Wednesday 8 July 2015



The Attorney General, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, expressed strong concern at the leakage of documents pertaining to an ongoing criminal investigation and called for a full investigation into the matter. This concern is also endorsed by the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, and the Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed.

The Attorney General noted that the documents disclosed in the Wall Street Journal article, “Malaysia Orders Freeze of Accounts Tied to Probe of Alleged Transfers to Prime Minister Najib” dated 7 July 2015 were the subject-matter of an investigation and emphasized that it was crucial to preserve the integrity of the investigation as the public must not doubt the investigation.

The Attorney General stressed that this was not a question of whistle-blowing because the matter is already under investigation. A further concern was that the documents were allegedly leaked from within the investigation itself.  

The Attorney General also clarified that the freeze orders issued on 6 July 2015 did not involve any accounts allegedly held by the Prime Minister.

The Attorney General also expressed his concern at the insinuations and allegations that have been made linking him to certain political agenda.  He stressed that the whole purpose of establishing an inter-agency Special Task Force to investigate the matter was to ensure that there could be no abuse of the investigation mechanism.

The Attorney General emphasized that he would not hesitate to prosecute any person found to have leaked confidential investigation-related information as it is a criminal offence under section 133 of the Financial Services Act 2013 and section 145 of the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 respectively for any person who has access to any document or information relating to the affairs or account of any customer of a financial institution, including the financial institution or any person who is or has been a director, officer or agent of the financial institution, to disclose to another person any document or information relating to the affairs or account of any customer of the financial institution.

It is also a criminal offence under section 203A of the Penal Code for any person to disclose any information or matter which has been obtained by him in the performance of his duties or the exercise of his functions under any written law and for any person who has any information or matter which to his knowledge has been disclosed in contravention of the law to further disclose that information or matter to any other person.

Attorney General Malaysia

8 July 2015



Peguam Negara, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, menekankan kebimbangannya berhubungpembocoran dokumen berkaitan dengan suatusiasatan jenayah yang sedang dijalankan dan meminta supaya siasatan penuh dibuat ke dalamperkara itu. Kebimbangan itu turut disokong olehGabenor Bank Negara Malaysia, Tan Sri ZetiAkhtar Aziz, Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, dan Ketua Pesuruhjaya SuruhanjayaPencegahan Rasuah Malaysia, Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed.


Peguam Negara mengambil maklum bahawadokumen yang didedahkan dalam artikel Wall Street Journal, “Malaysia Orders Freeze of Accounts Tied to Probe of Alleged Transfers to Prime Minister Najib” bertarikh 7 Julai 2015 merupakan hal perkara suatu siasatan dan menekankan kepentingan menjaga integritisiasatan itu agar tidak timbul kemusykilan di kalangan orang awam.


Peguam Negara menekankan bahawa ini bukanpersoalan “whistle-blowing” kerana perkara yang berkenaan sudah dalam siasatan. Suatu lagi isuyang membimbangkan adalah bahawa dokumenitu dikatakan telah dibocorkan dari dalam siasatanitu sendiri.


Peguam Negara juga memperjelas bahawaperintah pembekuan yang dikeluarkan pada 6 Julai 2015 tidak melibatkan mana-mana akaunyang dikatakan dipunyai oleh Perdana Menteri.


Peguam Negara turut menyatakankebimbangannya tentang sindiran dan pengataanyang telah dibuat yang mengaitkan Peguam Negara dengan agenda politik tertentu. Peguam Negara menekankan bahawa tujuan PasukanPetugas Khas antara agensi itu ditubuhkan untukmenyiasat perkara ini adalah untuk memastikanbahawa tidak timbul sebarang salah gunamekanisme siasatan.


