Thursday 2 August 2012

Pakatan to abolish BAFIA?

"First, the charges read out in court today stated that Rafizi Ramli had violated Section 97(1) of BAFIA when he disclosed four customer account profiles detailing the balance summary of National Feedlot Corporation Sdn Bhd (NFCorp), the National Meat and Livestock Sdn Bhd, Agroscience Industries Sdn Bhd and NFCorp chairman Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail, to two individuals identified as Yusuf Abdul Alim and Erle Martin Carvalho.

A video clip by MalaysiaKini.TV taken of a news conference of 7 March that Rafizi gave in concert with Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin and PKR Vice President and Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, confirms the BAFIA violation. Seeing is believing. (

The clip showed Rafizi had exposed the bank documents ... more in The Mole  Rocky's Bru.

There has been much outcry after the long arm of the law caught up with Rafizi Ramli. 

I'm sure Rafizi's case has the attention of many Malaysians, particularly those from the business community. In fact many of them are more worried than Rafizi as the PKR strategic director has set a dangerous precedent. 

Businessmen, from high-flying Malaysian Chinese tycoons with business empires stretching out till China right down to my neighbourhood kuey teow stall operator has been very interested in Rafizi's case. 

Initially it was about the 'lembu story' starring Shahrizat and her hubby, but as the NFC dust settled and Bank Negara started its probe against Rafizi, a shiver certainly went up the spine of many a businessman.

If we don't cloud our mind with the Whistleblowers Act or any other acts of 'blowing' in karaoke clubs, Rafizi's case is basically about the 'illegal disclosure of banking/financial accounts of companies and/or individuals'. 

Rafizi's case is about violation of the 'privacy and confidentiality' as spelled out under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989. 

Under BAFIA, what Rafizi did was clearly illegal. (see details in Rocky's Bru) 

Opposition politicians and many Pakatan-linked purveyors of freedom have been coming out with all kinds of conspiracy theories and allegations as to why Rafizi was charged in court on Thursday while simply ignoring the fact of the matter and the provisions spelled out under BAFIA.

Trying to cloud the argument by drawing in the Whistleblowers Act or hurling allegations against Umno, Barisan Nasional, the Federal Government and the Prime Minister seems to be the strategic director's latest movie but facts can't be altered by fiction.

What PKR and their Pakatan allies could do now is very simple. If you guys believe so strongly that Rafizi's actions (as charged for in the court of law) are right then you must make it very clear to the people. 

Stop playing politics. Be brave enough to add another line in your Buku Jingga (Pakatan's election promise booklet). 

State in clearly in Buku Jingga-y that you guys will abolish BAFIA if Malaysians choose PKR or Pakatan to run the government.

Say it out aloud so Malaysians, the tycoons and mamak stall operators included, could make their choice. 

p/s The Inland Revenue Department could have less headache too ;-) 

p/s I'm sure pro-BN bank employee would have a lot to reveal about the accounts of Pakatan leaders. Luckily for them these pro BN employees are law abiding citizens..while BAFIA is still in force.

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William Wang said...

Dont confused yourself like the AG. In this case this whistle blowing case should be viewed in the same breath as the bank/officals providing information on money laundering.

Anonymous said...

Pakatan will abolish ALL laws. Your wife is my wife!

Anonymous said...

So vote pakatan. But lock up your wife, daughters AND sons.