Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan, bekas Naib Ketua Bahagian Batu Kawan yang dipecat dari jawatan Umno atas alasan beliau telah muflis sejurus selepas membuat laporan POLIS dan laporan SPRM berhubung SKANDAL 1MDB tempohari, telah tampil membuat satu lagi laporan POLIS hari ini.
Laporan terbaru ini adalah lebih khusus.
Selain memohon siasatan ke-atas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak yang juga Menteri Kewangan merangkap Penasihat Numero Uno 1MDB, Khairuddin juga telah memohon pihak POLIS menyiasat Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah 1MDB Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamarudin dan President 1MDB Arul Kanda Kandasamy.
Jangan belit-belit Datuk Seri. Mana wang berbillion ringgit milik Kerajaan Malaysia yang hilang itu? |
p/s Sebelum ini, setahu saya, Khairuddin tidak pernah membuat cadangan untuk membina jambatan bengkok dan difahamkan beliau juga tidak membuat laporan-laporan ini kerana ingin anak beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Terima Kasih.
Website : www.mukmin.biz/tun-mahathir
"BICARA NEGARAWAN" bersama YAB Tun Dr Mahathir
Tarikh: Sabtu 25hb April, 9.30 pagi
Lokasi: Taman Melawati, KL
Sila hubungi penganjur untuk tempat duduk (atau berdiri) www.mukmin.biz/tun-mahathir
Bro Apanama, Datuk Paduka Khairudin is no longer bankrupt. His bankruptcy order was revoked and cancelled by the high court in pulau pinang. Ku Nan has to hide his face with some mask and reinstate Datuk Paduka as Naib Ketua Bahagian. However the threat to charge him some frivilous Income Tax related offence remains. Heard even his house was raided in an attempt to intimidate him. Good to see him standing tall to uncover the truth despite all the strong arm tactics. Ingat Dr M mentioned about his fear of Malaysia becoming a Police State the other day?
Laporan polis da di buat lama da psl 1mdb ni. Bsi kata dokumen palsu. Si arul gampang gerenti dgn bank statement yg cash ada kat bank spore, si bahlol announce kat parlimen confirm duit kat spore. Klu btul statement tu palsu nape x ditangkap smua jembalang2 ni? Nape double standard ? Apa lgi nak tunggu...kalau kes lain bukan main cepat lgi tangkap org. Nak tau btul x statement tu palsu g la siasat.
Apa kangkung dgn smua yg terlibat tinggi sangat sampai x blh tangkap? Baik x yah ada korang.
If 1MDB refuses to comment and shed clarity on the financial statements alledgedly submitted by 1MDB and repudiated by the Singapore bank, then the public will have no choice but to conclude they are guilty, because in this case silence means admission of guilt.
So 1MDB the ball is in your court, get the CEO ArulKanda to hold a press conference.
"In football as in watchmaking, talent and elegance mean nothing without rigour and precision."
- Lionel Messi
In public administration, silent elegance is rubbish if it covers up deception and duplicity.
Bro Apanama, another expose by Sarawak Report.
Documents obtained by Sarawak Report show that in 2011 the company Good Star Limited, which is controlled by the businessman friend of the Finance Minister, Jho Low, received the entirety of a further USD$330 million ‘loan’ that had been authorised by the development fund 1MDB, supposedly in favour of its former joint venture partner PetroSaudi International.
Most shockingly, the investigation has further established that the USD$330 million, which was sent to Good Star was officially reported to Malaysia’s Bank Negara as having been paid to the PetroSaudi company 1MDB PetroSaudi.
All such large foreign payment transactions need under Malaysian regulations to be the subject of a so-called ITIS Report [International Transactions Information System].
Under this report it was stated that the money had gone to PetroSaudi’s parent company’s account.
If the report is true, isn't this treason of the highest order? Shouldn't Bank Negara initiate investigations on 1MDB as to how the funds were diverted to Good Star without their knowing and approval?
Wake up Bank Negara Malaysia, let's see how you will respond accordingly.
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