Kesimpulannya Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin telah pun membuat pendirian yang amat jelas berhubung skandal 1MDB serta langkah serta merta yang harus diambil demi masa depan parti, kerajaan dan negara.
Timbalan Perdana Menteri membuat kenyataan yang begitu jelas dihadapan beberapa pemimpin tertinggi Umno dan Kerajaan serta ratusan pemimpin akar umbi bahawa seluruh lembaga pengarah 1MDB harus dipecat dan 'POLIS dipanggil untuk menyiasat mereka'.
Kepada mereka yang masih percaya bahawa masalah negara masakini ialah kritikan terbuka Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, sila fikir semula. Ini adalah masalah besar yang akan membuat kita terjerumus dengan beban hutang yang jauh mengatasi kemampuan. Hentikanlah cemuhan dan cacian keatas Dr Mahathir. Media arus perdana, terutamanya TV3 hanya cuba menegakkan benang yang sudah kuyup.
Secara peribadi saya agak lega kerana masih ada lagi pemimpin tertinggi negara yang mampu melihat serta memahami isu sebenar yang cuba diselesaikan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Masih ada harapan rupanya.
Kepada penyokong akarumbi yang tidak tahu apa-apa serta 'langau jadian' yang sentiasa mengelilingi Perdana Menteri dan Presiden Umno, sedar lah bahawa bangkai gajah tidak mungkin dapat ditutup dengan nasihat punahsihat.
Saya percaya, Najib Razak tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Presiden Umno dengan kadar segera jika beliau benar-benar sayangkan Umno, Barisan Nasional dan negara kita Malaysia.
Undurlah Datuk Seri Najib Razak, anda sudah menjadi beban kepada kami.
p/sSila sampaikan luahan hati Timbalan Presiden Umno ini kepada rakyat. Masalah kita akan selesai bila Umno dan Tan Sri Muhyiddin menentukan siapa akan menjadi Timbalan beliau. Insyaallah!
PECAT MEREKA SEMUA DALAM 1MDB DAN PANGGIL POLIS. Itulah kata kuncinya sebagai permulaan untuk menyelesaikan masalah.
Lepas tu semua yang dipecat itu akan berlumba-lumba masuk parti pembangkang untuk menyelamatkan diri. Dan dengan tak semena2 dalam sekelip mata akan diangkat sebagai hero. Biasanya itulah yang berlaku senario politik di Malaysia. Bukan kebenaran yang diutamakan tetapi apa yang boleh dijadikan modal politik akan digunakan untuk memperbodohkan dan mengelirukan rakyat terutamanya orang MELAYU.
Saya rasa sebak dan syahdu membaca artikel Apanama.
Terima kasih atas pengorbanan Tun, segelintir blogger yang berani menongkah arus, pahlawan tak didendang seperti Dato Khairuddin dan ramai lagi silent majoriti yang hanya mampu berdoa yang terbaik buat negara.
Alhamdulillah. Semoga Tan Sri Timbalan PM kita mendapat momentum. Allah selamatkan Malaysia.
I think Muhyiddin still tries to play safe. He asked Najib to sack all the BODs of 1MDB but how about the Chief Lanun himself? The Chairman of 1MDB?
When is he going to clearly make a stand (like Tun M) that he no longer supports Najib and thus wish to resign his post as TPM?
Malaysia is in a sorry state now. We don't want a leader who beats around a bush. We want a war general. If Muhyiddin can't even command UMNO people to get rid of Najib. How can he command BN in a war against PR in PRU14?
Having said that, I suppose we have no other choice. BN under Najib will sure lose PRU14. BN under Muhyiddin still got 50-50 chance. I just hope that if Muhyiddin ever be the PM, he will be less "ostad" and will reinstate PPSMI.
Such an irresponsible Board. Tapi mana mungkin 1MDB boleh meminjam sebesar itu secara sendirian tanpa kelulusan MOF. Jadi kebertanggungjawaban ini bukan terhenti di Board 1MDB sahaja.
Ini satu perkembangan yang sangat baik untuk masa depan UMNO, nih.
