Fuming Father-in-Law screams as Son-in-Law struggles.
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi spew out some real nasty words and phrases during his EMERGENCY mid-night press conference at the Kota Kinabalu airport on Saturday.
Those nasty words were specifically aimed at two individuals who, in his small mind, are the main persons involved in his expedited sacking from Umno and the Government.
His almost-hysterical attacks against Tun Dr.Mahathir were for the former Prime Minister / ex-Umno president’s suggestion that the next Government of Malaysia must be free from the same viruses that brought the present government down.
Among all the insults and bitter words hurled at Dr.Mahathir, Abdullah’s WHO IS TUN?, would have hit anyone straight in the heart.
The lonely Abdullah, with only a reluctant Musa Aman next to him, then trained his water-gun at Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, whom he blindly accused as someone who had orchestrated the Umno grassroots groundswell against him (Abdullah).
Indeed Abdullah stooped so low during the mid-night affair that he portrayed Muhyiddin as a traitor who was impatient to assume the Umno deputy president’s post.
The desperate Abdullah even tried in vain to brand Muhyiddin as being against reforms just because he was now suggesting for the party General Assembly to be held earlier and not in March.
But WHY is the usually lame Abdullah is so furious now, at the dying moments of his humiliating leadership?
Is he truly sad because he can’t carry out the fictitious reforms if he was kicked-out in December?
What are the reforms anyway, why can’t the next Government proceed with whatever that they are?
OR, is the Father-in-Law Fuming because Dr. Mahathir’s enlightening advice to Umno leaders and members would seal the door for his Son in-Law and his 4th floor goons?
It’s an open secret that Khairi and his brand of bandits are deemed, by a huge majority of Umno leaders and members, as a deadly cancer in party.
The sentiments against the 32-year old rookie are no different among the general Malaysian public.
Khairi, the parachuted deputy Umno Youth head who assumed the uncontested post in 2004, had been drilling hard planting his men into the Youth movement and Umno in general but the moment the Sleeping Father-in-Law was TOLD to leave and when a date was subsequently set, that marked THE END of Khairi as well.
That ‘boy’ as often described by Dr.Mahathir, is still struggling to garner enough nominations to contest the Youth Chief post, two weeks after the Divisional meetings started.
While Abdullah’s frustration is understandable, he should check his tongue before it rots in his mouth.
For your information, Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad is the Statesman who entrusted you to become the 5th Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Abdullah! Don't blame the world, for it is you who screwed yourself, Umno, BN and the entire country with your inept leadership. You squandered the trust placed on you by Dr.Mahathir and the entire Umno Supreme Council (pre-2004) and the Barisan Nasional.
Just take a look at yourself in the mirror now. The PROBLEM is YOU, and your arrogant son in law!
Wake Up Lah!
Utusan has the report HERE.
Also Husin Lempoyang's take HERE on Headlines. and LALANG ka ORANG HERE.

Abdullah melayu mudah lupa!!!
Mari ramai-ramai tendang konco-konco Abdullah once and for all
kasihan dia
baru sedar kawan menjadi lawan
tak tahu berterima kasih
tak tahu mengenang budi
syok tidur ketika berkuasa
bila sedar, "saya pantang dicabar"
kini baru nak tunjuk marah
Mr Nice Guy, oh tidak
Mr Clean, jauh sekali
sifat berdendam, sudah tentu
nasi sudah menjadi bubur
Go and do some wok before you leave, duk buat bising aja.
Diesel in Thailand (WITHOUT SUBSIDY) is THB 25 (RM2.50) today. Raayat masih marah, kalau nak blahpun kerjalah dulu.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad adalah seorang NEGARAWAN Malaysia. NEGARAWAN!
Abdullah who is he...
Hanya Perdana menteri ke 4 Malaysia yang paling lemah dan BUKAN NEGARAWAN.
REALITI dan tersemat dalam sejarah Negara ini,Malaysia.
dear Pak Lah, dont be sadden by the fact that all yr goon start abandoning you. least but not forget, you r the one who ajar them to be kurang ajar....bak kata pepatah, apa yang anda tanam, itulah hasil yang anda akan tuai.
