Wednesday 29 August 2012

Hudud Mat Sabu

BFM - PAS Deputy President, Mat Sabu wants to clear the air on a question that's troubling many Malaysians. Has his party given up its Hudud agenda and why can't prominent party members keep to Pakatan Rakyat's message? BFM's Sharaad Kuttan also brings up the question of his Youth Wing's cultural agenda and if the party intends to intensify the policing of piety and sexual morality -

Couldn't deny the fact BFM's Sharaad posed a few hard-hitting questions to this Pas Deputy President but as a journalist its damn disappointing to witness a seasoned journo letting off a slimy snake without any attempt to nail it... WATCH this BFM production and see how easily Sharaad lets Mat Sabu off the hook.

I mean the question was after all about HUDUD.. as BFM put it - Has his party given up its Hudud agenda and why can't prominent party members keep to Pakatan Rakyat's message?

Tell me if you get the answer to the question (of Hudud) after watching this video... and I still wonder how Mat Sabu defeated Ustad Nasharuddin Mat Isa to Pas' deputy presidency.


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