Sepatutnya 'nakhoda' yang menerajui Kementerian Kewangan dan 1MDB yang pertama sekali dipecat. Walaupun CEO atau pegawai melakukan pecah-amanah, kebertanggung-jawaban mesti dipikul oleh 'Ketua tertinggi'. Mengapa harus cari 'kambing-hitam'.
Jangan buang masa untuk siasat dan tangkap orang yang curi-curi rakam video tu, sudah lah.
Come on muhyiddin has no balls. Kalau berani kerana benar, takdenye tak jadi rambo dah. Yg jadi rambo si doktor 90-an. I do want this country to be lead by some pussy-whimper old toad. Btw, what is your view on some of those defending najib saying "near money is also money" in regards to the no money buy paper asset in BSI when it was earlier claimed that there was money? I guess the end is nigh but im not seeing any one credible to lead
Saranan yang dibuat oleh TSMY itu cuma sebagai menyalakan "sumbu" bahan peledak dan kita (yang bukannya penjilat Najib) boleh faham maksud tersirat disebalik permintaan sebegitu kerana kesudahannya semua jari jari "anak anak penyamun" akan balik menuding pada "bapak penyamun"
UMNO kena "change" ... org2 lama lepaslah jawatan berilah young leaders take over. org lama be sincere bantu new young leaders dari belakang. l think it will be ok. kalau macam sekarang ni dah ada 2 grup. bukan cari penyelesaian tapi cari salah masing2.
sy dibelakang Tun Mahathir yang pentingkan nasib bangsa melayu, ugama islam dan tanah Malaysia yang disayangi, bersama kita perangi pembelot, pemusnah dan pengkhianat termasuk yang PUAKA
Group Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton
"Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (2012)[28] Museum of Modern Art's David Rockefeller Award (March 2014)[29][30]"
Timbalan Presiden UMNO cannot keep silent any more. Although relations between him and PM looks lovey dovey, not so inside becos the Timbalan is on the list to be axed soon, law of politics. If you are not for me, you are against me. Timbalan must act faster before the chop.
tun tegur tun marah ada sebenarnya dia tknk tgk anak bangsa di permain kn dgn sesuka hati oleh mereka yg tk bertanggung jawap amanah rakyat di zalimi sesuka hati..berudur sebelum balak tuhan sampai..dh mcm2 warning dri tuhan yg di tunjuk kan
itu bukan senario politik tapi itu sikap masyarakat kita....sbg conoth mereka ini juga akan diangkat sbg calon...dan rakyat akan undi mreka walaupun mereka bekas 1mdb....salah masayarakt nilai rendah
buat apa suh najib letak jawatan?then lantik org lain plak utk settle masalah dia? lg mudahkn utk dia? dia y buat masalah harusla dia y settlekn masalah tu.. tugas korg cuma harus berani luahkn apa salah n apa y betul.. bongkar semua kesalahan dia n paksa dia selesaikn.. itu baru betul kalau nk umno terus maju. kalu setakat lantik pecat.lantik pecat xkemana jgk..
Even if Dr. Mahathir were no longer with us, the questions on 1MDB remains. And must be answered. For it's definitely not Mahathir alone who has doubts about the various transactions. Attacking Mahathir, as if he's the cause of all the problems, is a clear sign of desperation.
In one of the blogs, i wrote my comments that many umno big shots had expressed their views similar to tdm n tsmy. This was followed by shafieen khairy. Today its the cheras kbu aired his views. tdm n tsmy could not be wrong after all.
Based on grave vine, a few more kbus and or senior heads n members would folloe suit
Oh yes... At last by virtue of Muhyddin's admission, the truth prevails. Billons were mysteriously lost & spent unwisely by scoundrels without the knowledge of the DPM and the cabinet ministers.
Both Najib & TDM committed bail out. Nevertheless, Najib did it in discreet manner and only made it known when blown out of proportion. Unlike Najib, TDM tabled his initiative in the cabinet ministers meeting for mandate. There was no secret or hidden agenda as the immediate following day became the headlines splashed over at every newspaper and media news report in the country. Money spent for the NS Highways, Twin Towers, Penang Bridge, Putrajaya, LRT railways, etc are worthy and recognized world class and regard as proud heritage and legacy of the nation for a long long time
That demonstrates how industrious and determine but transparent Tun Mahathir was. He is the best thing ever happened to us and by the graciousness of Almighty Allah, he is still surviving with good health and charisma to protect the well being of the people and the country.
