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Google filepix of a now fighting fit pahlawang |
By Jonathan Chia
KUCHING: Prime Minister Datuk Seri NajibTunRazak wants his critics to know that he is “fighting fit” and ready to take on anyone.
Speaking at the launching of GREAT 2016, Najib said: “I changed and saw two shirts hanging with the sizes of XL and XXL.
I’m proud to say I chose XL and I could wear it.The message is clear, I’m fighting fit and I will take on anyone,” he said. However, he did not elaborate his battle further. - BorneoPost
"However, he did not elaborate his battle further" !
How could he elaborate when no one is actually interested in fighting the 'fighting fit' Prime Minister. He might just roar (like in the pic above) and scare his enemies away.
All able minded Malaysians are asking for is for you, Mohd Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak, to come clean on the billions of ringgit in donations which you seem to have received in your personal bank account. The whole world is talking about it.
Are you involved in any international money laundering syndicate?
The last few days saw you and your flamboyant wife's pictures splashed in the pages of a few foreign and international newspapers. None of them called for a street fight. Save the thug-like 'I will take on anyone' salvo for another day. People are just wondering where you got so much money to splash.
With love from Indonesia |
Turkish delight |
Dear 'fighting fit' Najib, a big majority of those who were elated when you took over from Abdullah Ahmad Badawi are now eager to hold you accountable for your actions. You took over about a year after the 2008 elections without toppling the democratically elected Barisan Nasional government, you remember that Najib? We are just demanding for something similar now.
No Malaysian in the right frame of mind would want to pick a fight with a desperate politician who happens to be a 'fighting fit' Prime Minister, Finance Minister and probably the only man vested with soo much power and authority in the country today. If not for Appandi the Attorney General I would proclaim you as the most powerful man.
People are not crazy, we are just asking for explanations.
Malaysians are not numb. We may be different in many ways but we are not numb and stupid to be hoodwinked by pirates and pretenders. We just expect our elected representatives to not steal, plunder and tell lies on a daily basis. Is that too much to ask for?
Dear Mr 'fighting fit' Najib Razak, you owe Malaysia and Malaysians a long list of explanation beginning from the billions of ringgit in your personal bank accounts to the dubious wheeling and dealings in and around 1Malaysia Development Berhad - 1MDB, your baby.
Interferences into the various investigations plus the removal/transfers of Government servants involved in the probe of your suspected criminal acts didn't go unnoticed. Don't think Malaysians are ignorant. The ignorant are all in your cabinet.
People are watching your antics. It looks like even those around you have become increasingly concerned about their possible fate in the not too distant future. Maybe that answers the question why some have begun trading for 'immunity', actively.
Even Arul Kanda Kandasamy appears to be signing out with his recent 'My job is done' motherhood statement.
Dear Najib, I sincerely hope that you're fighting fit to take on 1MDB because that is your fight for survival. Don't waste time punching in the dark when the enemy is within you. You created it. Your enemy is 1MDB.
Good luck. Tender your resignation soonest possible and save us all the trouble.
Don't sabotage Adenan Satem
Just thought of advising you to stay out of Sarawak until the state election is over. Please don't go there and ruin all those goodwill and support which the new Chief Minister has regained since taking over from Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud (without toppling the democratically elected government that is).
The Sarawakians are very polite, humble and nice people. No matter who they are, they are generally nice. Adenan won't possibly tell you not to come to Sarawak but you should know better (if you don't, try taking a quick peek at all those flowery comments in Facebook after your latest walkabout in a shopping mall in Kuching).
Why sabotage Adenan and Sarawak BN ? Don't take advantage of Adenan Satem's hospitality and be a thorn on his side. Stay out for the greater good of BN. Stay out and fight your own battle like a man.
A vote for Adenan cannot be a vote for you. You are not Adenan Satem!
Sarawak BN lynchpin Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) and Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) would most likely emerge as the saviours of the 13-party coalition when the others lay grasping for their last breath. If no remedial steps are taken we could witness this scenario after the next general elections.
Don't sabotage your saviours.
Hello bro ...
Well ... you sound envious of DSN being fighting fit . So do we . To be able to trim down from size xxl to xl requires a lot of willpower n fighting spirit . DSN must have been getting a lot of motivation to be able to do that .
But then why not ?
1MDB has been proven clean and the debts are being cleared nicely ahead of schedule .
Those foreign journo have finally accepted that there is no hanky panky in the 1MDB entity .
They have also finally admitted that the Rm 2.6B are actually personal gift to DSN to be used as it deem fit .
But , of cause , Tun M and his ANC gang cannot accept that . When everything else fail , they now wanted to bring it to the street .
Fortunately or rather unfortunately the rakyat are much wiser nowdays . They can detect poison needle in the haystack . The much anticipated " Arab Spring " was a no show .