Moral of the story - jangan tiru pak lah kacang lupakan kulit kerana akhirnya akan terhina juga akhirnya. Si Tanggang anyone?
Dollah, jangan salahkan orang lain kecuali diri anda dan SIL anda. Siapa TUN. Let me and all the Malaysians tell you that TUN MAHATHIR is the greatest PM we had so far and you dont come come, not a nano micro-millimetre close. Look at yourself in the mirror.
Last night for the first time I heard exactly what Riong Kali and Hisham Aun wrote about Tun M. I can confirmed that AAB is a copycat of both morons.
Cofrontational is his main weakness. Unlike Tun Mahathir Dato' Seri Abdullah does not have what it takes to get the grips with others. This is simply not his type. He doesn't has the ammunition to silence his critics, let alone standing-up and face-off. Breaking this taboo meaning making a mistake, and mistke he did yesterday in Sabah. Considering his departure seems imminent, I hope both Tun M and Tan Sri Muhyiddin will spare him this time.
Pak Lah just venting his frustration on TDM. Full of sweeping statements.
Pah Lah would forever remembered as someone who failed just because he never took an opportunity to seek necessary feedback and advise from TDM.
He completely underestimated TDM
Pak Lah questioned "Who is he (Tun)"?
He was the one who "hired" you.
And he is the one who can "fire" you.
If you (Pak Lah) still doubt his integrity, please realize that even when he (Tun) is not in UMNO, he can still bring you (while being PM and President of UMNO) down.
So, who are you Pak Lah to question Tun "Who are you"?
Agreed Bro ...dont blame the world for your Miseries you brought upon yourself!
If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, the general is to blame. But if his orders are clear, and the soldiers nevertheless disobey, then it is the fault of their officers.
This ,the General Doesn't Understand.
Betui la Apanama, Badawi ni jenis yang tak tahu malu langsung.
kulit apa ntah! kadang-kdg saya pelik dengan perangai tak senonoh dia tu...mcm termakan nasi kangkang khairi pun ada...
Biar kita kurang makan daripada kurang ajar. Bapak mentua dan menantu kini bukan saja kurang tidur tetapi semakin kurang ajar. Tangan yang memberi dia makan kini digigitnya.Kita kena sedar ada antara kita dilahirkan untuk memimpin dan ada pula sebagai pengikut.So you are not lahir sebagai pemimpin tetapi pengikut. jadi ikut sajalah.Tidak hairan menantu mu dilahirkan sebagai pemimpin maka kamu kena ikut cakapnya.Janganlah kamu mempersoalkan siapa itu Tun kerana soalan kamu itu benar-benar menunjukkan bertapa bodohnya kamu kerana tidak dapat membezakan seorang Negarawan dengan diri kamu yang tak tahuwan. Jika nak bandingkan kau dengan Tun, adalah seperti bumi dengan langit dlam apa jua bidang sekali pun termasuk rupa paras.Seasa tangan mula menjadi kaku dan otak mu bertambah buntu dan lidah menjadi kelu, hulurlah tangan memohon maaf maaf kepada Tun yang membawa kamu ke pesada negara.
Copter deal: Conspiracy theorists fail to convince
Prasun K Sengupta | Oct 20, 08 4:07pm
This has reference to the on-going ‘controversy’ regarding Mindef’s selection of the Eads/ Eurocopter-built EC-725 Cougar Mk2+ medium-lift air-mobility helicopter as the eventual replacement for the Royal Malaysian Air Force’s (RMAF) existing Sikorsky S-61A-4 helicopters.
While allegations are abounding regarding Mindef’s competitive selection process, the following issues - especially those not yet raised by some of the bidders that have lost out to the EC-725 – have to be looked upon objectively:
1. The Mi-17V-5 was first brought to Malaysia by Russia’s Rosoboronexport State Corp during the Lima 2001 exhibition and was extensively flight-tested after the exhibition by the RMAF. The HH-92 Superhawk’s prototype from Sikorsky was demonstrated to a visiting RMAF team in the US more than a year ago, and this included flight-testing as well.
The EC-725, too, was flight-tested and evaluated by the RMAF when the helicopter was brought to Malaysia during the Lima 2007 exhibition in Langkawi early last December. Therefore, for some to claim that the RMAF and the Mindef tender evaluation board did away with the practice of flight-testing the principal contenders of the contract is fallacious and wrong.