Now Lim Kok Wing has been tsaked to mend DS Najib's Image!
Not surprising..This guy is always hanging around the PM's Office trying to get something for his College and Companies. Dia sudah dapat tangkap itu ikan Buntal!
When Najib did worse than Pak Lah, the only honourable thing for someone who had challenged and weakened the former President to do was to apologise to Pak Lah, resign and then immediately call for Najib's resignation, just as he did with Pak Lah.
Instead he settles in as DPM and stays there for years.
Why the different treatment? Does Muhyiddin feel the same standards don't apply to Najib and Pak Lah?
Could it be that when and if he has his own 1MDB- type scandal he won't feel the same standards apply to him as they do to Najib?
Now there's big talk...... good luck to you if you believe a word of it.
Yang saya risau, tuntutan untuk pecat lembaga pengarah tu hanyalah 'hot air' saja - maklumlah di buat di majlis tertutup dan di hadapan pak turut - pak turut. Buktinya kita lihat sama ada ada 'follow-up' ke tidak atas saranan itu.
Sama juga yb khairy suroh siasat jho lo, tapi sampai sekarang dia tak follow-up, macam tak serious aja
"The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide."
- Hannah Arendt, German political theorist
Although Ah Jib Gor may be bangang when it comes to the rakyat's welfare, he sure as hell knows what he's pretending about.
Read in Malaysiakini: Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's contradictory reply on 1 Malaysia Development Berhad's (1MDB) savings in a Singapore bank may expose him to contempt proceedings in Parliament, said veteran lawmaker Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
Read in Malaysian Insider: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak must heed his deputy’s call for 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s (1MDB) board to be sacked, otherwise it would be embarrassing for the entire government, veteran Umno leader Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said today.
The entire Cabinet should be held responsible for the problems facing 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said today, adding that the onus was not on the prime minister alone. Tengku Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, said that if the Cabinet members were not aware of 1MDB’s issues, they should investigate it rather than point fingers at others. “Everybody there (in the Cabinet) must be responsible collectively for the problem. You cannot say this is your problem, not my problem,” the former finance minister told reporters when met in the Parliament lobby. “So long as you’re a member of the Cabinet, whether you know or don’t know what goes on in the government, you are equally responsible.” -
See more at:
- See more at:
Now this is confirmed by CEO Arul himself, could it be he is now throwing the ball back at PM? Bad news for PM and more bad news coming. So all deals have the knowledge and approval of PM and he was always in the picture and behind all the gigantic monumental deals. It also means he always knew what was in 1MDB's account with BSI Singapore bank, and thus did knowingly misled everyone. Muhydeen's call for the entire 1MDB board and this should include the Advisor, to be sacked must be carried out immediately.
" The requirement to obtain the prime minister’s written approval for any financial deals undertaken by 1 Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) was never hidden from public knowledge, the troubled fund’s chief executive said today. Clause 75 of the agreement states that the management of the company and the determination of overall investment policies or decisions lies with the board of directors."
- See more at:
*I believe the following comment or opinion is going viral on Social Media.
I saw it this morning. I have no idea who wrote it because no name of
writer ...
Anwar, Najib & the betrayal of trust
[1] After months of denial and deception, it is now confirmed that the
purported addendum allowing convicted former prime minister …
Continue reading →
Bom atom: Sains yang memusnahkan manusia
Oleh Ku Seman Ku Hussain KHAMIS lalu (6 Ogos 2020) genap 75 tahun bandar
raya Hiroshima bersama-sama manusia dan alamnya diranapkan oleh bom atom
1. Sejarah Malaysia dikait rapat dengan UMNO, Parti Kebangsaan Melayu
Bersatu. Parti UMNO pula dikenali dengan pemimpinnya. 2. Demikian di
peringkat permul...
Reasoning about being a nerd
After going through the rites of passage into corporate adult-hood through
a school, one question that people may ask is why does it seem that those
who ma...
Sebagaimana yang telah dimaklumkan,
bermula hari ini iaitu 1 Mac 2019, blog ini
telah berpindah sepenuhnya ke alamat
baru -
Larangan Merokok Di Premis Awam Wajar Disokong
1. Biru muka perokok tegar apabila kerajaan melalui Kementerian Kesihatan
Malaysia mewartakan bermula Januari 2019 maka larangan merokok di tempat
awam t...