So , folks ... what else can you bring to Fighting Fit DSN ?
Come on ... dont be like Chicken Pua who was slaughtered by Hj Arul Kanda Abdullah couple of months back .
Yeah ... tomorrow is always interesting . Can wait to hear more news on DAPig LGE banglo with no swimming pool drama.
Wonder what takes so long for SPRM to draw up the charge sheet ..?
Are you thinking as what i'm thinking ..?
Peace yo ...
So what are you expecting Najib to say ? Yes I did launder all those money ? Yes I use the country's money ? Yes I did cheat you all especially this blogger called Apanama ? Oh yes I will not fight fit ? And finally Yes, since Apanama says so I will resign and go ??
knock, knock .... hello ? We all ask for proof. So proof is what we should get right ? Where is the country heading now ? Where is 1MDB heading now ? And let me answer it before you ask, SRC is doing pretty fine ! So there is no problem but if you guys like problems, then go ask Apanama to be your fitness coach and help you to find troubles but just make sure you win it and don't end up with a sucker punch. Ouuch truth hurts and facts speak well !!
Waghih, its been ages since we witnessed a yodelling lunatic. If it was not for the bungling psychotic in high office, we think you'd win hands down for the Crazee Chimpanzee Contest.
The whole world's watching your cage acts.
"Those foreign journo have finally accepted that there is no hanky panky in the 1MDB entity. They have also finally admitted that the Rm 2.6B are actually personal gift to DSN to be used as it deem fit."
Hang nih mabuk ketum ke?
Your dedak giver going down soon.
Kesian waghih...
"Waghih terjun dengan biawaknya!!!"
Biarkan, biarkan...
Mohd Najib bukan 'fighting fit' tapi lebih kepada semakin 'slim' sebab tak cukup tidur fikirkan masalah yg melanda negara.
Comment I pinjam from JMD commenter - shows RPK talking 100% crap:
"POINT 1:"And then they announced on 8th July 2015 that a Special Task Force is being launched to investigate the WSJ story. So that would mean no investigation has been done yet. It is only being done after 8th July 2015. So what investigation was WSJ talking about? And which investigation papers are they referring to?"
A: WRONG AGAIN. 1MDB was investigated from March 2015 onwards, by the Attorney-General’s Chambers, Malaysia Anti Corruption Commission and the police:
The WSJ article in July said the $700 million transfer had emerged in the course of ongoing 1MDB investigations, WHICH BY THEN HAD BEEN PROGRESSING FOR WELL OVER 4 MONTHS. Faham, RPK? Are you clear now?
POINT 2: "The investigation did not exist and the investigation papers were fakes. WSJ was duped and they ran a story based on fabricated documents."
A: WRONG AGAIN. THE WSJ published a very detailed diagram of cash flows, all of which have been proved correct.
To refresh RPK's memory:
1) On 5th July Najib gelabah biawak and lied - that he had never taken money into his personal accounts.
2) After several weeks, his "strategists" came up with a theory that it was a "political donation", and then his macai came up with 40 conflicting statements.
3) If the money trail was "fabricated" then why not deny it outright and say that no transfers ever happened? Why invent excuses? Why tell lies? Why didn't Apandi say: "after examining the matter, the alleged transfers from SRC and Tanore never actually happened?" We are well past that stage now. And the WSJ is still not sued. So, what was "fabricated"? Faham, RPK? Are you clear now?"
Part 2 of comment..........
POINT 3: "Then, on 30th March 2016, WSJ ran another story, an updated version. And this time they said the USD700 million is US$1 billion after all and that the money was a donation from the Middle East after all."
That is exactly what the WSJ are NOT saying.
WSJ Finance Editor Ken Brown stressed that the RM2.6 billion was not a donation from the Saudi royal family as claimed by Apandi on January 26. Instead, Brown said the money was linked to 1MDB. Brown was telling ABC News Australia, in an interview, that WSJ’s reports for months showed that the RM2.6 billion did not come from the Saudi royal family, but from companies and accounts connected with 1MDB. “Just for everyone’s information, our reports are no longer being disputed as we have plenty of supporting evidence” said Brown.
The WSJ are saying the US$1 billion came from "companies and accounts connected with 1MDB". Faham, RPK? Are you clear now?
POINT 4: "And in this story of 30th March 2016, just like in the 2nd July 2015 story, WSJ said they have seen the documents and the documents are the investigation papers."