Peguam Negara menekankan bahawa beliautidak akan teragak-agak untuk mendakwa mana-mana orang yang didapati telah membocorkanmaklumat sulit yang berkaitan siasatan keranaadalah merupakan suatu kesalahan jenayah di bawah masing-masing seksyen 133 AktaPerkhidmatan Kewangan 2013 dan seksyen 145 Akta Perkhidmatan Kewangan Islam 2013 untukmana-mana orang yang mempunyai akseskepada apa-apa dokumen atau maklumat yang berhubungan dengan hal ehwal atau akaunmana-mana pelanggan suatu institusi kewangantermasuk institusi kewangan itu atau mana-mana orang yang ialah atau pernah menjadi pengarahpegawai atau ejen institusi kewangan ituuntukmendedahkan kepada seorang lain apa-apadokumen atau maklumat yang berhubungandengan hal ehwal atau akaun mana-mana pelanggan institusi kewangan itu.


Adalah juga menjadi suatu kesalahan jenayah di bawah seksyen 203A Kanun Keseksaan untukmana-mana orang menzahirkan sebarangmaklumat atau perkara yang telah diperolehinyapada melaksanakan tugasnya atau menjalankanfungsinya di bawah mana-mana undang-undangbertulis dan untuk mana-mana orang yang mempunyai apa-apa maklumat atau perkara yang dia tahu telah dizahirkan dengan melanggarundang-undang untuk selanjutnya menzahirkanmaklumat atau perkara itu kepada mana-mana orang lain.



Peguam Negara Malaysia


8 Julai 2015


Anonymous said...

looks like his own people do not trust him, i bet the ones leaking info to WSJ not just any "macai" in the AG office. without WSJ reporting, you think AG will take action? this investigation would have started? remember those transactions were from 2013! sedar lah melayu oi!!!!


Anonymous said...

orang melayu ni memang kartun, cakap percaya tuhan no satu, kaum lain semua tak cukup bagus, tapi orang melayu kenapa tak boleh bercakap benar? DSAI punya video lucah, perut lah kecik, video lah besi. dokumen WSJ, line senget, font satu kecik, macam2, susah sangat nak jujur, benda yang senang jadi susah, chua soi lek seorang "kafir" mengaku salah dan minta maaf tapi orang melayu masih berdolak dalik.


Anonymous said...

Again...why the emphasis seems more on the person who leaks info/docs than the parties which are so called under investigation???

Anonymous said...

Sir, to whom would the Attorney-General and the Investigative Team be submitting the results of their findings, for the necessary actions to be taken?

Anonymous said...

Gali lubang...tutup lubang...

Anonymous said...

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia must move forward and cannot continue even for another day in the state of government morass and national paralysis induced by the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal and crisis.

It’s crystal clear that Malaysia cannot afford to have a Prime Minister who has been stripped of all credibility, moral authority and legitimacy as the head of government.

Anonymous said...

im sorry to say whatever happen, it doesnt seem it is going anywhere. im so sad and disturbed by the current situation in malaysia.

if the major authorities not doing anything, then there is zero hope and there is nothing can be done.

i.e. mentioned allegations not answered; no answer and then no scrutiny from authorities on the allegations; and worse authorities divert attention to other non directly involved
companies or accounts or people.

and this news suggests going after the whistle blower rather than scrutinising allegations:

i think their intention is quite straight forward, kill all the people who seek and provide answers. that includes you, ostb, imd, akj and the statesman, all other locals.
i doubt that the alleged parties have the balls to stand up to the non locals.

please be alert and take care, anything evil act is possible after this official announcement.

Toilet Chambers said...

What if the confidential information relates to criminal acts such as money laundering, corruptions, illicit money and illegal funds transfers?

How do we deal with information of criminal acts as mentioned above, involved the big boss when the regulators whom this information has been reported decided to do NOTHING for reason that the regulators appointment or rice bowls are at the behest of the big boss ?

Do we sent this information to either Kementerian Cover-Up or Kementerian Sapu Dibawah Permaidaini so that this information is duly stamped with NFA (No Further Action) and joyfully announce case tutup and the boss can continue with the next feast & party?

Anonymous said...

Unwittingly they are confirming the leaked documents are genuine .
The signal is not to the whistleblowers.
Brilliant TanSris.