Assalammualaikum, teman-teman, pembaca dan followers saya dalam blog ini
yang sangat saya hormati. Saya ingim memaklumkan bahawa blog
Dr. Mahathir dan kebodohan media umno
Mengapa serangan media umno terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir ibarat menikam umno
sendiri? Dengarkan rumusan oleh Bekas Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan
(For English, Read Below)
*Assalamualaikum Warrahmatallahi Wabarakatu*
1. Dengan penuh rasa tanggungjawab dan azam yang kuat...
PECAT MEREKA SEMUA DALAM 1MDB DAN PANGGIL POLIS. Itulah kata kuncinya sebagai permulaan untuk menyelesaikan masalah.
Lepas tu semua yang dipecat itu akan berlumba-lumba masuk parti pembangkang untuk menyelamatkan diri. Dan dengan tak semena2 dalam sekelip mata akan diangkat sebagai hero. Biasanya itulah yang berlaku senario politik di Malaysia.
Bukan kebenaran yang diutamakan tetapi apa yang boleh dijadikan modal politik akan digunakan untuk memperbodohkan dan mengelirukan rakyat terutamanya orang MELAYU.
Saya rasa sebak dan syahdu membaca artikel Apanama.
Terima kasih atas pengorbanan Tun, segelintir blogger yang berani menongkah arus, pahlawan tak didendang seperti Dato Khairuddin dan ramai lagi silent majoriti yang hanya mampu berdoa yang terbaik buat negara.
Alhamdulillah. Semoga Tan Sri Timbalan PM kita mendapat momentum. Allah selamatkan Malaysia.
I think Muhyiddin still tries to play safe. He asked Najib to sack all the BODs of 1MDB but how about the Chief Lanun himself? The Chairman of 1MDB?
When is he going to clearly make a stand (like Tun M) that he no longer supports Najib and thus wish to resign his post as TPM?
Malaysia is in a sorry state now. We don't want a leader who beats around a bush. We want a war general. If Muhyiddin can't even command UMNO people to get rid of Najib. How can he command BN in a war against PR in PRU14?
Having said that, I suppose we have no other choice. BN under Najib will sure lose PRU14. BN under Muhyiddin still got 50-50 chance. I just hope that if Muhyiddin ever be the PM, he will be less "ostad" and will reinstate PPSMI.
Such an irresponsible Board. Tapi mana mungkin 1MDB boleh meminjam sebesar itu secara sendirian tanpa kelulusan MOF. Jadi kebertanggungjawaban ini bukan terhenti di Board 1MDB sahaja.
Ini satu perkembangan yang sangat baik untuk masa depan UMNO, nih.
Sepatutnya 'nakhoda' yang menerajui Kementerian Kewangan dan 1MDB yang pertama sekali dipecat. Walaupun CEO atau pegawai melakukan pecah-amanah, kebertanggung-jawaban mesti dipikul oleh 'Ketua tertinggi'. Mengapa harus cari 'kambing-hitam'.
Jangan buang masa untuk siasat dan tangkap orang yang curi-curi rakam video tu, sudah lah.
Come on muhyiddin has no balls. Kalau berani kerana benar, takdenye tak jadi rambo dah. Yg jadi rambo si doktor 90-an. I do want this country to be lead by some pussy-whimper old toad. Btw, what is your view on some of those defending najib saying "near money is also money" in regards to the no money buy paper asset in BSI when it was earlier claimed that there was money? I guess the end is nigh but im not seeing any one credible to lead
MT pecat aje, masa dah suntuk. Atau nak tunggu PRU14 dipecat pengundi.
Alhamdulillah. Semoga usaha murni TPM diberkati Allah. Hidup Umno.
Saranan yang dibuat oleh TSMY itu cuma sebagai menyalakan "sumbu" bahan peledak dan kita (yang bukannya penjilat Najib) boleh faham maksud tersirat disebalik permintaan sebegitu kerana kesudahannya semua jari jari "anak anak penyamun" akan balik menuding pada "bapak penyamun"
Dua Tiga Kucing Berlari
Siapa yang cepat, dia lah yang dapat.
wakakakakkakakakaka. Faham tak ni?
terima kasih tpm dan tun m..serta pemimpim yg betul2 utamakan kepentingan negara dan rakyat...
