*Here is a Sunday thriller. Do read my conclusion at the end. The situation
in Syria is moving and changing very fast. Can a 15,000 man jihadi group
30 minutes ago
Sheikh, aku hendak sangat merdeka daripada penindasan raja palsu maharajalela.
Tak ada makna dah.. nama je merdeka dkt 60 tahun tp dh nak balik ke zaman jepun pulak..
Waaaaa cantik video ni. Sedih pun ada. Selamatkan Malaysia!
Merdeka kalau orang atas tu jatuh gedebuk ke bawah...merdeka merdeka merdeka
As'Salam... Bro Apanama n Sahabat3 semua..
"AhJibGo - The EXclusive PM"
-Its a FACT that AhJibGo will do ANYTHING to maintain power..
-He doesn't care apa Rakyat FIKIR.. apa Rakyat CAKAP.. apa Rakyat RASA..
"By Hook or By Crook... By Any Means Necessary.."
-IF dulu he resign nicely, he won't be SO HATED macam skrang ni...
-BUT STILL AhJibGo MASIH boleh buat "muka selamber" aje..
"U Reap What U Sow"
-Hari2 kita Rakyat dihujani dgn LIES, LIES n more LIES, this has to STOP..
-U can fool some people for some time... TAPI U cannot fool all the people all the time..
-Now Rakyat DESAK U resign.. but still U refuse.. U ni "tak faham bahasa" ke apa?!
"U Lead By Example" -atau- "Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan"
-Pemimpin3 kita dah jadi 'BIADAP TERHORMAT'... Guna macam2 'kata kesat'..
-Lepas satu 'bad word', keluar lagi satu 'bad word', lepas tu satu lagi..n then satu lagi..
-Kita nak didik 'Generasi Muda' jadi 'Biadap' ke? Jadi 'Celupar'?? Jadi 'Samseng'???
-Ini TAK ELOK for 'Generasi Muda'... IbuBapa pun tak 'sebut/guna' words like this..
-"Nilai2 Murni Malaysia" akan 'PUPUS' seandainya sikap ini berterusan.. Confirm!!!
"The Malaysian Dilemma"
-Hari ni 'Hari Merdeka', tapi kita Rakyat nak sambut pun rasa sebak, sedih, sayu...
-Now kita dijajah DARI DALAM.. AhJibGo dah 'CENGKAM' Kita.. Tapi masih ada lagi yg 'TAK SEDAR' kita telah dijajah semula.. "Cash IS King" kan???
"Biar Buta Mata -JANGAN- Buta Hati"
Allah AWJ berfirman...
Wahai UMAT manusia! SESUNGGUHNYA Kami telah MENCIPTAKAN kamu dari lelaki DAN perempuan, dan Kami telah MENJADIKAN kamu BERBAGAI bangsa DAN bersuku puak, supaya kamu BERKENAL-KENALAN (DAN BERAMAH-MESRA antara satu dengan yang lain). SESUNGGUHNYA semulia-mulia kamu DI SISI ALLAH ialah orang yang LEBIH TAQWA nya di antara kamu, (BUKAN yang lebih KETURUNAN atau BANGSA nya). SESUNGGUHNYA Allah MAHA Mengetahui, LAGI MAHA Mendalam PengetahuanNYA (akan keadaan dan amalan kamu).
(Surah Al-Hujurat ayat 13)
"Saya hadir sebagai solidariti kepada rakyat" - Tun Dr. M :-)
-Moga Allah SWT sentiasa lindungi 'Semua3 Veteran2 Malaysia'
"Sambut Kemerdekaan Dalam Kedukaan"
"The AhJibGo Factor"
"Discussion Is Dead"
"Diplomacy Is Dead"
"Democracy IS Dead"
Oh MalaysiaKu... Tanah Tumpah DarahKu..
BEBAS dari sebarang perkara yg tidak baik supaya menjadi manusia yg mempunyai arah tujuan hidup. Tanpa perlu di tindas dari segi mental dan fizikal.
That UMNO is useless, producing either dictator or thieves or both.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.... Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing."
- Abraham Lincoln
I guess we did vote him into power and true to character he has proven to be megalomania personified - without a shadow of a doubt.
Our freedoms should allow us or one to reach the maximum of ones' potential, whatever it is, high or low, and in all spheres, material, intellectual as well spiritual.
Here all our freedoms have been taken away, turned into pit ashes,
One year we have a scintillating genius of a statesman, and in another year a thief.
God seems fair, payment according to our righteousness. Cash is King rules.
I don't know about you all but Merdeka means i can steal 2.6billion RM from the people i lead, do whatever the hell i like with it, take people out if they question me or if they don't like me, and no one can do jack shit about it, not the Police, SPRM, Agong, that old man, pesky NGO, Dumb UMNO MKT & its members, one spoiled southern brat, etc. Fxxxk u all & I am still the PM... Hail me Najib the Conqueror & the great Deceiver...
It would be Merdeka to us if the country's leadership is without Najib and his sycophants.
Nasib baik najib pnjang umur...kalu dia mati..2.6b takde sapa tau jadi milik anak2nya tampa susah payah kerja...tima kasih srawak report...
MERDEKA terbaik bagi rakyat msia ialah apabila en najib d tangkap dan d bicarakan atas segala kesalahan dan penipuan beliau bersama2 dgn menteri2 bodek beliau. Baru lah negara kita bebas dari d belenggu pentadbiran korup dan kelemahan minda.
Tu la pasal. Masing2 yg bersungguh konon nya en najib ni bagus sangat tak terfikir ke? Kenapa lah susah nak pasal negara bukan hal remeh.
Najib told Dr. M that the rakyat don't like UMNO but they love Najib. I mean ... what should we make of a man whose face is as thick-skinned as an elephant?
An Elephant-God set out to destroy this Muslim nation!
Sehati sejiwa? Bersih4 - Cina ultra kiasu 80% , dll 20%. Melayu dah masuk golongan dll.
Lancau lah keling. Gi sibuk hal MIC kau!!!
Sebagai permulaan SPRM boleh mula siasat dan periksa akaun bank peribadi kesemua Ketua Bahagian Umno. Boleh kan?
Ahmad Said
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