Bravo to the Immigration Dept for having the guts to act. When we go to another country and be asked to leave, we just keep quiet and leave because we know we have no jurisdiction in another country and we expect others to do the same. There are such things as boundaries.

For those who wrote somewhere that Malaysia is fast becoming a police state by such action, I suggest that they try going to another country and try out their lifestyle. No need to go too far, just try Singapore, Thailand or Philipines. Try living there for one month, then come back and tell us your good and beautiful stories....

Anonymous said...

2.03 & 2.50 were just 2 example of the 'Yes tuan" type.
About half a century ago every damn white skinned in our beloved land were called TUAN (as in slave - owner relation)even though they were just a cockney military peon! Then reality struck in when those whiteman were just as a tuan as an estate collie in their own country. Me thought those mindset were gone with independence but alas there were still some who still has that inferiority complex!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Not embarassing at all - serve them right - come this country, respect us otherwise go!

Anonymous said...

At last KDN minister has the ball to do something.Kalau tidak asyik amaran manjang

Anonymous said...

anon 3:00. You love white backsides? Go to Australia.

Anonymous said...

There was this mat salleh who travelled to Malaysia many years ago. He was seated beside a Malay boy. During flight this mat salleh asked the steward for a cup of coffee and told him [the steward] that his name is BROWN. Later this malay boy asked the steward for a cup of coffee and told the steward that his backside is brown.

Anonymous said...

Hey 2:03

The whites can say PERSONA NON GRATA. So can we.

Anonymous said...

The sissy boy is also anti-palm oil activist paid by american soya oil producers

our friend anwar ibrahim may want to state his stand about this too

Anonymous said...

ini 2:03 tak ada otak.

Anonymous said...

anon 3:37


Anonymous said...

Good riddance.

Did the Australians pay their taxes to have their representatives being busybodies in other countries?

Anonymous said...

Ya sulu tak bahaya dari kaki liwat ni mat saleh gok ini, .. jika di mana mana negara they will kick u out without any reason..sulu to sabah take few min sudah lembik coz pakatan say so..

Anonymous said...

Gong Xi Fa Cai to Xenophone...u're not welcome...I don't think Aussie majority support him to interfere other country,unless our opposition justify to interfere from other country..

vinnan said...

Bukan main berani UMNO ni bila berhadapan dengan Senator yang hanya bersenjata paspot. Bila seratus Melayu Filipina Pukimakm celup mencerobohi TANAH MALAYSIA kecut habis telor UMNO. Biasalah UMNO hanya berani buli orang yang tiada kekuatan lawan balik bila dibuli. UMNO ni memang pondan betul.

mutusamy said...

vinnan ni sebenarnya cina DAP

Anonymous said...

Vinnan lu mmg terang2 cap lgbt. Klau nanti anak2 u bw blk aids hiv u nak cari siapa. Org ni yg dari aust atau ai. Take you pick. Org mcm u ni tayar kreta u pancit pon u salahkan kerajaan. U mmg an angry bapok lgbt maah..