PKR gives official nod to president to become new Selangor MB
KUALA LUMPUR : PKR has nominated president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the next Selangor Menteri Besar threatening to prolong a crisis that could possibly erode Pakatan's electability.
De facto party leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim acknowledged the fear when announcing Azizah as the nominee after chairing a PKR supreme council meeting Monday night.
Anwar said there was a need "to preserve the people’s confidence in the Pakatan government in Selangor".
Anwar said his wife Azizah would be officially named as the party MB nominee at a Pakatan meeting Wednesday.
The reactions and immediate attitude of incumbent Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim's shall be keenly monitored on Tuesday. - NST

This is no more a secret. Khalid Ibrahim, the once blue-eyed boy of Anwar Ibrahim, is being openly humiliated by his own party and leaders. Khalid is being punished for putting the interest of the people first, before partisan politics and hungry vultures within his Government.
The decision to endorse Anwar's wife Datin Seri Wan Azizah as the next Mentri Besar of Selangor is certainly a slap on Khalid's face as his relatively clean leadership, widely appreciated by the general public, is not welcomed by his own party.
By stating that Wan Aziziah's candidature was "to preserve the people’s confidence in the Pakatan government in Selangor", Anwar is insinuating that Khalid was losing or has lost the people's confidence.
Is that the case in Selangor? Has Khalid Ibrahim lost the confidence of the people and his credibility that he must step down half-way through his tenure? How does one gauge this perception bandied around by his own party and its leaders?
The Selangor State Constitution 1959 Article 53 (6) states that “If the Menteri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly, then unless at his request His Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the state Executive Council. - source NST.
As the state constitution clearly stipulates, the ultimate power is still vested in His Royal Highness DYMM Sultan of Selangor. It is certainly not for Anwar Ibrahim to dictate who the Mentri Besar of Selangor must be.
If Khalid is man enough, he could now stop Anwar Ibrahim and his nepotism, in his tracks.
Rather than being humiliated by Anwar Ibrahim and watch him install his wife as the next Mentri Besar , and prolong the suffering of the people of Selangor, Khalid should just go for broke.
Just advice the learned Royal Highness Sultan of Selangor to dissolve the state assembly for a fresh mandate from the rakyat.
What better way there is than to return the power to the people. Let the people decide if they want Anwar Ibrahim's wife, daughter or driver to be the next Mentri Besar of Selangor.
Dissolving the Selangor state assembly appears like the best solution for all. The state constitution also spells it out very clearly.
Certainly a good opportunity to stop Anwar Ibrahim's backdoor politics but is Khalid Ibrahim man enough to do it?
I hear someone calling nepotism. But apparently the one who is the loudest is the one who breaks all the rules of nepotism. What a full load of ****
I vote oposition selangor because i like what kalid ibrahim did. I want him to continue. He have good ideas for people. If wan aziza is new mb, i will not vote pakatan anymore because she has no ideas to be mb because is just a puppet. This is not fair to public. How can pakatan say they caring gomen when only care about themselfs. Seow.
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