A: FINALLY, CORRECT. The source of these investigation papers is the FBI, not BNM. Go read the WSJ. Really, I think we need to explain to RPK that the whole scandal is now global. The arrest of Mohamed Badawy Al-Husseiny is done by the UAE at US request. The international laws and data required is well above what BNM or Malaysia can touch. How can the the Swiss Attorney General’s office say that US$4 billion may have been misappropriated from Malaysian state companies? Because the flow of money goes through Swiss banks. Not BNM. Faham kawan? THEY ARE INVESTIGATING THESE MATTERS INDEPENDENTLY. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BNM.
The fact the the "Wolf Of Wall Street" may have been financed by 1MDB is purely the investigative work of the FBI, tracing money flows from the BVI to the USA. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BNM. Faham, RPK? Are you clear now?
This is biggest Najib's problem; the quality of spin on his behalf by the dedak-eaters would not fool a 14-year-old schoolboy. That is why he has lost the perception war.
If RPK is so desperate to defend his paymaster, then he should do something useful, like fly to the USA, UAE, HK, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Australia and the Serious Fraud Office in London and "fix it".
But they don't know who he is, don't care, don't need to care, and anyway I have no idea how to say "dedak" in Luxembourg.
RPK spin dah lama rosak........
Saya rasa Najib menjadi lansing kerana hilang selera makan. Maklumlah SATU donia sudah tahu kisah beliau dan isteri berjoli-sakan guna WANG Rakyat. Dia berlokan 'fighting fit' untuk menyembunyikan hakikat bahawa beliau sudah tertekan. Tak lama lagi Rosmah pun akan jadi kurus kerana hilang selera makan. Tidur pun tak lena.
Saya setuju dengan pendapat Apanama.
Kunjungan terlalu kerap Najib ke Sarawak, akan mengurangkan undi kepada BN. Harap Najib berhenti buat lawatan ke Sarawak. Najib telah menjadi 'racun' kepada kemenangan BN di Sarawak.
Waghih ingat orang kampung bodo dan masih dok bawah tempurung macam dia. Wahahaha. Waghih eh.
First to comment..Memang bagus cybertrooper ni buat kerja. Bertuah Mat Maslan. Admin upload artikel pukul 05.47, pukul 07.46 dah reply. Bangun pagi terus mengadap komputer..caiyok caiyok..
Waghih ni pemakan dedak murahan. Baru dapat elaun dari Mat Maslan dah syiok sendiri. Padahal Mat Maslan dah 'pau' banyak dari budget UMNO. Waghih waghih memang bangang!!
RD of 11:56 a.m. refers.
"Tak lama lagi Rosmah pun akan jadi kurus kerana hilang selera makan. Tidur pun tak lena".
Apabila seseorang itu susah hati, berat badan can go either way. Ada orang jadi kurus sebab hilang selera makan tapi ada jugak orang yang jadi semakin gemuk kerana kuat makan untuk hilangkan kerunsingan di hati.In Rosmah's case,.........?
""Tak lama lagi Rosmah pun akan jadi kurus kerana hilang selera makan. Tidur pun tak lena". Apabila seseorang itu susah hati, berat badan can go either way. Ada orang jadi kurus sebab hilang selera makan tapi ada jugak orang yang jadi semakin gemuk kerana kuat makan untuk hilangkan kerunsingan di hati.In Rosmah's case.........?"
X payah fikir lama2...
Speaking at the launching of GREAT 2016 : 'I’m proud to say I chose XL and I could wear it.The message is clear, I’m fighting fit and I will take on anyone,”
Nak cerita badan makin kurus pasal ready to fight ya? Bukan pasal hilang selera makan kerana runsing memikirkan sesuatu? Rasa bimbang, gelisah dan SUSAH HATI akan masalah yang dihadapi?
'1MDB has been proven clean and the debts are being cleared nicely ahead of schedule. Those foreign journo have finally accepted that there is no hanky panky in the 1MDB entity ..'
Then why on earth final Auditor General's report on it is classified under OSA? Care to explain? 1MDB is just a company. A business entity. It is just a sovereign wealth fund put under MOF. What is it got to do with our national security which warrant it to be classified as such. National security or Najib security? No hanky panky huh????
Typical dedak eaters' spin sampai lebam trying to defend Jibbo the boogese warrior. Pathetic! :'-(
"Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wants his critics to know that he is “fighting fit” and ready to take on anyone."
Can you remember during 'Nothing 2 Hide' Why you cabut lari?
Why now you never dare to have PC? Scared of ISIS? Or scared of ........??? HA HA HA HA
There are many more events that made you lari lintang pukang lah
Anon 12:05 am
"Can you remember during 'Nothing 2 Hide' Why you cabut lari?"
That time he cabut lari because he was still size XXL, certainly not fit to fight even a 91-year-old man.
"Why now you never dare to have PC? Scared of ISIS? Or scared of ........???"
It's an open secret that the number one person he is actually scared of in this world is his ' "makan kenyang, tidur lena" wife.
