Thursday 20 August 2015

Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi Umno di-tangguh lagiiiii

Dikemaskini 2100hrs - Laporan media mengatakan Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi Umno akan diadakan pada 9hb September, 2015... jika tidak ditangguh lagi. Sekian Terima Kasih.

P.S. Sejak bila mesyuarat MT Umno kena tunggu Bahagian Umno selesai mesyuarat dulu? #sajatanya 


Anonymous said...

Chicken....chicken...chicken. Why so scare to have the meeting? Is this so call the great UMNO?

can see clearly now said...

I just don't understand how 3 million UMNO can accept a President who has no balls, unless they also get some shares of that rm2.6 billion. UMNO is the laughing stock now especially among the Chinese in Mslaysia

OCD said...

Salam to all..,

My question to UMNO members including myself, itu donations to private account holder(s) , kalau dia mati, duit tu pi kat siapa atau siapa yang dapat.?


Anonymous said...

Rosmah lah. Itu pun kalau dia hidup!
R- Ramai
O - Orang
S - Semua
M - Marah
A - Apa
H - Hal?
Duit laki aku!.....

Anonymous said...

Surat keluar nak meeting.
Surat keluar..pembatalan
Tak ke bodoh dan biadap tu? Negara ni dah mcm bapak kau punya,umno pun bapak kau jugak punya? Suka hati kauorg je....mmg dah tak bermaruah betul.

Tai-pan Jr said...

As'Salam... Bro Apanama n Sahabat3 semua..

"MMT Umno Ditangguh Lagi" - Takut bayang2 sendiri la ni..

But then again, we can already expect this will happen..

Thats what we get when we have 'Chickens' managing our nation..

***These people should just join n manage KFC only**

"The AhJibGo Factor"

"Discussion Is Dead"
"Diplomacy Is Dead"
"Democracy IS Dead"

Oh MalaysiaKu... Tanah Tumpah DarahKu..

paktam said...

TDM or TSMY did ask this before.