Wondered if the Pas vice-president was speaking his mind or totally out of his mind. It could have been an overload of all night long World Cup football too, but this guy seems serious.
The Pas VP wants Tun Dr Mahathir to continue to champion the interest of the people of Johor i.e. The Iskandar region and issues surrounding the foreign direct interference via foreign direct investments facilitated by the royalties and a subservient state government.
Pakatan BUKAN harapan rakyat la if like this Din. In the last GE Salahuddin contested for the Pulai parliamentary seat and lost to the late Tok Mat's son Datuk Nur Jazlan. He also lost in his bid for the Nusajaya state seat.
Had you won Pulai, would you be still pushing Dr Mahathir to stand for the people of Johor Salahuddin?
Kalau takut bersuara, cuba pakai kebaya ketat/kasut tumit tinggi dan bersiar-siar di pantai Lido.
p/s Anybody knows what happened to Pakatan BUKAN harapan rakyat leader Anwar Ibrahim? I don't think he's busy shopping for kebaya too.
PAS tidak boleh pakai, dengar boleh tapi jangan ikut. Kat Kelantan boleh bagi tanah kat Nga & Ngeh untuk PAS mendapat jawatan MB. Apa rakyat Kelantan tak tahu pegang cangkul dan tak pandai bawa traktor. Itu pasal rasuah jawatan MB pun tak berkat tak sampai satu tahun bukan satu penggal
When a man has lost his integrity his politics is no more for the sake of his people but in order to dress up his own selfish motives. The people must discern the wolf from the sheep's clothing.
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