Anonymous said...

can somebody go tell ts muhyiddin jangan lah jadi DAYUS, go take over lah ass hole! nak tunggu nera punah randah ke? time to step-up. ADOIIIII.

Anonymous said...

Laporan siasatan kena hantar kepada Najib. Najib akan tentukan sama ada laporan itu boleh digunapakai untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Ini tidak pernah berlaku di mana mana negara dunia, hanya Malaysia.

tepen said...

Laporan siasatan kena hantar kepada Najib. Najib akan tentukan sama ada laporan itu boleh digunapakai untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Ini tidak pernah berlaku di mana mana negara dunia, hanya Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

kalau dah salah fitnah ,minta maaf

1...tak minta maaf...kena bala dunia akhirat
2...minta maaf ....kena jugak sbb banyak maruah manusia lain turut hancur...kena jugak bala ,tapi akhirat saja.....pilihlah...jgn salah kita...anak-anak dan keluarga menanggungnya.

Anonymous said...

Personal Statement by Badlisyah Abdul Ghani.

I make reference to my Facebook posting with regards to documents released by the Wall Street Journal.

I would like to make clear that all the views published on my Facebook account are strictly my PERSONAL views and not the views of any other individual or organisation. They were meant for private consumption among a group of friends.

I would also like to acknowledge that I had made an error in my post with regards to my analysis of the various SWIFT codes. The mistakes were correctly pointed out by a report in Malaysiakini on the matter, and I have also made the correction on my Facebook page.

akaz said...

Walau siapa pon yg membocorkan rahsia dokumen2 tersebut, ianya tidak akan memungkinkan 1MDB menjadi angsa yg menghasilkan telur emas semula. Kalu AG dah sibuk2 bertanya ttg kebocoran maklumat document tersebut, maka artikel WSJ ada benarnya. Fokus kita 1MDB ... fokus dan terus fokus. Kepada Special Task Team, jgn lah buat "operasi cover up". Takut banyak lagi malapetaka akan menimpa negara Malaysia.

Conspiracy Theorist said...

As-Salam Bro Apanama.., base on d statement by AG " The Attorney General also clarified that the freeze orders issued on 6 July 2015 did not involve any accounts allegedly held by the Prime Minister." it seems like there's gonna be a cover up.., no wonder WSJ claim d Task Force did not freeze n confiscate docs relating to DsN.., funny coz DsN did not deny d accnt number belongs to him so my take is its his accnt number but why d task force did not freeze d accnt n confiscate docs relating to his personal accnt.., well we can all make a wild guess n maybe our guess is right i.e. its DsN's accnt n to save d 'country's face' they'll have to cook up sumthing nice..,our country is in a big mess n we can't do anything about it? No, we can if we want to.., if u still remember wat I told u during Pak Lah's time I gess dats wat can be done to make sure DsN step down., heheh.., wat else can I say.., (,")
Say no to NWO!!

Conspiracy Theorist said...

Oops.., another thingy is dis statement "A further concern was that the documents were allegedly leaked from within the investigation itself."
It shows sum1 withing d investigating Task Force knows there are cover up going to happen n thus he leak d info to WSJ.., bulan Ramadhan ni maseh ade yg takut wat dosa n tak nak pakat dgn org yg pentingkan jawatan dri pada rakyat.., heheh.., apo nak dikato.., (,") renung2kan lah..

Anonymous said...

Masih tak sedar lagi kah Najib? Kes kemungkaran kamu ini di saksikan malaikat as-siddiqin. Orang Melayu yang berturunan perwiraan mukmin tak akan hilang atas dunia insha Allah.

Anonymous said...

By threatening action against the party allegedly leaking the documents, the task force has confirmed that the documents released by WSJ are genuine.
And the PM by delaying his suit against WSG is also "persuading" us that the documents are genuine.

PM, PMO, Putrajaya, task force of the power of 4, are all at ends and confused on what to do. Even freezing the 6 bank accounts, according to a report, those are not the accounts mentioned in the released documents. So what's up?
Doc M can you come to our rescue and tell us what's happening ?