Sdr, instead of a leader roaring like a lion, there's one squeaking like a mouse.
And then we have his spokesman (spokeswoman?) Hazylina spinning herself round and round in circles, everything became entangled and lost in the transcript.
We all got lost too and gave her up.
No wonder Arool the wonderboy also decided to give up his magic cape and chaboot.
I thought a fighting-fit PM should least be worried about his shirt size. He should be overly concerned about the score of his IQ, his EQ, and his SQ.
It also applies to his cabinet of macais.
Bro ...
In animal world the loudest roar is the hero ...
In human world , the least roar is the killer ...
So folks , what happened to Tun M now ?
Can't even get a decent online support for the Deklarasi Tun M/ LKS . With only 48K signing , it was a slap on the face when compared to Vape 50K signing .
Tun M and ANC gang are increasingly being isolated on daily basis .
Latest to critisied Tun M and gang is TGH . A knuckle right on the nose ...
Before that during anti gst rally last weekend , the so called supporter , ustz Bad gave a nice whacking with the doa " ... bagi lah balasan yg setimpal pada mahafiraun dan mahazalim ni ... "
The Chinaman too stayed away from Tun M and the ANC gang.
Folks ... the Almighty have answered the prayer .
Tun M and ANC gang are whacked kow2 for being the biggest lier .
The rakyat have finally spoken .
Another interesting tomorrow.
Wall Street Journal ... 1MDB exposed.
Pemimpin Iceland pun tahu malu dan berundur selepas didesak berundur kerana ada skandal penyelewengan....di sini,Pm kita dah banyak buktipun masih tidak tahu malu....terima kasih Tun dan semua mereka yang menjadi jurucakap rakyat kebanyakan yang sememangnya tidak mahu Pm penipu dan tidak amanah.
"In animal world the loudest roar is the hero ...
In human world , the least roar is the killer ...
So folks , what happened to Tun M now ?"
- Haha Tun M is the silent killer la
Don't bother about the online signatories lah
What ever the results can easily be abused by the MCMC Kuak.
But Najib and Malaysia are truely being isolated by other world leaders lah.
The latest to dump Najib was when Obama did not invite him to attend the last world summit in the US. Meaning Najib is no more considered as an influential world leader. What Obama and the rest of the world see at Najib face is the word CORUPTION being written on his forehead. Agreement on Visa was cancelled at the last minute. TPM Zahid Hamidi as wakil Malaysia protocol was downdgraded and humiliated.
That is not a knuckle on the nose but a kick!
Waghih,..... the Almighty has answered the prayer too. The world has finally spoken.
Najib is the biggest lier instead of Tun. The world is investigating the MEGA CORRUPTION of NAJIB!
Sure, another interesting tomorrow and many more tomorrows.....
Hehehe Waghih eden.
Sajo jo nak usik ekau sikit.
Ekau nulih omputih macam terror sangat tapi ado banyak silap ee.
Eden nunjukkan satu jo lah, kang kuk banyak sangat silap eden tunjuk kuk malu pulak Waghih eden ni.
Pokataan "lier" tu maksud ee oghang yang sodang baghing, menjalar macam nak tido la.
Pokataan yang ekau yang ondak tu yolah "liar".
Bunyi dio samo tapi maksud ee pemongak, pembohong.
Tu laa.
Lain kali bolaja bia sampai tamat, baghu coghodik sikit.
Baghu boleh nak komen tontang Tun Dr Mahathir.
Baghu boleh nak kutuk dio.
Bahaso omputih dio osah terror.
Ekau sotakat sopaghuh tiang jo.
Jangan maghah yo Waghih.
Kito bolaja daghipado kosilapan.
Another Waghih.
Salam Arul Kanda,
My job is done.
Nak Tanya what type of your job was done.
Mahmudah ke Mazmumah.
Kalau Mazmumah, balasan mungkin di dunia atau akhirat atau barzakh atau ketiga2nye.
But, saya Dan rakyat negara ni doakan kpd Allah supaya semua jobs yang telah awak lakukan adalah Mahmudah.
Surah Al-Fath (48)
Bismi Allahi alrrahmanialrraheemi
1. Inna fatahna laka fathan mubeenan
2. Liyaghfira laka Allahu ma taqaddama min thanbika wamataakhkhara wayutimma niAAmatahu AAalayka wayahdiyaka siratanmustaqeeman
3. Wayansuraka Allahu nasran AAazeezan
Betoi betoi betoi..
Wagih nak tunjuk pandai tapi asai dia post ja nampak bodohnya.
Mappadulung kurus bukan bersenam tapi susah hati.
Bukan masalah negara tapi pasai bangkai gajah semakin busuk seluruh dunia.
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