Tun Mahathir adalah pemimpin cerdik anugerah tuhan kepada bangsa melayu.
Dalam banyak perkara beliau selalu keluar sebagai pemenang !.
Kebenaran perjuangan beliau dalam isu 1MDB semakin jelas dan terang.
Yang sukuk 1billion tu buat apa? Pelik Kementerian pelajaran kena cari duit.
When charge the BOD surely they open mouth and pointing to the Advisor. Its a strategy. Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy His Fall
UMNO kena "change" ... org2 lama lepaslah jawatan berilah young leaders take over. org lama be sincere bantu new young leaders dari belakang. l think it will be ok. kalau macam sekarang ni dah ada 2 grup. bukan cari penyelesaian tapi cari salah masing2.
sy dibelakang Tun Mahathir yang pentingkan nasib bangsa melayu, ugama islam dan tanah Malaysia yang disayangi, bersama kita perangi pembelot, pemusnah dan pengkhianat termasuk yang PUAKA
Group Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton
"Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (2012)[28]
Museum of Modern Art's David Rockefeller Award (March 2014)[29][30]"
1980 - kini
Ahli Kehormat FreeMason Malaysia
The writing is on the wall - Najib will go soon.
Timbalan Presiden UMNO cannot keep silent any more.
Although relations between him and PM looks lovey dovey, not so inside becos the Timbalan is on the list to be axed soon, law of politics. If you are not for me, you are against me.
Timbalan must act faster before the chop.
tun tegur tun marah ada sebenarnya dia tknk tgk anak bangsa di permain kn dgn sesuka hati oleh mereka yg tk bertanggung jawap amanah rakyat di zalimi sesuka hati..berudur sebelum balak tuhan sampai..dh mcm2 warning dri tuhan yg di tunjuk kan
itu bukan senario politik tapi itu sikap masyarakat kita....sbg conoth mereka ini juga akan diangkat sbg calon...dan rakyat akan undi mreka walaupun mereka bekas 1mdb....salah masayarakt nilai rendah
buat apa suh najib letak jawatan?then lantik org lain plak utk settle masalah dia? lg mudahkn utk dia? dia y buat masalah harusla dia y settlekn masalah tu.. tugas korg cuma harus berani luahkn apa salah n apa y betul.. bongkar semua kesalahan dia n paksa dia selesaikn.. itu baru betul kalau nk umno terus maju. kalu setakat lantik pecat.lantik pecat xkemana jgk..
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.."
Albert Einstein
Even if Dr. Mahathir were no longer with us, the questions on 1MDB remains. And must be answered. For it's definitely not Mahathir alone who has doubts about the various transactions. Attacking Mahathir, as if he's the cause of all the problems, is a clear sign of desperation.
Like the Deputy Prime Minister in effect is saying: "Let the Police investigate this criminal case!"
In one of the blogs, i wrote my comments that many umno big shots had expressed their views similar to tdm n tsmy. This was followed by shafieen khairy. Today its the cheras kbu aired his views. tdm n tsmy could not be wrong after all.
Based on grave vine, a few more kbus and or senior heads n members would folloe suit
Tranparency, integrity & accountability..
Oh yes... At last by virtue of Muhyddin's admission, the truth prevails. Billons were mysteriously lost & spent unwisely by scoundrels without the knowledge of the DPM and the cabinet ministers.
Both Najib & TDM committed bail out. Nevertheless, Najib did it in discreet manner and only made it known when blown out of proportion. Unlike Najib, TDM tabled his initiative in the cabinet ministers meeting for mandate. There was no secret or hidden agenda as the immediate following day became the headlines splashed over at every newspaper and media news report in the country. Money spent for the NS Highways, Twin Towers, Penang Bridge, Putrajaya, LRT railways, etc are worthy and recognized world class and regard as proud heritage and legacy of the nation for a long long time
That demonstrates how industrious and determine but transparent Tun Mahathir was. He is the best thing ever happened to us and by the graciousness of Almighty Allah, he is still surviving with good health and charisma to protect the well being of the people and the country.