2. The Mi-17 will begin being phased out of service over the next five years by the Russian military end-users. That is why a competition is now underway within Russia between Kamov OKB (offering the Ka-92) and Mil Design Bureau (offering the Mi-38) for supplying the next-generation medium-lift helicopter to fulfill domestic Russian requirements.
If the RMAF were to select either the Mi-17V-5 or Mi-172KF, while its initial procurement costs would be much lower, their through-life product support costs would be three times more than the figures quoted for helicopters like the EC-725, AgustaWestland’s AW101 and Sikorsky's HH-92 Superhawk.
This is because the RMAF will find it cost-prohibitive to maintain the airworthiness and serviceability of the Mi-17 once Russia stops producing spares for this helicopter over the next 10 years.
3. For the RMAF tender competition, there were two offers of the Mi-17: the Mi-17V-5 from Russia’s Rosoboronexport State Corp, and the Mi-172KF being offered by Mentari Services Sdn Bhd.
Interestingly, if either of the two parties were to win the contract, then they both would be sourcing the Mi-17s from the same OEM, ie, Kazan Helicopter Plant, based in Russia’s Tatarstan republic.
And when it comes to military procurement from abroad, the customer (Mindef, in this case) universally requires guaranteed through-life product support from the OEM. Consequently, if Mindef were to select the Mi-17 then the following questions would have required convincing answers:
a. While the Russian government would have given product support guarantees through its official weapons import/export agency Rosoboronexport for the Mi-17V-5, would the same guarantees be extended for the offer for the Mi-172KF?
b. If not, then who would guarantee through-life product support for the Mi-172KF? Mentari? Or its principal - the Canada-based Kelowna Flightcraft Ltd - or the helicopter manufacturer - Kazan Helicopter Plant - from whom Kelowna was offering to source the Mi-172KF airframes?
Who would assume product liabilities in the event of a Mi-172KF accident-related board of inquiry establishing that the accident/crash was due to technical error? What if Rosoboronexport State Corp prevented Kazan Helicopter Plant from cooperating with the RMAF during such accident/crash investigations?
c. Did the Russian government, through Rosoboronexport, authorise either Kazan Helicopter Plant or Kelowna Flightcraft Ltd to supply the fully militarised (ie, weapons-equipped) Mi-172KF to Malaysia?
This question needs to be answered in detail because as per present Russian government guidelines, only Rosoboronexport State Corp is authorised to export Russian-origin weapon systems directly to foreign military customers after inking government-to-government contracts.
d. How many Mi-172KFs have been sold to date by the joint industrial venture between Kazan Helicopter Plant and Kelowna Flightcraft Ltd to military customers (not for VIP transportation, but for undertaking air-mobility operations under combat conditions) worldwide?
Which authority has issued the Milspec-compliant certificate of airworthiness of the Mi-172KF’s military variant? Will the Mi-172KF have additional built-in performance growth features, such as the incorporation of fly-by-wire flight control systems and in-flight refuelling systems, which will most likely have to be mandatory on-board systems especially since the helicopter would be required by the RMAF to remain operationally viable for the next 40 years?
Regrettably, the ‘naysayers’ and conspiracy theorists alleging irregularities in the EC-725’s selection process have yet to give rational and convincing clarifications regarding the four above-mentioned points.
4) Today, it only makes sense for countries like China and India to continue buying Mi-17s in large numbers because only these two countries have had more than 30 years of experience operating the Mi-8Ts and Mi-17s and have therefore established the huge domestic MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) infrastructure required to maintain and operate such helicopters.
This is not the case with Malaysia, which requires either the helicopter OEM to set up extensive, brand-new MRO infrastructure to support a new helicopter-type, or upgrade existing MRO infrastructure at tremendous cost to service the new helicopter acquisitions.
5. As a consequence of the above, only Eurocopter (an Eads subsidiary) can be said to have comprehensively complied with the RMAF's helicopter-related MRO demands (which played a pivotal role in tilting the balance in favour of the EC-725’s competitive bid) since only Eurocopter has to date made unilateral and substantial investments in its own sprawling helicopter MRO facility in Subang (which Sikorsky, AgustaWestland and the Russians are not known to have done thus far) since 1998.