Anonymous said...

anon 11:22:00 p.m, the 6 other bank accounts are probably where some of the money resided now, the investigators are following the money trail. PM's accounts sudah tutup, what to freeze.


Anonymous said...

anon 10:58:00 p.m hang pun cakap mcm najib biul. patutlah orang melayu lembab dan senang diperbodohkan.

Anonymous said...

mr bahlul Badlisyah Abdul Ghani masih lagi cuba jual minyak lenga kat facebook dia, kepada sesiapa berminat nak beli boleh dapat kan sebotol dengan harga RM$10 daripada master stockist haji rocky ....


Anonymous said...

Najib, kamu sudah mengkhianati amanah rakyat orang ramai dan menggadai kedaulatan negara tercinta kita kepada ketamakan konco-koncomu dan kepentingan pihak-pihak negara asing. Mahu kemana awak berlepas dari peradilan?

Anonymous said...

Mari kita solat hajat beramai2 agar Malaysia pulih dari masalah2nya (1md, gst, kos sara hidup naik, minyak naik walau harga turun, ditipu buta2 kata caah jdi unit, x tau menahu hal 1md, tak kenal j lo dll lgi) dan mereka yg menzalimi dan menipu rakyat di balas Allah swt dunia dan akhirat!!!

Mari kita khusyuk berdoa utk 10 mlm terakhir ramadhan ini... Amin...

Anonymous said...

PUTRAJAYA: Action may be taken against anyone who tries to tarnish the image of the country by criticising the Government and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, says Datuk Seri Anifah Aman.

“It is the norm to discuss all issues. We are satisfied with the Prime Minister's explanation,” he said.


Najib: I didn’t take any money for personal gain

“I want to reiterate that I have never taken 1MDB funds for personal gain,” said Najib in a statement on Wednesday.


Cabinet is united behind Najib, says Khairy


No reason for Najib to go on leave, say Umno supreme council members



looks like the lanuns are gearing up for the grand finale, ketua lanun akan dipertahankan by all means. kena liwat lagi lah rakyat Malaysia.


Anonymous said...

Sembahyang hajat?
Ada jugak yang perlu sembahyang istikharah minta petunjuk.

akaz said...

Hahaha ... Asyik kena liwat je la Rakyat Malaysia sambil berteriak "Syukur Malaysia Masih Aman"

Anonymous said...

How effective is the special task force when they report to the PM?

"Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today said the scope of the special task force investigating The Wall Street Journal's claims against him, were whether he used 1MDB funds for his personal interest."

How can the suspect dictates terms to the task force investigating him (PM).
That is why Najib must take leave of absence or resign from his PM post immediately in order not to invalidate the integrity of the task force.
Hello, you 4 Tan Sris on the task force why are you not "advising" Najib to leave?

The task force must investigate why the funds were deposited in Najib's personal accounts in the first place. There is already no question about this, that the funds were deposited in his personal accounts.

If they were deposited mistakenly by the bank, why didn’t he inform the bank immediately to rectify the mistake?

Otherwise, he is fully aware of the deposits and he must explain specifically where the funds came from. Till now he has not provided any information on these funds.

Isn’t this not an offence under the Anti-Money Laundering Act?
Simple direct question requires a simple direct answer:
Did the money go into your account? Yes or no? Why do you keep saying "no money was used for your personal gain?" YOu have never denied that the money was deposited into your private accounts.

Why was the funds transferred into Najib's personal accounts if it was not for his use? Personal use, not personal use is totally irrelevant.

Why did Bank Negara remain silent about such huge transfers since 2013? The murdered founder of AmBank made reports to Bank Negara, what happened to the reports?

Anonymous said...

"Cabinet members fully back PM"

Lepas selesai sembahyang istikharah dan hajat jangan lupa sujud syukur pula ok?


Anonymous said...

"Nazir orders internal CIMB inquiry into Badlisyah's incorrect analysis"

Hope Nazir fire this fuckhead!