I simply love & respect this grand old statesman.
Now Lim Kok Wing has been tsaked to mend DS Najib's Image!
Not surprising..This guy is always hanging around the PM's Office trying to get something for his College and Companies. Dia sudah dapat tangkap itu ikan Buntal!
"I simply love and respect this grand old statesman."
That's true. Envy, greed and double-speak has never been among Dr. M's personal characteristics.
If it takes the secret recording to clear the air, let it be.
If the toxic air in UMNO is not ventilated, every syiok sendiri member will get the accumulated diseases within.
TPM need not worry as TRUTH will prevail.
Anon 2.07
Itu dinama 'pukul anak sindir menantu'.
Ooi jibgor...wu funn ada keje kosong...try apply la...jawatan "senior manager tipumaster khianatnegaralogy" kelulusan 3.85 x 3 1/4, kebolehan: tahan maki
A stand from a man without honour is meaningless.
When Najib did worse than Pak Lah, the only honourable thing for someone who had challenged and weakened the former President to do was to apologise to Pak Lah, resign and then immediately call for Najib's resignation, just as he did with Pak Lah.
Instead he settles in as DPM and stays there for years.
Why the different treatment? Does Muhyiddin feel the same standards don't apply to Najib and Pak Lah?
Could it be that when and if he has his own 1MDB- type scandal he won't feel the same standards apply to him as they do to Najib?
Now there's big talk...... good luck to you if you believe a word of it.
Anon 8:06,
You have a point there.
That could be the reason why TDM withdrew his support.
Najib est nationalis infamia!
El primer ministro de Malasia, es escandaloso.
Yang saya risau, tuntutan untuk pecat lembaga pengarah tu hanyalah 'hot air' saja - maklumlah di buat di majlis tertutup dan di hadapan pak turut - pak turut. Buktinya kita lihat sama ada ada 'follow-up' ke tidak atas saranan itu.
Sama juga yb khairy suroh siasat jho lo, tapi sampai sekarang dia tak follow-up, macam tak serious aja
Slm smua, camna kalau kita popularkan si penipu ke seluruh dunia??? Cnbc, bbc, hardtalk, aljazeera etc...
Mga kbbyan ko...Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak isang sngaling...Mg iwas ka!!!
"The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide."
- Hannah Arendt, German political theorist
Although Ah Jib Gor may be bangang when it comes to the rakyat's welfare, he sure as hell knows what he's pretending about.
Read in Malaysiakini:
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's contradictory reply on
1 Malaysia Development Berhad's (1MDB) savings in a Singapore bank may expose him to contempt proceedings in Parliament, said veteran lawmaker Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
Read in Malaysian Insider:
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak must heed his deputy’s call for 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s (1MDB) board to be sacked, otherwise it would be embarrassing for the entire government, veteran Umno leader Tan Sri Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said today.
The entire Cabinet should be held responsible for the problems facing 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said today, adding that the onus was not on the prime minister alone. Tengku Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, said that if the Cabinet members were not aware of 1MDB’s issues, they should investigate it rather than point fingers at others. “Everybody there (in the Cabinet) must be responsible collectively for the problem. You cannot say this is your problem, not my problem,” the former finance minister told reporters when met in the Parliament lobby.
“So long as you’re a member of the Cabinet, whether you know or don’t know what goes on in the government, you are equally responsible.” -
See more at:
- See more at:
Now this is confirmed by CEO Arul himself, could it be he is now throwing the ball back at PM? Bad news for PM and more bad news coming. So all deals have the knowledge and approval of PM and he was always in the picture and behind all the gigantic monumental deals. It also means he always knew what was in 1MDB's account with BSI Singapore bank, and thus did knowingly misled everyone. Muhydeen's call for the entire 1MDB board and this should include the Advisor, to be sacked must be carried out immediately.
" The requirement to obtain the prime minister’s written approval for any financial deals undertaken by 1 Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) was never hidden from public knowledge, the troubled fund’s chief executive said today. Clause 75 of the agreement states that the management of the company and the determination of overall investment policies or decisions lies with the board of directors."
- See more at:
Conflict of interest here.Malaysian chronicle article today about najib's son nizar being director at Deloitte.
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