Such facilities, which will undoubtedly expand their capabilities as the EC-725s are inducted progressively, will enable the RMAF to fully localise the EC-725’s serviceability requirements, and ensure high availability and levels for its initial EC-725 fleet, which will undoubtedly be subject to intensive usage in the early years due to the demands of both operational conversion flying training as well as operational flying.
One must also bear in mind that such MRO facilities will be fully authorised and certified by the OEM (Eurocopter) and as such will not be exposed to the third-party MRO liabilities of the type that has plagued the RMAF's dwindling S-61A-4 'Nuri' helicopter fleet.
No one thus far, including Mentari or AgustaWestland or Sikorsky, has officially bothered to explain how much the through-life product support costs of the Mi-172KF or AW101 or HH-92 Superhawk would be if these entities were to establish in-country dedicated MRO facilities.
Only if such expenditure figures are forthcoming from them would one be able to make accurate cost comparisons with the Eurocopter/EC-725 tender bid. Until then it remains a case of simplistic comparison of apples with oranges.
6. As a result of the above, when viewed from a techno-economic matrix, it was Eurocopter that ‘almost fully’ complied with the ASQRs of the RMAF while at the same time offering guaranteed through-life product support for the EC-725. The EC-725 of the type selected for the RMAF is presently operational with the armed forces of France and Saudi Arabia and has already been combat-proven in Afghanistan.
The AW101 comes in a close second as a combat-proven helicopter (which was recently selected by India for VVIP transportation), but the problem here was that the RMAF would have had to allocate substantial scare financial resources for setting up dedicated MRO facilities from scratch to support the AW101 fleet.
Sikorsky’s HH-92 Superhawk is estimated to have come in with the third-best offer but militarily this helicopter is still an untested product since it has yet to be ordered in bulk by any armed forces worldwide.
In conclusion, it would do well to the ‘naysayers’ to view the entire issue through the prism of objectivity prior to making ill-informed conclusions based merely on speculative accusations of some ‘sore losers’.
Who's Tun?
The Mastermind..22 years Hero..
Who's Pak Lah?
Ahhhh....Nevermine..5 years Loser..
"Who is TUN?..."
TUN is cleverer than a hundred Dollah!
you idiot. Tun lah orang yang menongkah arus melantik orang yg konon-kononya warak macam you m,enjadi PM.
semasa menjadi timbalan Tun you berlakon mengalahkan P.Ramlee, pijak semut tak mati.
dapat jer duduk kat kerusi PM. you jadi mcm org tua gila talak.
you jadi korup,curang pada isteri yg sedang tenat, gatal, berfoya-foya, tak peduli akan negara tetapi hanya bersuka ria.
Tun yang sedar akan kesilapan you, cuba betulkan dengan teguran tapi you melenting dan buat 'bodo'.
menantu dan anjing suruhan seperti nazri monyet mencaci-cerca Tun dan you hanta tergelak dibalik pintu.
you berskandal dengan pembantu rumah semasa kak endon masih hidup dan seterusnya berkhawin dengan pembantu rumah itu, selepas menafikan ura2 yg telah tersebar luas.
Ketika kampung saya di Kota Tinggi dilanda banjir dan ibu-bapa saya terpaksa tidur berdiri bersandar dipokok kelapa you terbang ke Australia untuk merasmikan restaurant nasi kandar adik you.
Ketika banjir itu saya berada di luar negara dan masih bertugas di luar negara, kalau saya dlm negara saya mungkin meludah muka you encik Abdullah!
rupanya you jenis manusia yang tak tahu malu dan tidak berpijak di-bumi nyata.
saya nasihatkan you supaya cepat2 mintak maaf dengan Tun sebvelum you ditelan api.
menjawab soalan you ' siapa Tun'?
saya nasihatkan you singgah di-mana-mana sekolah rendah dan tanya murid2 di-sana.
you ni betul2 memalukan orang melayu, rakyat Malaysia dan negara keseluruhanya.
jaga diri jika ke negara jepun mungkin ada Hadiah menanti anda kerana KURANG AJAR!
azlan akito
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